Dr. Shashi Bhushan Choudhary

Dr. Shashi Bhushan Choudhary
Senior Scientist


Regional Station, Ranchi


Email: shashi.choudhary@icar.gov.in

Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=l51TeQUAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao


Degree Discipline Year
Post Doctorate       –    –

Genetics and Plant Breeding

Salient Achievements

During 15 years’ service in various institutes of Indian Council of Agricultural Research contributed in 8 in-house projects (with 6 as Principal Investigator) and 5 external projects (with 3 as Principal Investigator). Presently leading a consortium project on “In-situ conservation of native Diversity” sponsored by RKVY Jharkhand with total budget Rs. 3.46 Crores for 4 years. During the period published 32 research papers where 19 paper published in Journal with > 6.00 NAAS rating mostly as 1st author/corresponding author. Also published 7 catalogues on Jute and Allied fibre germplasm characterisation/evaluation, 7 book chapters, 12 training manuals, 10 popular articles.
Major contribution/achievements are as follows:

  • Developed excellent breeding material in tossa jute, mesta and flax led to release of 9 varieties of Jute and Allied fibres including JROMU, globally the first tossa jute variety with precocious flowering resistant under early sown conditions. It is a leading tossa jute variety having breeder seed demand across nation. Similarly, JRF 2, the first flax variety of India released and identified exclusively for fibre purpose.
  • Registered 11 jute and allied fibre and 3 Jackfruit accessions with unique traits.
  • Morpho-molecular characterisation of Jackfruit conserved in Field Gene Bank
  • Promotedin situ conservation of native diversity in Jharkhand through strengthening community managed seed system and participatory breeding
  • Guided 6 M. Sc and 2 Ph. D student in their research work.


• Received Young Scientist Award from Society for Agricultural Innovations and Development, Ranchi during International Conference on Advances in Agricultural & Applied Sciences for Promoting Food Security (AAPS-2017) held from 13-15th May, 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal
• Received second prize for poster presentation of paper on “Harnessing biotechnology to understand molecular basis for lignin down regulation in lignin deficient tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) mutant” authored by S.B.Choudhary, I. Chowdhury, R.K. Singh, S.P. Pandey, H.K. Sharma, A. Anil Kumar, Maruthi R.T., P.G. Karmakar, in national seminar on “Sustainable Agriculture for Food Security and Better Environment” at BCKV, Mohanpur, Barrackpore, Kolkata from 17-18 December, 2015.
• Received best oral presentation award for delivering presentation on “Diversity spectrum of horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum L.) in India a
• Since 22.02.2023: Serving as a member of ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi, Jharkhand Management Committee
• Since 16.12.2022: Serving as a non-Official Member of Jharkhand Biodiversity Board, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

Recent Publications

  • Tribhuvan KU, Mishra T, Kaur S, Pandey A, Choudhary SB, Bhadana VP, Rakshit S, Singh BK.2024. Identification and characterization of novel drought-responsive lncRNAs in stone apple (Aegle marmelos L.) through whole-transcriptome analysis. Current Plant Biology. 100336. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpb.2024.100336
  • Kumari N, Choudhary SB*, Amrapali S, Jha BK, Sharma HK, Kumar CB, Singh ON.2023. Status, changing landscape and farmers’ criteria for the continuity of paddy (Oryza sativa) landraces in the upland ecosystem of Jharkhand, India: A conservation perspective. Genet Resour Crop Evo. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-023-01605-9
  • Choudhary SB*, Gurjar SC, Singh BK, Singh DK, Sharma HK, Horo S, Kumari N, Amrapali S, Ahlawat SP, Singh K. 2022. Morphology and genic-SSRs-based diversity analysis and georeferencing of economic traits in natural populations of Jack (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) from Eastern India. Scientia Horticulturae. 295:110852. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110852 
  • Kumari N., Jhar BK., Bara N., Choudhary SB*. 2022. Evolving contours of changing climate and its perception by farming community in hilly region: A micro study from Jharkhand, India.Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, 53 (04): 7463-7475 
  • Singh DK, Pandey A., Choudhary SB, Kumar S., Tribhuwan KU., Mishra DC., Bhati J., Kumar M., Tomar JB., Bishnoi SK., Mallick MA., Bhadana VP., Pattanayak A., Singh BK. 2021. Development of genic SSR markers and their application in revealing genetic diversity and population structure in an Eastern and North Eastern Indian collection of Jack (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam). Ecological Indicators. 131: 108143
  • Maruthi RT, Kumar AA, Choudhary SB, Sharma HK, Mitra J. 2021. Diversity assessment of Indian Sunnhemp (Crotolariajuncea L.) accessions for enhanced biomass and fibre yield using GIS approach. Legume Res. LR 4510 (1-6)
  • Radhamani J, Pushpa HD, Gomshe SS, Choudhary SB, Kumar V, Bisen R, Sujatha M.2021. Niger germplasm Early maturing accessions. Indian J. of Plant Genet Resour.32 (3):354-359
  • Maruthi RT, Kumar AA, Choudhary SB, Sharma HK, Mitra J. 2019. DIVA-GIS based insight into geographical distribution and diversity spectrum of IndianSunnhemp(Crotolariajuncea L.) accessions suitable for diversified applications. Legume Res. LR 4055 (1-7)
  • Bishnoi SK, Rathi RS, Choudhary SB, Malav PK, Ahlawat SP.2019. Phenotypic Characterization of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) Germplasm Collected from Jharkhand, India. Indian J. of Plant Genet Resour.34 (3):495-498
  • Kumari N, Choudhary SB*, Sharma HK, Singh BK, Kumar AA. 2019. Health-promoting properties of Corchorus leaves. Journal of Herbal Medicine.15: 100240 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hermed.2018.10.005
  • Singh BK, Singh SP, Shekhawat K, Rathore SS, Pandey A, Kumar S, Singh DK, Choudhry SB, Kumar S, Singh D.2019. Comparative analysis for understanding salinity tolerance mechanism in Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 41:104 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11738-019-2894-x
  • Lavanya AK, Sharma A, Choudhary SB, Sharma HK, Nain PKS, Singh S, Nain L.2019. Mesta (Hibiscus spp.) – a potential feedstock for bioethanol production. Energy sources, part a: recovery, utilization, and environmental effects https://doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2019.1618980


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