Dr. Surinder Kumar Kaushik

Dr. Surinder Kumar Kaushik
Principal Scientist


Division of Germplasm Evaluation


Email- surinder.kaushik1(AT)icar.gov.in


Degree Discipline Year
M. Sc. (Ag.) Plant Breeding 1989
Ph. D. (Ag.) Plant Breeding 1993
Post Doctorate Biotechnology 2000-2001


Salient Achievements

  • As PI, Characterized and evaluated potential crops germplasm of Faba bean, Chenopodium quinoa, Amaranth and Moringa.
  • As team member, developed potential crops varieties Him Shakti – 1st Indian variety of nutri-food quinoa; Him Phaphra (Buckwheat); and as collaborator Indira Kankoda -2 (Spine gourd), Phule Chardhari Wal and Indira Winged bean – 2 (Winged bean) and Gujarat Amaranth – 4 and Gujarat Amaranth – 5 (Amaranth).
  • As Coordinator and Nodal Officer of the PPV&FRA funded projects, conducting DUS testing of faba bean, amaranth and buckwheat.
  • As Secretary, Organizing Committee and Nodal Officer, AICRN (PC), conceptualized & organized first ever Brainstorming Meeting on “Improvement of Potential Crops and Development of Value Chain” on June 20, 2019 chaired by Dr T. Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE & DG, ICAR.
  • At ICAR-CPRI, Shimla, developed four high yielding, late blight resistant potato varieties Kufri Shailja, Kufri Himalini, Kufri Girdhari and 1st Indian potato variety possessing multiple diseases resistances-Kufri Karan.
  • Four elite parental lines YY-6/3 C11 (INGR 10143), MP/97-921 (INGR 13049), SM/11-120 (INGR21073), VMT5-1 (INGR17061) registered with NBPGR as new trait/gene sources.
  • Sixteen late blight resistant, high yielding advanced hybrids developed and introduced into AICRP(P), added to CPRI National Germplasm Repository.
  • Developed a mapping population, genotyped, phenotyped and QTLs for resistance to late blight identified on Chr. 9, 10.
  • Molecular markers linked to late blight, PVY and Cyst nematode resistance genes validated, parental lines screened, selective hybridization attempted and hybrids possessing multiple resistance genes in single host background developed using MAS.
  • Late blight resistance introgressed from bulbocastanum using RB-transgenic Katahdin into Kufri Jyoti, Kufri Bahar and five resistant hybrids for hills, two hybrids for sub-tropical plains identified.
  • Developed SCAR marker based protocol for detection of latent infection of infestans in seed tubers.
  • Screened 20 SSR markers and validated/selected 5 for DNA fingerprinting of 318 races (core set) of infestans.
  • Developed PCR protocol for combined detection of early and late blight of potato.
  • Broadened the genetic base of cultivated potato by incorporating gene pool from wild/semi cultivated Solanum and developed 24 blight resistant meiotic tetraploids, being used as parental lines.
  • Resistances to late blight and PVY were combined in the single host background for the first time in India, hybrids LBY-15 and LBY-17 introduced into AICRP (P).
  • Entire tuberosum ssp. andigena germplasm collection and S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum accessions were evaluated over years, catalogued, two inventories published.
  • As Joint Director, CPRI Campus Modipuram, managed the biggest farm of CPRI (165 ha). Consequently, approx. 5,500 tons of breeder seed of 14 potato varieties was produced and approx. Rs 12 crore revenue generated.
  • Established and operationalized dedicated tissue culture lab for high quality, disease free potato breeders’ seed production with a capacity to produce 1 lakh seedlings.
  • Established aeroponic system with chilling facility and small aeroponic boxes to augment the proportion of breeder seed production through hi-tech system.
  • Developed molecular markers based advanced fungal and viral pathology laboratory.
  • Established Farmer’s meeting hall of 225 seating capacity with fixtures and fittings including acoustics, air conditioning and projection facilities apt to organize even scientific meetings also.
  • Organized a total of 34 FLDs, 10 farmers’ trainings and Kisan Mela on disease management, production strategies, micro-irrigation practices and new improved varieties of potato.
  • Organized 15 episode Live phone-in programme “Aloo Krishi Pathsala” on All India Radio, New Delhi during 2012-13. In addition, he participated as an expert in a total of 19 TV and Radio Live phone in programmes on seed and ware potato production techniques


BOYSCAST Fellow (2000-2001)

Fellow of Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, New Delhi (1999);

Confederation of Horticulture Associations of India, New Delhi (2012) and

Indian Potato Association, Shimla (2013).


Recent Publications Research Papers

  1. Touseef Hussain, BP Singh, SK Kaushik, Mehi Lal and Anubha Gupta. 2019. Duplex PCR for detection of early and late blight co-infecting potato. Indian J. Hort. 76(2):319-323.
  2. Reena Sharma, SK Kaushik, Vinay Bhardwaj, Dalamu, Anupama Singh, Poonam, Ashwani Kumar, CM Bisht, SK Chakrabarti. 2019. Diversity analysis of potato advanced hybrids using morphological and SSR markers. Potato J 46 (1): 1-15.
  3. Salej Sood, Vinay Bhardwaj, SK Kaushik, Sanjeev Sharma. 2020. Prediction based on estimated breeding values using genealogy for tuber yield and late blight resistance in auto-tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum). Heliyon 6 (11): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05624
  4. Raina P Archana and S K Kaushik. Nutritional and phytochemical composition of Moringa oleifera seeds: A multipurpose potential species in India.Medicinal Plants 12(4): 633-639.
  5. Vinay Bhardwaj, SK Kaushik, BP Singh, Sanjeev Sharma, Mehi Lal, Dalamu, Salej Sood, Rajendra Singh, Vanishree Patil, Avinash Srivastava, Vinod Kumar, Aarti Bairwa, EP Venkatasalam, Clarissa Challam and SK Chakrabarti. 2020. Kufri Karan – first multiple diseases resistant, high yielding potato variety for cultivation in hills and plateaux of India. Potato J 47(2): 97-106.
  6. Salej Sood, Vinay Bhardwaj, SK Kaushik, Sanjeev Sharma, Dalamu, Mehi Lal and Manoj Kumar. 2022. Identification of superior parental lines based on BLUP breeding values in potato (Solanum tuberosum). Indian J. Genet. Plant Breed. 82(2): 200-207.
  7. RK Arya, JS Hooda, SK Kaushik, S Kumar, HL Raigar, RK Gill, JL Mahto, JK Tiwari, CB Yadav, R Kumar, GS Dahiya, JM Sutaliya, K Raj, R Punia & P Kumar. 2022. Development of new promising varieties of faba bean through traditional pedigree method for commercial cultivation in plain zone of India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 21(4): 895-904.
  8. Gautam Vats, Dimpi Das, Rajat Gupta, Akshay Singh, Avantika Maurya, S. Rajkumar, A K. Singh, Rakesh Bharadwaj, Sandeep Kumar, SK Kaushik, Veena Gupta, Kuldeep Singh, Rakesh Singh. 2023. Validation of Genome-wide SSR markers developed for genetic diversity and population structure study in Grain Amaranth (Amarthus hypochondriacus). Agriculture 2023, 13, 431. https://doi.org/10.3390/ agriculture 13020431.
  9. Akshay Singh, Ajay Kumar Mahato, Avantika Maurya, S Rajkumar, A K Singh, Rakesh Bhardwaj, SK Kaushik, Sandeep Kumar, Veena Gupta, Kuldeep Singh, Rakesh Singh. 2023. Amaranth Genomic Resource Database (AGRDB): an integrated database resource of Amaranth genes and genomics. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1203855.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1203855
  10. Akshay Singh, Avantika Maurya, Subramani Rajkumar, Amit Kumar Singh, Rakesh Bhardwaj, Surinder Kumar Kaushik, Sandeep Kumar, Kuldeep Singh, Gyanendra Pratap Singh and Rakesh Singh. 2023. Genome-wide comparative analysis of five Amaranthaceae species reveals a large amount of repeat content. Plants 2024, 13, 824. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants13060824



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