Dr. Sudhir Pal Ahlawat

Dr. Sudhir Pal Ahlawat
Principal Scientist


Division of Plant Exploration and Germplasm Collection




Degree Discipline Year
M. Sc.Agriculture Botany1988
Ph. D.Agriculture Botany1995
Post Doctorate  


Plant Breeding

Salient Achievements

  • Published 96 research papers in peer reviewed journals, 05 books, 26 book chapters, 12 popular/technical articles and one patent.
  • New initiatives/ programmes includes, in-situ conservation of Crops wild relatives (CWR); mainstreaming of agrobiodiversity, on-farm management of plant genetic resources, and gaps analysis based on collection and conserved data.
  • In past 8 years, planned and coordinated 257 explorations across the country, resulting in collection of 17595 germplasm accessions (11658 cultivated and 5937 wild relatives).
  • Organised eight trainings, workshops and 23 programmes on PGR conservation, utilization and awareness in past five years at NBPGR, New Delhi. Teaching: PGR 603 course In situ On-farm conservation, and PGR-600 course on “Advances in Exploration and Germplasm Collection” to Ph.D. students at   NBPGR, New Delhi; Guided 06 students of M.Sc. as major guide.
  • Implementing international bilateral project “: Augmentation of plant genetic resources and capacity building of researchers in India and Uzbekistan” from DST.
  • Maintenance breeding, nucleus, breeder seed of wheat, barley, pigeon-pea and cowpea was produced and TL seed in bulk during 2011-14 at IARI, RS, Karnal.
  • Bamboo based agroforestry system developed for semi-arid region of central India is an important success story.


  • Nationally prestigious Brandis Prize 2009 awarded in the field of forestry research; Dr RK Arora Best Paper Award (2020) by ISPGR; and Best Worker award in 2007 from CAFRI, Jhansi.
  • Invited and key speaker in national and international symposiums; Expert Member, National & Regional Variety Testing Committee of ICFRE Dehradun; Examiner for Ph.D. thesis of several universities, and reviewer of research journals etc.
  • Editor (Member, Editorial Board), Indian Journal of Agroforestry, (ISAF), at NRCAF, Jhansi

Recent Publications


  • Ahlawat SP, Anjula Pandey, PK Malav, Rakesh Bhardwaj, OP Dhariwal (2018) A less-known vegetable melon landrace ‘‘Arya’’ (Cucumis melo) from Rajasthan and Haryana, India: morphological, biochemical and taxonomic study. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 65: 2037-2047.
  • Ahlawat SP, KC Bhatt, DP Semwal, K Pradheep and OP Dhariwal (2022) Exploration and Collection of Plant Genetic Resources in India: Status and Priorities. J. Plant Genet. Resour. 35(3): 206-215.
  • Ahlawat S.P., R.V. Kumar, Rajeev Ranjan, S.K. Pandey, D.C. Joshi & S.K. Dhyani (2016) Morphological and molecular level of genetic diversity among Pongamia (Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierrre) accessions. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 15 (1): 85-94.
  • Misra RC, AP Raina, DR Pani, G Das, AK Mukherjee and SP Ahlawat (2021) Genetic diversity, extent of variability and indigenous traditional knowledge of Mucuna Adans. (Fabaceae) in Odisha, Eastern India. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 68(3):1243-1268. DOI10.1007/s10722-020-01093-1
  • Anjula Pandey, SP Ahlawat, KC Bhatt and NS Panwar (2021) Collecting Vegetable Genetic Resources in India: Guidelines and Methods. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 34(3): 381–388; DOI 10.5958/0976-1926.2021.00031.0


  •  Pradheep K, SP Ahlawat, S. Nivedhitha, V. Gupta and K. Singh (2021) Crop Wild Relatives in India: Prioritisation, Collection and Conservation. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi 110 012, pages i-viii +180
  • Bhatt KC, SP Ahlawat, RS Rathi, A Pandey, DP Semwal and K Pradheep (2022) 75 Unique Plant Germplasm Collections by the ICAR-NBPGR. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi. p 100 + i-iii
  • Pandey A, PK Malav, KM Rai and SP Ahlawat (2022) Genus Allium of the Indian Region: A Field Guide for Germplasm Collection and Identification. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, India, 109p + i-vi
  • Malik SK, S. Bansal, RK Kakoti, J. Uchoi, SP Ahlawat (2022) Management of Citrus genetic resources: SOPs for collection and conservation. ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi, p. viii+68
  • Anjula Pandey, RK Pamarthi, K Pradheep, Rita Gupta and SP Ahlawat (2021) Catalogue of the Type Specimens in the National Herbarium of Cultivated Plants. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, India, 75p + i-ii


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