Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU)

Incharge :Dr. Sandeep Kumar

Designation: Pr. Scientist & Incharge, ITMU and Member Secretary, ITMC

Contact Number: 011-25802893

Address: ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources Pusa Campus, New Delhi – 110012, INDIA


ITMU is short form of Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer Unit i.e. IPM&TTU. At ICAR-NBPGR, ITMU started functioning from year 2007 as per the ICAR Guidelines for Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer/Commercialization (Revised later on). ICAR promotes functional decentralization of its IP protection and technology transfer/commercialization efforts. The ITMU is delegated with the necessary powers. The ITMU is mandated to discharge day to day functions for the management of IPR portfolio and commercialization of IPR enabled ICAR technologies.

ITMU is responsible for IP protection/management and technology transfer/commercialization with internal capabilities as well as external legal and business experts wherever required. ITMU acts as the Secretariat for the Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC). This committee is designated at the institute level for IP management, technology transfer, and technology commercialization. ITMC is the final decision-making body for IP related matters/progress/concerns.

The constitution of Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC)  (w.e.f.  27 June, 2023) is as given below:

Director, ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi


Head, Division of Plant Quarantine


Head, Division of Germplasm Conservation


Head, Division of Germplasm Evaluation


Head, Division of Plant Exploration & Germplasm Collection


Head, Division of Genomic Resources


In-charge, Germplasm Exchange & Policy Unit


Nodal Officer, PME Cell 


Member Secretary, RAC       


Member Secretary IRC


External expert, CEO Agrinnovate India Ltd.


Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Pr. Scientist, DGE

Member Secretary

Management of Intellectual Properties at ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi
S. No. Appli/ Reg No. Name of Innovation/ Technology/ Product Date of Filing/Registration Application  Granted/ Registered**
1. 245749 3451/DEL/2005   Process enabling simultaneous detection of two transgenes namely 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS or CP4EPSPS) gene and cauliflower  23/12/2005   31.01.2011  
2. 254341 3530/DEL/2005   Process enabling simultaneous detection of two transgenes namely human serum albumin (HAS) and bar genes using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction 30/12/2005   26/10/2012  
3. 258165 2069/DEL/2006 Diagnostic kit based on polymerase chain reaction for detection of cry1Ac gene 20/09/2006   11/12/2013
4. 4279/DEL/2015 A Soxhlet Extractor 28/12/2015   31/07/2019
5. 4278/DEL/2015 A Reusable multipurpose extraction thimble apparatus 28/12/2015 29/08/2022
6. 4277/DEL/2015 A Centrally funneled valved or non-valved condenser 28/12/2015 20/02/2023
7.  202311031742 Design and development of Genome wide 64K SNP chip of Grain Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) 04/05/2023 In process
S. No. Application/ Registration No. Name of Innovation/ Technology/ Product/ Variety Date of Filing/Registration Application  Granted/ Registered**
1. 5760/06-CD (SW) Development of Crop DNA Fingerprinting Database Software Package 31/10/2006 07/12/2006
2. L-30267/2008   Software “IINDUS” (Indian Information System as per DUS Guidelines). 22/02/2008 27/03/2008
3. L-32399/2009 Development of Bandsize-Binary Program 10/09/2008 26/03/2009
4. 2666/2013-CO/SW Molecular Binary Data Analysis Software  26/09/2013 02/04/2014
5. SW-8439/2015 PGR Interactive Software 2015 09/10/2015
6. SW-15429/2022 AMARANTH GENOMIC RESOURCE DATABASE 18/10/2021 21/05/2022
7. SW-17420/2023  NBPGR-PDS ANDROID APPLICATION  26/07/2023  09/10/2023 
  Registration of Farmers Varieties facilitated recently by ICAR-NBPGR Regional Stations
Appli/ Reg No. Name of  Variety Application  Granted / Registered**
Reg. No 2014/877 Biodiversity Management Committee, Dampur, Bheemini Mandal, Mancherlal District, Telangana Facilitated by NBPGR Regional Station Hyderabad Balinta pesalu of Green gram (Vigna radiata L. R. Wilczek) April 6, 2021
Reg. No 2020/30 Smt. Amrite Devi W/O Painu Ram, Village Beggi, Post Poente, Tehsil Sarkaghat, Dist. Mandi Facilitated by NBPGR Regional Station Shimla Safed Phulpatash of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Dec. 2, 2022
Ack. No 2020/35 Facilitated by NBPGR Regional Station Hyderabad Application submitted through ITMU Black gram Var. Erra minumulu Under DUS testing
Registration of Farmer’s varieties
Registration of Farmer’s varieties
Transfer of technologies:
  • Transfer of GMO Screening Technologies for commercialization
ICAR-NBPGR has signed MOA with M/s DSS Imagetech Private Limited, New Delhi facilitated by Agrinnovate India Limited on on 19 August 2015 for transfer of five rapid/cost efficient DNA based GMO screening technologies:
  • Hexaplex PCR targeting six marker genes (nptII, aadA, bar, hpt, pat and uidA)
  • Duplex TaqMan real-time PCR targeting P-35S and T-nos
  • LAMP-based technology targeting (P-35S, T-nos, aadA, nptII, uidA, cry1Ac, cry2Ab and cp4-epsps)
  • Real-time LAMP-based technology targeting transgenic elements (P-35A, T-nos, aadA, nptII, uidA, cry1Ac, cry2Ab2 and cp4-epsps)
  • TaqMan real-time PCR-based multi-target system covering 47 targets for screening
 Developers: Dr Gurinderjit Randhawa & Dr Monika Singh
Technologies approved by ITMC, ICAR-NBPGR and available at Agrinnovate India Ltd. Website for commercialization:
S. N. Name of the Technology
GM Detection Technologies (1 to 15)
1.         Event-specific Visual loop-mediated isothermal amplification for two approved Bt cotton events (MON531, MON15985) and four GM maize events (NK603, MON810, GA21, TC1507)
2.         Event-specific Real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification for two approved Bt cotton events (MON531, MON15985) and  four GM maize events (NK603, MON810, GA21, TC1507)
3.         Construct-specific Visual loop-mediated isothermal amplification for construct regions: p35S-cry1Ac, cry2Ab2-tnos for insect resistance, and cp4epsps-tnos  for herbicide tolerance
4.         Construct-specific Real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification for construct regions: p35S-cry1Ac, cry2Ab2-tnos for insect resistance, and cp4epsps-tnos  for herbicide tolerance
5.         Visual loop-mediated isothermal amplification for marker  genes: pat, pmi, aadA, nptII, uidA
6.         Real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification for marker  genes: pat, pmi, aadA, nptII, uidA
7.         Visual loop-mediated isothermal amplification for transgenes: cry1Ac, cry2Ab2 for insect resistance and cp4-epsps for herbicide tolerance
8.         Real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification for transgenes: cry1Ac, cry2Ab2 for insect resistance and cp4-epsps for herbicide tolerance
9.         PCR- and Real-time PCR for detection of Bt brinjal Event EE1
10.     PCR- and Real-time PCR for detection of Bt brinjal Event 142 with cry1Fa1 gene 
11.     Multiplex PCR-based GMO screening simultaneously targeting Bt cry genes (cry1Ab/Ac and cry2Ab2)
12.     Multiplex PCR-based GMO screening simultaneously targeting three marker genes (aadA, pat and nptII)
13.     Event-specific SYBR Green based Real-time PCR for approved Bt cotton events (MON531, MON15985)
14.     Construct-specific Real-time PCR targeting p35S-cry1Ac construct region
15.     TaqMan® Real-time PCR-based Multi-target System covering 47 targets​
Molecular Marker Based Technology
16.     Distinction of Citrus rootstocks namely Jambhiri and Rangpur lime from Galgal using DNA based markers

Important links:

IP&TM Unit, ICAR Head qtr., New Delhi (

Agrinnovate India Ltd. []

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