PME Cell

Priority Setting, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Cell

Nodal Officer : Dr. Kavita Gupta
Contact Number: 011-25802750 Ext. 750, 25802882 Ext 882
Address: ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources Pusa Campus, New Delhi – 110012, INDIA
Googla Map


PME was introduced through National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) in 1999 and subsequently through National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) in 2006. It is an important component in XII Plan. Priority-setting, Monitoring and Evaluation efforts are critical issues in management of agricultural research and development. PME is a management tool that can be used to validate programme existence and adjust research agenda for enhanced effectiveness especially in case of public agricultural research system. PME is an integrated approach incorporating the viewpoints of clientele, policy-makers, researchers and donors to address the societal goals.

PME Cell at NBPGR is functional since March 2012.

Activities of Cell
  1. Activities of Cell
    1. To coordinate and synthesize the recommendations of QRT, RAC, IRC, Vision documents of institute and ICAR to recommend research priorities of the institution for shortlisting priority researchable problems across crop(s)/ divisions/ programmes/ commodity etc. at institution level (Priority-setting).
      • Sending Information for DARE Report, ICAR Reporter, ICAR News, and other technical information required by ICAR.
      • Quarterly report based on targets and achievements.
    2. Annual updating and presenting the report to the Director of the institution for assigning research projects.
      • Maintenance of Scientific/ Technical files including Research Project files (RPFs), Consultancy Project files, and QRT, RAC and IRC documents.
      • Monitoring of progress for externally funded projects.
    3. To coordinate and arrange for annual monitoring of each on-going project and evaluation of completed projects through internal and external experts.
    4. Regularly sensitizing and capacity building of research managers and scientists through training programmes.
      • Development and Updating of database for Projects, Publications.
      • Preparation of Scientific documents.
      • Monthly Meeting of Scientists.
      • Organising presentations on important aspects such as Deputations, Guest lectures etc.
Constitution of Cell
1. Dr. Kavita Gupta Nodal Officer
2. Dr. S Raj Kumar Co-Nodal Officer
3. Dr. Mukesh Rana Member
4. Dr. Sandeep Kumar Member
5. Dr. Jyoti Kumari Member
6. Dr. Padmavati Gore Ganpat Member
7. Mr. Ankur Tomar Member
8. Dr. Jyoti Kumari HRD Nodal Officer
9. Dr. Jameel Akhtar IRC Member Secretary
10. Dr. Rakesh Bhardwaj Nodal Officer, Krishi Portal


Priority setting, Monitoring and Evaluation Cell
Telephone: + 011-25802750, 25802882
Email: Kavita.Gupta(AT), kavita6864(AT)
Technical Assistant
Priority setting, Monitoring and Evaluation Cell
Telephone: + 011-25802750, 25802882
Email: Shivangi.Mathur(AT), shivangimathur168(AT)
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