Dr. Shephalika Amrapali

Dr. Shephalika Amrapali
Scientist, Station Coordinator




Email:shephalika.amrapali(AT)icar.gov.in, shephalikaamrapali(AT)gmail.com


Degree Discipline Year
M.Sc. Ag.Plant Genetic Resources2010
Ph.D.Plant Genetic Resources2020
Post Doctorate       –    –

Plant Gentic Resources and Economic Botany

Salient Achievements

Germplasm Registartion-
Registered 3 accessions of Jackfruit (IC24369: Extra Early Fruit Bearing; IC438858: Number of fruit/plant; IC542353: Reduced inter-ovular sterile fibrous tissue in fruit)


  • Best Poster award in 9th National Seminar on “Doubling the farmer income by 2022: Challenges, Opportunities and Way Forward” Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh Feb. 15 17 2020.
  • Best Oral presentation on “Molecular Characterization of garden rose germplasm using SSR markers” authored by Shephalika Amrapali, Sunil Archak, Namita and Ambika B. Gaikwad, in VIIth International Conference in Offline/Online on GRISAAS-2022 during 21-23 November 2022 at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

Recent Publications Research Papers

  • Amrapali S., Ahammed S. T. P., Ghosh B., Namita, Singh M.K. and Archak S. (2020) Olfactory evaluation and untargeted profiling of floral volatiles of fragrant rose cultivars Pusa Mahak and its seed parent Century II by HS-SPME-GCXGC-TOFMS. Indian Journal of Horticulture.77 (1) :158-66
  • Choudhary S.B., Gurjar S. C., Singh B. K., Singh D. K., Sharma H. K., Horo S., Kumari N., Amrapali S., Ahlawat S. P. and Singh K. (2022) Morphology and genic-SSRs-based diversity analysis and georeferencing of economic traits in natural populations of Jack (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) from Eastern India. Scientia Horticulturae 295 
  • Kumari N, Choudhary S.B, Amrapali S,   Jha B.K., Sharma S.K., Kumar C.B. • Singh O.N (2023) Status, changing landscape and farmers’ criteria for the continuity of paddy (Oryza sativa) landraces in the upland ecosystem of Jharkhand, India: A conservation perspective. Genet Resour Crop Evol 
  • Amrapali S,  Archak S , Namita and Gaikwad A.B. (2024) Molecular Characterization of Garden Rose Germplasm using SSR Markers. Indian Journal of Plant genetic resources


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