Germplasm Diversity Day organized at Issapur Farm on 20th March, 2024

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“Germplasm Diversity Day was organized at ICAR-NBPGR, Farm Issapur on 20th March, 2024. A total of 16571 accessions of Rabi crops viz, Wheat, Barley, Chickpea, Mustard and Faba bean were grown and showcased in this occasion. Around 75 researchers and crop breeders from various state agriculture university, ICAR institutes and private seed industry (Indian) were participated and selected materials of their interest. Dr. R.K. Gautam, Head, Division of Germplasm Evaluation welcomed the participants and outlined the research activities on germplasm characterization and evaluation at Issapur Farm. During opening address, Director, NBPGR highlighted the research and service activities of ICAR-NBPGR and enlightened the participants on the Bureau’s vision to assist future crop improvement works. Dr. J C Rana, Country Representative, Bioversity International (Guest of Honor) mentioned about collaboration of ICAR-NBPGR with Alliance of CIAT-BI to strengthen plant genetic resource management. Dr. D K Yadava, ADG (Seed) spoke on ICAR Institutional support to build robust genetic resource system through NBPGR activities. The programme was graced by Chief guest Dr. T R Sharma, Deputy Director General (Crop Science), ICAR. He emphasized on use of genetic resources for large scale testing and trait discovery through phenomics and genomics-based approach to meet new agri-production challenges. Dr Badal Singh, OIC, Issapur Farm moderated the programme and showed various experiments along with field layout detail to the participants. On this auspicious occasion, a publication named “75 unique germplasm accessions utilized in plant variety development” was also released by the dignitaries. The participants evinced keen interest in germplasm diversity, shared their views and made germplasm selections in the field.

                                                            (Source :Dr. Badal Singh ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi)

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