PGR Databases

PGR Informatics

The ever-increasing significance of Plant genetic resources (PGR) conservation and advancements in computer technology for digitization and management of data have catapulted PGR informatics into limelight. PGR Informatics enhances the efficiency of PGR management by researchers, policy makers, and funding agencies. An organized digital information system provides fair and just opportunity for all to access.  Therefore the need for countries to develop, maintain and exchange information “from all publicly available sources, relevant to conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity” including “results of technical, scientific and socioeconomic research” is recognized in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, Articles 7d, 17), and the Global Plan of Action (GPA, priority activities 17 and 18). Information of this nature is imperative for planning and implementing activities; sustainable use and sharing of benefits accrued from its use.PGR Informatics manages (creation, storage, retrieval and presentation) and analyses (discovery, exploration and extraction) diverse information (facts, figures, statistics, knowledge and news). To cater to internal requirements and to keep up with spirit of international instruments of information sharing, NBPGR has developed in-house information systems.

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