Inhouse Projects

ProgrammeProject TitleLeader and AssociatesProject Code
01.00Augmentation, characterization, evaluation, maintenance, regeneration, conservation, documentation and distribution of plant genetic resources in north-eastern IndiaHarish GDPGR/PGC-BUR-SHL-01.00
01.01Augmentation, characterization, evaluation, maintenance, regeneration, conservation and documentation of genetic resources of agricultural crops (paddy – low land/upland, maize and mustard) and their wild relativesHarish GD, S Hajong and J UchoiPGR/PGC-BUR-SHL-01.01
01.02Augmentation, characterization, evaluation, maintenance, regeneration, conservation and documentation of genetic resources of horticultural crops (chilli, ginger, turmeric, yams, taros, citrus, banana and passion fruit) and their wild relatives.Subarna Hajong, Harish GD and J UchoiPGR/PGC-BUR-SHL-01.02
01.03Augmentation, characterization, evaluation, maintenance, regeneration, conservation and documentation of genetic resources of underutilized (UU) crops and their wild relatives.Harish GD, S Hajong and J UchoiPGR/PGC-BUR-SHL-01.03

Externally Funded Projects

ProgrammeProject TitleFunding AgencyPrincipal InvestigatorDate of StartDate of TerminationBudget (Lakhs)Project Code
01Collection, Conservation, Taxonomy, Diversity, Cytology, Molecular Characterization and Nutritional analysis of Momordica subangulata Blume subsp. subangulata and other edible species of Momordica L. From Northeast IndiaDBTHarish GDNovember 2019October 2022102.2498330
02Genetic diversity and biochemical profiling of Job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) accessions from North-east India – implications for evolution and breedingDSTSubarna HajongJanuary 2020December 202242.2640004
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