Tissue Culture and Cryopreservation Unit

Inhouse Projects

ProgrammeProject TitleLeader and AssociatesProject Code
1Ex situ conservation of plant genetic resources of vegetatively propagated crops using in vitro and cryopreservation techniquesAnuradha AgrawalPGR/TCCU-BUR-DEL-01.00
1.1In vitro conservation of tuber crops with special reference to sweet potato, yams and taroSangita Bansal, Vartika Srivastava and DK NerwalPGR/TCCU-BUR-DEL-01.01
1.2In vitro conservation of spices, plantation and new industrial cropsEra V. Malhotra, Anuradha Agrawal (PI till 09 August 2018, CoPI w.e.f. 10 August 2018), DPS MeenaPGR/ TCCU–BUR-DEL-01.02
1.3In vitro conservation of bulbous and ornamental cropsRuchira Pandey, Neelam Sharma and Gowthami RPGR/ TCCU–BUR-DEL-01.03
1.4In Vitro Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants with Special Reference to Rare and Endangered SpeciesNeelam Sharma, Ruchira Pandey and Gowthami RPGR/TCCU–BUR-DEL-01.04
1.5In Vitro Conservation of Tropical Fruit Crops speciesAnuradha Agarwal, Era V. Malhotra and DPS MeenaPGR/TCCU–BUR-DEL-01.05
1.6In Vitro Conservation of Temperate and Minor Tropical Fruit Crops.Sandhya Gupta, Narender Negi and DK NerwalPGR/TCCU–BUR-DEL-01.06
1.7Studies on genetic integrity of conserved germplasmEra V. Malhotra, Sangita BansalPGR/TCCU–BUR-DEL-01.07
2Ex situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops using Cryopreservation of Seeds, Dormant Buds and PollenAnuradha AgrawalPGR/TCCU-BUR-DEL-02.00
2.1Cryopreservation of Non-orthodox and Orthodox Seed Species in Various Forms using Standard ProtocolsSangita Bansal, AP SinghPGR/TCCU-BUR-DEL-02.01
2.2Investigating Desiccation and Freezing Tolerance in Non-orthodox Seed Species, Dormant Buds and Pollen for Cryopreservation.Vartika SrivastavaPGR/TCCU-BUR-DEL-02.02

Externally Funded Projects

ProgrammeProject TitleFunding AgencyPrincipal InvestigatorDate of StartDate of TerminationBudget (Lakhs)Project Code
1Collection, characterization and conservation of Bunium persicum: an endangered plant speciesNMPBDr. Sangita BansalApril 2019March 202264.001010955
2Molecular dissection of miRNA mediated regulation of phytohormone signalling cascade for inducing pod borer resistance in pigeon pea.ICARDr. Era Vaidya MalhotraApril 2018March 202142.841010328
3Collection, evaluation, documentation and conservation of banana from North eastern region.DBTDr. Anuradha AgrawalApril 2018March 202127.671010096
4Collection, taxonomy, molecular characterization and conservation of Musa Germplasm from North eastern regions (NER) of IndiaDBTDr. Anuradha AgrawalOctober 2017September 202024.261009050
5Improvement of banana for small holder farmers in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. Indian component – Breeding for improved bananas with Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense) resistanceICARDr. Anuradha AgrawalOctober 2016September 20203.551009310
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