Dr. Surender Singh

Dr. Surender Singh
Chief Technical Officer


Germplasm Exchange & Policy Unit


Email- Surender.Ranga(AT)icar.gov.in


Degree Discipline Year
B.Sc. (Hons.)  Ag. Agriculture 1988
M.Sc. Ecology  and  Environmrnt 2002
Ph.D. Agriculture 2022

Germplasm Exchange and Policy

Salient Achievements


Recent Publications Research Papers

  1. Vandana Tyagi, Pratibha Brahmi, SK Yadav, Pragya, SP Singh, Surender Singh and Kuldeep Singh (2021) Germplasm Access from ICAR-NBPGR and Use within India Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour34 (2): 216-220.
  2. Surender Singh, Rashmi Yadav, Naleeni Ramawat, JC Rana, HL Raiger, Rakesh Bhardwajand BL Meena (2021). Revealing the genetic diversity of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea) for yield improvement. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (IJAS). 1(1):170-5
  3. Surender Singh, Rashmi Yadav, Naleeni Ramawat, JC Rana, HL Raiger, Rakesh Bhardwaj, JK Ranjan, HarinderVishwakarmaand BL Meena (2021). Response of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) germplasm grown under low nitrogen conditions. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (IJAS). 1(3):480-5.
  4. Tyagi V., P. Brahmi, SK Yadav, Pragya, SP Singh, Surender Singh and Kuldeep Singh (2021), Germplasm Access from ICAR-NBPGR and Use with in India J. Plant Genet. Resour.34 (2): 216-220 DOI 10.5958/0976-1926.2021.00020.6
  5. Pragya Ranjan, Pratibha Brahmi, Vandana Tyagi, JK Ranjan, Vartika Srivastava, SK Yadav, SP Singh, Surender Singh, PC Binda, SK Singh and Kuldeep Singh. 2022. Global interdependence for fruit genetic resources: status and challenges in India. Food Security. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-021-01249-6
  6. Surender Singh, Rashmi Yadav, NaliniRamawat,JC Rana, HL Raiger and Rakesh Bhardwaj. Identifying efficient germplasm to improve the nitrogen economy of Indian Mustard. International Conference on “Advances in Agricultural and Food Sciences to face the Challenges to Environment and Biosecurity” during January 16-20,  2021School of Agricultural Sciences, Sharda University, Sharda University, Noida, UP. 
  7. Surender Singh, Rashmi Yadav, NaleeniRamawat, JC Rana, HL Raiger, Rakesh Bhardwaj, JK Ranjan, HarinderVishwakarmaand BL Meena. Genetic variation in traits for Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.). International Conference on New Paradigms for Agriculture, Food and Sustainability Concerns (NPAFSC-2021) organized by Agriculture Letters, Raichur, Karnataka. Agriculture Letters (ISSN: 2582-6522), Raichur, Karnataka. February 26-28, 2021
  8. Pragya, Chithra Devi Pandey, Pratibha Brahmi, S P Singh and Surender Singh, received Best Poster Award for poster entitled Access and utilization of cucurbit genetic resources for nutritional security presented in 1stNational Conference on Plant Genetic Resources Management at NASC, New Delhi from November 22-24, 2022
  9. SK Yadav, HL Raiger, Surender Singh, NK Jajoriya, SP Singh and PC Binda, “Exchange and Utilization of Faba Bean (Vicia faba) germplasm for yield and yield related traits” in Abstract Book pg 47 during 1st National Conference on Plant Genetic Resources Management at NASC, New Delhi from November 22-24, 2022
  10. SK Yadav, Pragya, SP Singh and Surender Singh (2023) “Introduction of Diverse germplasm in Vegetable Crops” in Souvenir Cum Abstract Book pg 69 (Oral) and pg 24 (Invited Lecture) International Conference on Advances in Plants, Microbes and Agricultural Sciences during March 2-4, 2023.


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