Dr. Vinod Kumar Sharma

Dr. Vinod Kumar Sharma
Principal Scientist


Division of Germplasm Evaluation


Email-  Vinod.Kumar15(AT)icar.gov.in, vkmodgil(AT)gmail.com


M.Sc. Ag.Vegetable Science1997
Ph.D.Vegetable Science2001
Post DoctoratePostdoctoral Research Fellow on Molecular breeding2010


Vegetable Breeding

Salient Achievements

  • Developed capsicum variety PRSM-I for cultivation in Uttarakhand state
  • Developed capsicum variety Pusa Capsicum-1 for cultivation in zone –I of India
  • Developed one capsicum hybrid PRCH-101 for cultivation in zone-I of India
  • Developed CMS lines and restorer lines in Capsicum
  • Standardized seed production technologies for Capsicum and Cabbage
  • Standardized capsicum and cucumber production technologies under Polyhouse conditions
  • Authored one book on vegetable cultivation in Hindi
  • Guided five MSc and two PhD students as major guide

Externally funded research projects:

  • Pre-breeding for genetic enhancement of chilli, beans and peas using crop wild relatives-CIAT & Bioversity International(PI)
  • ICAR-Consortium research platform (CRP) on hybrid crops-Sweet pepper (PI).
  • Refinement of technology for quality seed production of selected temperate vegetable crops -HTM-I(PI)
  • Protected cultivation and nursery production of vegetables -HTM-I(PI)


  1. Awarded Israel Govt. Fellowship, 2010
  2. Awarded Out Standing Professional Award, ISHA, Pantnagar(2011)
  3. Awarded Distinguished Scientist Award for promoting and reinvigorating agri-horti technological innovations, Jaipur

Recent Publications Research Papers

  • HP Poornima, Arpita Srivastava, Vinod K. Sharma, Harikrishna, Aditi Kundu, Khushboo Singh, B.R. Parihar, Manisha Mangal. 2024. Assessing the retention of capsaicin and capsanthin compounds in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes during storage, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 127, 105948, ISSN 0889-1575.
  • VK Sharma, A Srivastava, M Mangal, CD Pandey, VP Sharma, RK Gautam, J Rana, and A Kumar. (2023). Phenotyping of wild species and development of interspecific hybrids for resistance against Chilli leaf curl virus disease in chilli. Acta Hortic. 1384, 251-258
  • Hemlata Bharti, Amrita Das, Ajay Kumar Mishra, Arpita Srivastava, Manisha Mangal, Vinod Kumar Sharma. 2023. Phytophthora leaf blight resistance sources in Capsicum annum and determination of isolate mating type. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia (AMA).  Vol 54, Issue 07 15460-15467.
  • Hemant Ghemeray , Raj Kumar , K. Behera , V. K. Sharma , Saurabh Singh, Reeta Bhatia and S. S. Dey. 2022. Genetic architecture, physio-biochemical characterization and identification of elite cytoplasmic male sterile (pt-CMS) based combiners in developing antioxidant-rich carrot. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization. 19(6):484-496.
  • Manoj Kumar Nalla, Vinod K. Sharma, Arpita Srivastava, Manisha Mangal. 2022. Molecular tagging of fertility restoration (Rf) gene in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum grossum) Vegetos 35, 903–909 (2022).
  • Manoj Kumar Nalla, Vinod Kumar Sharma, Vinukonda Rakesh Sharma.2021. Mapping and validation of markers linked to Rf gene in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum var grossum). Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture.33(6):443-449doi: 10.9755/ejfa.2021.v33.i6.2717
  • Manoj Kumar N, Vinod K. Sharma, V. R. Sharma and Ajay K Pandav. 2021. Genetics Analysis of RfGene in Chilli Pepper (Capsicum annuumL.). International Journal of Environment and Climate Change.11(2): 124-130
  • Arpita Srivastava, Manisha Mangal, Bikash Mandal, Vinod K. Sharma, Bhoopal Singh Tomar. 2020. Solanum pseudocapsicum: Wild source of resistance to Chilli leaf curl disease. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology.113,101566. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmpp.2020.101566.
  • Pooja Saklani, Chandresh Chandel, Vinod Kumar Sharma, Pawan Singh Rana, Manish Dabral, Shreya Aggrawal. 2020. Assessment of antimicrobial and antioxidant potential of cytoplasmic male sterile lines of pepper. SN Appl. Sci 2, 1181
  • B N Swamy, V K Sharma, S Arpita, Raj Kumar, T K Behera, M Manisha, C Chandresh and K Mukesh. 2019. Maintenance and fertility restoration of CMS system in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 89 (11): 1855–9.
  • Kuldeep Tripathi, Padmavati G. Gore, Ruchi Bansal, GayacharanKumari Shubha, Vinod Kumar, Neeta Singh, Chithra Devi Pandey, Brij Bihari Sharma and Ashok Kumar . 2021. Identification and revealing the potential traits of the unique germplasm with extended funiculus in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Genet Resour Crop Evol. 68, 3125–3132 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-021-01275-5
  • Meena V.S., Bhardwaj Rakesh, Sharma R.R., Mahawar Manoj Kumar, Sharma V K, Singh Kuldeep.2019. Evaluation of ber genotypes for fruit yield and quality attributes. Indian Journal of Horticulture. Volume : 76, Issue : 3
  • Amit K Mathur, Arpita Srivastava, Manisha Mangal, R K Saritha, B S Tomar, Vinod Kumar Sharma. 2019. Genetics and gene action for resistance to leaf curl disease in chilli (Capsicum annuum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 89 (6): 1057–59. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijas.v89i6.90836.
  • Vinod Kumar, Joseph John, Chithra Pandey, Kuldeep Singh. 2019. Exploitation of crop wild relatives in vegetable improvement. Indian Horticulture Congress Volume 8:119-143.
  • Chandresh Chandel, V K Sharma, P Saklani, M Dabral, M Mawliya, K Raj, M K Nalla, C Parkash, SS Dey. 2018. Antifungal Activity of Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Lines of Pepper against Phytophthora.Vegetos: An International Journal of Plant Research. Vol 30 (4): DOI: 10.4172/2229-4473.1000362.
  • Vinod K Sharma, Chandresh Chandel, Raj Kumar, SS Dey, Chander Parkash, Reeta Bhatia, M Mawliya .2018. Quantification of Antioxidant Contents in Sweet Pepper as Influenced by Planting Time and Fruit Picking Stage. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. 88, 451–457. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40011-016-0771-6


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