Dr. Subarna Hajong

Dr. Subarna Hajong




Email: subarna.hajong(AT)icar.gov.in, subarna.hajong(AT)gmail.com

Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KW5xtvQAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao


Degree Discipline Year
M.Sc. Ag. Botany2004
Ph.D. Botany2013
Post Doctorate Botany 2015

Plant tissue culture,plant biotechnology,plant microbe

Salient Achievements

  • Associated with three institutional projects, 01 in the capacity of PI and 02 in the capacity of Co-PI
  • Associated with two externally funded projects (DST & DBT), 01 in the capacity of PI and 01 in the capacity of Co-PI 
  • Associated with four explorations covering different districts in Meghalaya. Two hundred and fifteen germplasm accessions of various agri-horticultural crops were collected during the exploration tours. 
  • Characteriseddifferent crop germplasm viz.rice (24), maize (400), ginger (60), turmeric (200), taro (90), buckwheat (125), Job’s tears (132), rice bean (130) and Sohphlang (28) for agro-morphological and yield related traits.
  • Associated with supply of various germplasm viz. rice (507), maize (1170), mustard (86), rice bean (96), buckwheat (203), chilli (21), turmeric (01), Trichosanthes majuscule (1), Alpinia galangal (1), Colocasia sp.(5), Colocasia esculenta (4), Kaempferia sp. (03), Musa (01), and yard long bean (46).
  • Establishment of Field Gene Bank (FGB):Forty-six accessions of different minor fruits including Citrus spp. were established in FGB during 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.
  • Associated with organising and conducting trainings and awareness programmes for farmers under TSP and NEH schemes, 06 as Convenor and 06 as Co-convenor.


  • Young Women Scientist Award in Economic Botany and Plant Genetic Resources conferred at the 5th International Conference on “Global Insights in Research and Development in Agriculture, Horticulture and Allied Sciences” organised by GH Raisoni University, Saikheda (MP); Just Agriculture Education Group and AEEFWS Punjab in hybrid mode, October 5-7, 2023.
  • Selection and publication of contributed photograph as “cover illustration” on the cover of Journal of Basic Microbiology (Volume 60, Issue 5, 2020; Wiley-VCH Verlag Gmbh & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

Recent Publications Research Papers

Research papers:

  • David L. Biate, Dinesh Kumar Agrawala and Subarna Hajong (2023) Studies in the family Onagraceae Juss. for the Flora of Sikkim. Nelumbo. 62(2): 01-31.
  • Subarna Hajong, David L. Biate, Bhagwati Sharma, Julius Uchoi, S.P. Ahlawat and K.C. Bhatt (2023) Rice germplasm: History of rice germplasm collection and conservation in North Eastern India. Publisher: AAU-Assam Rice Research Institute, Assam Agricultural Univeristry, Titabar-785630. pp. 66-73.
  • Chubasenla Aochen, Amit Kumar, Sandeep Jaiswal, Kekunguu Puro, Philanim Wungmarong Shimray, Subarna Hajong, Rumki Heloise Ch Sangma, Sentibenla Aochen, Banshanlang Iangrai, Bijoya Bhattacharjee, Lemnaro Jamir, Thejangulie Angami, Arunava Pattanayak and Vinay Kumar Mishra (2023). Perilla frutescens L.: A dynamic food crop worthy of future challenges. Frontiers in Nutrition. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1130927.
  • Subarna Hajong, Krishnappa Rangappa, Harish Ganjalagatta Dasaiah, Prabha Moirangthem, Uday Sankar Saikia, Bijoya Bhattacharjee, Sudhir Pal Ahlawat & Basant Kumar Kandpal (2022) Genotypic variability and physio-morphological efficiency of buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.) under moisture stress at mid-altitudes of Meghalaya (India). Crop & Pasture Science. doi:10.1071/CP22062.
  • Padmavati G Gore, Subarna Hajong, Mohar Singh, Neeta Singh & Veena Gupta (2022). Evaluation and Validation of Bold Seeded Accession in Ricebean [Vigna umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi and Ohashi]. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 35(1): 1–3.
    Vartika Srivastava, Subarna Hajong, Rahul Chandora &Anuradha Agrawal (2022). Desiccation and freezing tolerance of recalcitrant seeds and embryonic axes of Prunus napaulensis (Ser.) Steud.: a crop wild relative of cherry. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 69: 1571–1583
  • SubarnaHajong& Rupam Kapoor (2020). An amalgam of pathogenic and beneficial endophytic fungi colonizing four Dendrobium species from Meghalaya, India. J Basic Microbiol. 60: 415–423.
  • Laskar Rafiul Amin, Nilofer Sheikh, Subarna Hajong& Taj Uddin Khan (2020). Optimization of EMS and DES treatments for induction of mutation in quantitative traits of maize. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology. 21 (43&44):134–143.
  • Anjula Pandey, Subarna Hajong, Padmavati G Gore, S Nivedhitha, Rita Gupta and GD Harish (2020). Note on True Seed and Tuber Characteristics of Soh-phlang (Flemingia procumbens Roxb.). Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 33(2): 235–239.
  • S Nivedhitha, A Pandey, S Hajong, H Talang, SP Ahlawat and AK Mishra (2019). Exploration, Germplasm Collection and Variability Study on an Underutilized Root Tuber “Soh-phlong” (Flemingia procumbens Roxb.) from Meghalaya, India. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 32(3): 347-353.
  • S Hajong, S Kumaria and P Tandon (2019) Synergistic effect of PPFD and mycorrhization for efficient in vitro propagation of Dendrobium chrysanthum Wall. Ex Lindl. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 8(10): 1290-1308.
  • DL Biate, S Hajong, GD Harish, K Sangeeta Devi and N Odyuo (2019) Agro-morphological and Palynological studies in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) accessions from Northeast India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 8(12): 2945-2953.


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