Ms. Raj Kiran

Ms. Raj Kiran


Division of Plant Quarantine


Email- raj.kiran(AT) 


Degree Discipline Year
M.Sc Plant Pathology 2013

Plant Pathology

Salient Achievements

  • A total of 4,34,199 germplasm samples of various exotic crops, seeds, rooted cuttings, tubers and saplings received from different countries were processed for the detection of associated fungal and bacterial pathogens. During the critical quarantine examination, a total of 10,357 samples were found infected with fungal and bacterial pathogens including not reported from India – Peronospora manshuricain Gycine maxClaviceps purpurea in Hordeum vulgare and Uromyces beticola in Beta vulgaris,; reported to have a large no./ more virulent races – Phomospsis phaseoliand Xanthomonas campestris  campestris etc.; and pathogens reported to have wide host range: Fusarium verticillioides, F. solani etc. and 8664 germplasm samples were processed which are meant for export. A total of 67,584 germplasm samples of indigenously collected seeds of different agri-horticultural crops and multiplied at various centers were processed for pest free conservation in National GeneBank. 
  • Detected Dinemasporiumamericana on goat grass seeds during seed health testing using blotter test. This pathogen has been detected for the first time in the country.
  • Detected Diaporthephaseolorum from Oroxylum indicum during seed health testing, association of this pathogen with broken bones tree is a new host record.
  • Developed species-specific PCR primers for detection of Xanthomonas campestris campestris (Xcc) infecting cabbage germplasm. Expected PCR product size of 304 bp was observed in all the purified Xcc isolates and confirmed through molecular analysis that all isolates are Xcc
  • Developed  PCR technique to assess the efficacy of universal rice primer (URP) and inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers to study genetic diversity of Curvularia lunata.Based on various parameters, ISSR markers were found to be more efficient than URP in diversity analysis of  lunata
  • Developed  duplex PCR protocolfor simultaneous detection of Alternaria padwickii and Bipolaris oryzae infecting rice. 
  • Multiplex PCR protocol was developed for simultaneous detection of three pathogens Alternaria brassicaeA. brassicicola and Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris  in a  single  reaction.


  • Young Scientist Award In Plant Pathology-2021 a“International conference Advances in Agriculture, Environmental and Biosciences for Sustainable Development (AAEBSD-2021) ” organised online between August 05-07, 2021.
  • Best Oral presentation award by Agricultural & Environmental Technology Development Society (AETDS), U.S. Nagar, UK, India during International Conference ‘PAAS-2020’organized online mode between October 4-6, 2020.
  • Awarded Young Scientist Award by Agricultural & Environmental Technology Development Society (AETDS), U.S. Nagar, UK, India during International Conference ‘GAAFES-2019’organized at UGC-HRD Centre, Kumaun University, Nanital on Dec 1-2, 2019.
  • Best Poster awarded for poster entitled ‘Simultaneous detection of dark leaf sport and black rot pathogen of crucifers’ in 1st International Conference on ‘Climate Chnage and Adaptive Crop Protection for sustainable Agri-horticulture land scape‘ organized by Society of Plant Protection Sciences, New Delhi held at ICAR-NRC on Seed Spices, Ajmer on Dec. 20-22, 2018.
  • Best Poster Award for the poster paper entitled “Development of rapid diagnostic protocol for detection of Xanthomonas campestris campestris causing black rot of crucifers using species-specific primers from rpf gene sequence” in National Symposium at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, India on Dec. 19th, 2017.
  • Third best Poster Presentation award for the poster entitled “Role of guttation fluid in development and spread of Bacterial blight in Basmati rice cv. Pusa 1121.” at National Symposium at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Srinagar on 26-27 October 2013.
  • Junior Research Fellowship during M.Sc.(Plant Pathology) by ICAR, in 2010 to 2013.
  • National Talent Scholarship during B.Sc.(Agriculture) by ICAR in 2006 to 2010.

Recent Publications Research Papers

  1. Akhtar J, P Kumar, R Kiran, BR Meena, Sadhana, V Gupta, S Pandey and SC Dubey (2023) First report of Diaporthe phaseolorum infecting Indian trumpet flower (Oroxylum indicum) from India. BioResources 18(2): 3101 – 3108 (NAAS Score: 7.83)
  2. Akhtar J, P Kumar, R Kiran, BR Meena, A Tripathi, Sadhana, S Pandey and SC Dubey (2023) First report of Diaporthe helianthi infecting safflower: A threat to its cultivation in India. J Phytopath. 171: 145-149 (NAAS Score: 7.75)
  3. Kumar P, J Akhtar, R Kiran, BR Meena, Sadhana and VC Chalam (2023) Phylogenetic analysis and species level identification of seed-borne Bipolaris, Curvularia and Exserohilum fungal pathogens. Indian Phytopath. 76(1): 115-121 (NAAS Score: 5.95)
  4. Kiran R, P Kumar, J Akhtar, K Nair and SC Dubey (2022) Development of multiplex PCR assay for detection of Alternaria brassicae, Alternaria brassicicola and Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. Archives of Microbiology 204: 204-224.
  5. Tiwari B, R Kiran, P Kumar, A Kumar, Sadhna, J Akhtar and SC Dubey (2021) Lasiodiplodia theobromae, a potential post-harvest threat to agri-horticultural crops and its morpho-molecular diversity. Indian J of Plant Protection 49(2): 125-130.
  6. Esan AM, Z Khan, R Kiran, TO Omolekan, KA Aremu and HRY Adeyemi (2021) Ameliorative Effects of Pseudomonas fluorescence strains on growth and antioxidant potential of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) plant under nematode infection. European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology 2(3): 50-56.
  7. Srivastava V, DK Nerwal, A Kandan, J Akhtar, N Sharma, R Kiran, S Bansal and Anuradha Agrawal. (2020) Management of microbial contaminants in the In Vitro Gene Bank: a case study of taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott]. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant57: 152–163.
  8. Kiran R, A Kandan,P Kumar, D Singh, J Akhtar, B Singh and SC Dubey (2019) Development of species-specific primers for detection of Xanthomonas campestris campestris causing black rot of crucifers. Journal of Environmental Biology, 41: 105-110


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