Dr. Ramesh Chandra Misra

Principal Scientist




Email: RC.Misra(AT)icar.gov.in, rcmisranbpgr(AT)gmail.com





Salient Achievements

  • Exploration and germplasm collection: During the tenure at ICAR, 23 exploration missions were undertaken and 1687 germplasm accessions comprising highly valuable medicinal and aromatic plants including RET species, tuber crops, pulses, leafy vegetables, wild relatives of Abelmoschus, Corchorus, Oryza, cucurbits, Solanum, Cajanus and cotton, oilseeds were collected from diversity-rich tribal dominated areas of Eastern, Central India and NEH states. 

  • Noteworthy collections (trait specific) include Mucuna spp. of high L-Dopa content, Ocimum spp. (elite chemotypes rich in bio-active compounds with high herbage yield and essential oil yield), Costus speciosus (high diosgenin, phenols), Hedychium spp. (high cineole, linalool), Zingiber zerumbet (high essential oil/zerumbone), Dioscorea spp. (high dietary protein, crude fibre) and Hibiscus sabdariffa (high protein and fibre). Other important collections comprise natural coloured long boll and water-logged/ perennial cotton; RET species, high valued M&AP, tuber crops, wild relatives of vegetable crops and jute.  

  • New taxa discovered: Two new taxa of wild okra viz. Abelmoschus odishae R.C.Misra sp. nov., a new species and one taxonomic variety Abelmoschus angulosus var. mahendragiriensis R.C.Misra var. nov., both new to science, were discovered from Kendujhar district and Mahendragiri hills of Odisha respectively, described and reported first time as new records from India. 

  • New distributional records: Eleven economically useful species viz. Calopogonium mucunoides (forage legume for food scarcity), Thladiantha cordifolia (vegetable crop), Ocimum kilimandscharicum (Bio-pesticide and medicinal & aromatic plant), Hedychium flavescens (Medicinal and wild ornamental plant), Hibiscus panduriformis (coarse fibre crop), Ocimum africanum (lemon-scented aromatic basil), Abelmoschus angulosus var. grandiflorus, A. tuberculatus var. deltoidefolius, A. tuberculatus var. tuberculatus (WRCP of okra), Malva sylvestris (leafy vegetable) and Ocimum basilicum var. pilosum (M&AP)  were  explored from Odisha and found to be new distributional records for Eastern, Central and Peninsular India. Besides, new additions of 118 vascular species to the flora of Similipal Biosphere Reserve were documented for first time in Odisha. 

  • Bio-systematic studies of Ocimum spp. (6 spp. 13 taxa), Abelmoschus (12 taxa) and Mucuna (5 taxa) exhibited high morphological variability enabling identification of specific taxonomic varieties and seed micro-morphology using scanning electron microscope. 

  • Ethno-botanical study & documentation of PGR: ITK on more than 200 wild species of potential species used as vegetables, fruits and drugs preferred by local people were collected and documented. Developed a new approach for validation of ethno-medicinal properties of Celastrus paniculata (Jyotismati) through phyto-chemical screening. Studied and documented 55 species of wild tubers as supplementary/famine food from Similipal biosphere reserve, Odisha, out of which 17 species found to be novel food plants for India (not reported earlier). The plant catalogue of Niyamgiri hill range comprising 663 species and new additions of 118 vascular species to the flora of Similipal Biosphere Reserve were documented for first time in Odisha. 

  • Genetic stock registered: Seed germplasm (IC-599290) of Mucuna pruriens (INGR 19092), from Odisha was registered for high L-dopa content (7.1%) useful for treatment of parkinson’s disease. 

  • Germplasm characterised/evaluated: 315 acc were characterized/evaluated and promising genotypes Ocimum (12) for high herbage/oil yield), Mucuna (5) for high L-Dopa), Dioscorea (4 for high protein & fibre), Hibiscus sabdariffa (3) for multiple agro-morphological and economic traits were identified. 

  • Germplasm supplied/conserved: Seed samples of about 1100 acc and plant parts/ products of 195 acc of were supplied to ICAR institutes and SAUs for research purpose. About 1600 acc were conserved in LTS, MTS, and FGB. About 650 acc were maintained in the FGB/ experimental plots of the centre. 

  • Herbarium preservation/ augmentation of NHCP: About 200 herbarium specimens including holotypes and isotypes of new plant records were preserved at NHCP, New Delhi and Central National Herbarium (CAL), B.S.I., Howrah. A Regional Herbarium harbouring about 1500 voucher specimens belonging to wild crop relatives, tuber crops, minor fruits, vegetables, high valued M&AP and economically useful plants collected from parts of India was established at Base Centre, Cuttack. 

  • Technology developed: New approach has been established to correlate between the activity of bio-active compounds and ethno-medicinal properties in respect of Celastrus paniculata (Jyotismati). Developed methodology for identification/ validation of inter and intra-specific taxa of wild okra (Abelmoschus spp.) analysing the seed micro-morphology through scanning electron microscope. 

  • HRD activities: Participated in 13 programmes as Invited key speaker and delivered lectures in scientific meetings/ trainings/seminars. Organised trainings/ demonstrations (16), Germplasm Field Days (4), Exhibition stalls/ farmers’ biodiversity fairs/ Awareness programme (11), public awareness and capacity building (10), outreach/ social activities (9).


  • Conferred with “Scientist for the Society Award-2014” by the Regional Centre for Development Cooperation (Professional Society and Member-IUCN & IUFRO), Bhubaneswar.
  • Recognition Award- 2014” by the Science Foundation for Tribal and Rural Resource Development, Bhubaneswar.
  • Certificate of Merit’ by Uka Tarsadia University, Gujarat.
  • Environmentalist of the Year Award- 2019″ by Orissa Environmental Society, Bhubaneswar
  • The Odisha PVTG Empowerment and Livelihood Improvement Programme (OPELIP), SC&ST Development Department, Govt. of Odisha
  • Awarded appreciation for conducting 3-day training programme for primitive tribes of Gajapati and Kandhamal districts of Odisha
  • Appreciation Award for outstanding research in Similipal Biosphere Reserve” by Vice Chancellor, MSCB University, Baripada on 22.07.2023
  • Conferred with Dr. M. Brahmam Memorial Award for “Plant Diversity Conservation” with citation by Orissa Botanical Society, Bhubaneswar on 17th December 2023 during the 46th Annual Conference & National Seminar, held at Dhenkanal Autonomous College, Dhenkanal, Odisha.
  •  Received  ‘Award of Excellence on Botany’ for outstanding contribution for promoting science and research in Botany by OPES (e-Planet) in 2024
  • Editorial Board Member: ‘Executive Editor’ of the international journal “e-planet” (NAAS Jrn ID E001)
  • Area Editor’ of the “Emerging Science,” a quarterly journal
  • Nominated as Expert Member of Technical Sub-committee (Biodiversity) under Odisha Rainfed Agriculture Mission (ORAM), Govt. of Odisha,
  • Member of State level consultation for “SOP for seed system under Odisha Millets Mission, Govt. of Odisha.
  • Member-Expert, Selection Committee for selection of candidates under various projects operating at ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack.
  • Participated/ delivered Radio and TV talks (2),
  •  special assignments as Chairman/ Co-chairman (2) in International/ national Conferences. Participated as Invited key speaker and delivered lectures (13) in scientific meetings/ trainings/seminars.

Recent Publications Research Papers

  1. Sahoo H.K. and Misra R.C. (2019) Indigenous phyto-therapy of Kandha tribe for primary healthcare in Kandhamal district, Odisha. e-planet 17 (1):1-8.
  2. Sahoo H.K. and Misra R.C. (2019) Impact of cyclone Fani on tree damage in Bhubaneswar city, Odisha, India. e – planet 17 (2):134-138.
  3. Raina A.P. and Misra R.C. (2020) Evaluation of diosgenin, a bioactive compound from natural source of Dioscorea species: A wild edible tuber plant. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 9 (1): 1120-1124.
  4. Misra, R.C., Pani D.R. and Ahlawat S.P. (2020) Hibiscus panduriformis Burm.f. (Malvaceae): A new distributional record from Odisha. e-planet 18 (2):142-144.
  5. Raina A.P. and Misra R.C. (2020) Characterization of fatty acid composition of seed oil of Ocimum species/ chemotypes. Medicinal plants 12 (4):615-622.
  6. Misra, R.C., Raina, A.P., Pani, D.R. Das, G., Mukherjee, A.K. and Ahlawat, S.P. (2021) Genetic diversity, extent of variability and indigenous traditional knowledge of Mucuna Adans. (Fabaceae) in Odisha, Eastern India. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 68: 1243-1268
  7. Saravanan, M., Misra, R.C., Mahajan, S. S., Mohan, P. and Waghmare, V. N. (2021) Exploration, characterization and conservation of cotton (Gossypium spp.) encompassing colour cotton from Tripura, India. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 10 (02): 3007-3016 Saravanan, M., Misra, R.C., Mahajan, S. S., Patil, D.V. and Waghmare, V. N. (2021) Morphological and molecular characterization of desi cotton (Gossypium herbaceum L.) landraces collected from different states of India. Electronic J Plant Breeding 12(1):142–150.
  8. Raina A.P. and Misra R.C. (2022) Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Roscoe ex Smith: A potential source of zerumbone rich essential oil. Medicinal Plants 14 (1): 162-168 Misra R.C., Raina A.P. and Ahlawat S.P. (2022) Note on Ocimum africanum Lour.: New distributional record of wild basil for Odisha and central India. e-planet 20 (1):33-39 Raina A.P. and Misra R.C. (2022) Essential oil composition of Hedychium species from India. Medicinal Plants 14(2):334-339
  9. Madkami, S.K., Moharana, A., Misra, R.C. and Barik, D.P. (2022) Rapid in vitro plant regeneration from nodal explant of Mucuna gigantea—An endangered medicinal legume. Int J Pharm Sci.13 (4): http://dx.doi.org/10.22376/Ijpbs.2022.13.4.b1-8 Misra, R.C., Karmakar P., Dehury, S., Dash, S.K. and Ahlawat, S.P. (2022) New record of three taxonomic varieties of wild okra (Abelmoschus Medik.) for Eastern India. Vegetos 36: 1058–1069. Misra, R.C. and Singh, P.K. (2023) Malva sylvestris L. (Malvaceae): A new distributional species record for Odisha and Eastern India. e-planet 21 (1):35-39
  10. Raina, A.P. and Misra R.C. (2023) Bio-molecular variability of different Ocimum species in India. Medicinal Plants 15(2):369-377.
  11. Misra, R.C. (2023) Abelmoschus odishae (Malvoideae: Malvaceae): a new wild okra from tropical Eastern India. Phytotaxa 607 (5): 291–300.
  12. Misra R.C., Raina A.P., Singh P.K and Singh, G.P. (2023) Ocimum basilicum var. pilosum (Willd.) Benth.: A new distributional record of wild sweet basil from Odisha. e-planet 21 (2):144-149.
  13. Raina, A.P. and Misra R.C. (2023) Phytochemical evaluation of Costus speciosus (Koen.) J.E.Sm. germplasm from Eastern India – An important antidiabetic plant. Medicinal Plants: 15(4):723-731.


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