ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi organized a training program on “Management of Plant Genetic Resources” during 2-8 November, 2023 for B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture students of College of Agriculture, Bawal, CCS, HAU, Hisar. The purpose of the training was to aware students about PGR management activities, such as germplasm exploration and collection, plant quarantine, germplasm conservation, evaluation, genomics, PGR informatics, national and international policies governing PGR, etc. The training was organized by Dr GP Singh, Director, ICAR-NBPGR and Course Director, Dr Jyoti Kumari and Dr Padmavati G Gore (Course Coordinators) and Dr S K Kaushik (Course Convenor). The training was inaugurated on 02.11.2023 under the chairmanship of Dr. GP Singh, Director, ICAR-NBPGR. The Chief guest of the inaugural function was Dr. NK Jain, National Co-ordinator, NAHEP, ICAR and the Special Guest was Dr Naresh Kaushik, Professor, College of Agriculture, Bawal, CCS, HAU, Hisar. During the inaugural session, Dr. SK Kaushik, Convenor, Training program, briefed about the aim of the training program. Dr. GP Singh, Director, ICAR-NBPGR delivered remarks on the training program and briefed about ICAR-NBPGR activities to the students. The Chief Guest emphasized about the NAHEP-CAAST project. In this, 8-days training programme, 30 students participated and a total of 9 lectures, 6 practical sessions and visit to herbarium, experimental farm and Biodiversity Garden at Aravalli were arranged. Validatory program was graced by Dr Anuradha Agrawal, National Co-ordinator, NAHEP, ICAR. She enlightened students about e-learning resources, innovative schemes in agriculture and new opportunities of entrepreneurship using novel technologies. She also highlighted the work of NAHEP where teaching infrastructure of SAUs have been improved and also emphasized the importance of utilizing and sustaining the activities of NAHEP at different centres. The programme concluded with the distribution of certificates and vote of thanks by Course Co-ordinator.
(Source : Dr. Jyoti Kumari, ICAR-NBPGR)