TSP programme on ‘Agro-biodiversity Conservation through Homestead Cultivation’ was organized at St Joseph Church, Kozhimala, Kanchiyar Gram Panchayat, Idukki District, Kerala on 10th January 2024

“A programme on ‘Agro-biodiversity Conservation through Homestead Cultivation’ for the tribal farmers was organized at St Joseph Church, Kozhimala, Kanchiyar Gram Panchayat, Idukki District, Kerala on 10th January 2024 under ‘Tribal Sub Plan’ to bring awareness of crop diversity conservation through cultivation of local varieties/landraces of fruits and vegetables in their backyards. This programme was organised by ICAR-NBPGR Regional Station, Thrissur in association with Peermede Development Society (PDS), an NGO working towards enhancing livelihood security of tribals in this region. A total of 100 tribal farmers belonging to Mannan and Urali communities from Kozhimala, Poovanthikudy, Rajapuram and Chenninaickenkudy villages had participated in the occasion. Grafts of local landraces of mango (5 types) and jackfruit (3 types), guava (3 types), vegetable seed packets (25 types in 10 vegetables), vermicompost (5 kg) and a tyre basket were distributed to each beneficiary. The Programme began with a welcome address by Dr Suma, A Scientist of this station. Dr Pradheep K, Principal Scientist & Officer-In-Charge, has outlined various activities of the Bureau in the management of plant genetic resources. Also, he highlighted the role and responsibilities of tribal communities in the on-farm and in situ conservation activities. Dr M Latha, Principal Scientist explained about the role of TSP programme in the upliftment of tribal farmers across India. Fr Jilson James K, Executive Director of the PDS expressed his gratitude to ICAR-NBPGR for being instrumental in bringing awareness to those farmers, particularly of the tribal and rural communities located in bio-diversity hotspots. Shri Anandhan, Ward Member advised the tribal farmers to make effective use of the materials provided in this programme. Shri TR Divakaran and Shri Raman Rajamannan, Chieftains of Urali and Mannan communities respectively, also addressed the gathering. Dr PP Thirumalaisamy, Senior Scientist proposed vote of thanks to Dr GP Singh, Director NBPGR, Dr PK Singh, Nodal officer, TSP and all those who had contributed to make the programme a grand success.

                                                            (Source : Dr Pradheep K Principal Scientist, OIC, ICAR-NBPGR, Regional Station Thrissur)

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