Dr. Vandana Tyagi

Dr. Vandana Tyagi
Principal Scientist


Germplasm Exchange & Policy Unit


Email- Vandana.Tyagi(AT)icar.gov.in, vtyagi3(AT)gmail.com


Degree Discipline Year
M. Sc. Botany 1989
M. Phil. Botany 1990
Ph D. Botany 1994

Economic Botany

Salient Achievements

Salient Achievements: Over 1,00,000 accessions from different agro climatic zones were acquired in cereals, millets, vegetable crops and medicinal plants. Identified and introduced trait specific germplasm and related information for utilization in crop improvement programs of Indian plant breeders/ researchers. The passport information on the same was documented online. Procured more thn 10,00 trait specific accessions (registered germplasm/cultivars, lines resistance to biotic stresses, abiotic stresses, core collections, mapping populations and other desired characteristics.

Methodologies/techniques developed for effective management of PGR.Development of document on Policies and guidelines regarding the exchange of genetic resources for research for the researchers/users in the country. Facilitated development of computer software for assigning Exotic Collection (EC) number to the material received from different countries for retrieval and querying in the electronic form.Development of Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA)  and Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)  in the light of Biological Diversity Act and International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and AgricultureConcept note on exchange of plant genetic resources after notifications of all sections of Biological Diversity Act ‘ 2002


  1. Fulbright HHH Fellow (US Department of State).
  2. Awarded Fulbright Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund Project in 2013
  3. Visiting Fellow, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
  4. Visiting Fellow, State University of New York, University at Buffalo, NY
  5. Awarded Scientist of the Year 2011 by Society of Scientific and Applied Research Centre
  6. Alumni Indian Humphrey Fellows
  7. Fellow Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources

Recent Publications Research Papers

  • Brahmi P and V Tyagi (2019) IPR Issues related to access and use of genetic resources. Indian J Genet Breed. 79 No. 01 S, pp 315-319
  • Tripathi K, PG Gore, SP Ahlawat, V Tyagi, DP Semwal, NK Gautam, JC Rana and A Kumar (2019) Cowpea genetic resources and its utilization: Indian Perspective Legume Res. 32 (3): 439-448
  • Tyagi V, Sherry R Jacob, K Gupta and P Brahmi (2020) Status of barley Introduction. J Cereal  12 (1):13-18
  • Singh K, K Gupta, V Tyagi and R Subrami (2020) Plant Genetic Resources in India : Management and utilization. Vavilov J Genet & Breeding. 24 (3): 36-314
  • Brahmi P, Tyagi V, Pragya (2020) Introduction of Heeng germplasm by NBPGR leads to its successful cultivation in India. Indian J. Pl. Genet. Reso. 33(3): 381-383
  • Brahmi Pratibha, VandanaTyagi, Pragya and Anuradha Agrawal (2022 )Policies Impacting Access to Plant Genetic Resources in Last Four Decades.Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 35(3): 213–217 (2022)
  • Chandra Puran, KuldeepTripathi, Pragya, Sunil Archak, VandanaTyagi and Pratibha Brahmi (2022) ITPGRFA: an Appraisal as a Prelude to the Ninth Session of the Governing Body 2022, New Delhi. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 35(2): 159–168 (2022)
  • Gore Padmavati G, R Gowthmi, Kuldeep Tripathi, Pavan Kumar Malav, Vandana Tyagi, Neeta Singh, Veena Gupta  (2022). Genetic Resources. In: Galanakis, C.M. (eds.) Environment and Climate-smart Food Production . 109-149  Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71571-7_4
  • Pragya Ranjan, Pratibha Brahmi, Vandana Tyagi, JK Ranjan, Vartika Srivastava, SK Yadav, SP Singh, Surender Singh, PC Binda, SK Singh and Kuldeep Singh (2022) Global interdependence for fruit genetic resources: status and challenges in India


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