Dr. Raj Kumar Gautam

Dr Raj Kumar Gautam
Principal Scientist & Head


Division of Germplasm Evaluation


Email- raj.gautam@icar.gov.in; 


Degree Discipline Year
M.Sc. Ag.Plant Breeding1989
Ph.D.Plant Breeding1993

Plant Breeding

Salient Achievements

Dr Raj Kumar Gautam presently working as Principal Scientist & Head, Division of Germplasm Evaluation, ICAR-NBPGR has research experience of 30 years in different institutions. He also worked as Head, Division of Crop Improvement & Protection at ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair. He was Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding) at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal and Assistant Rice Breeder in PAU, RRS, Kapurthala. He contributed for the development of 14 high yielding, bacterial blight and salt tolerant rice varieties which are estimated to have occupied more than 18 lakh ha area in different states of India. Twelve unique genetic stocks were registered with ICAR-NBPGR and PPVFRA New Delhi. Significant contributions were made for the development, documentation and popularization of agro-technologies and innovations including farmers’ participatory variety selection and seed production. As a Project Leader he successfully completed 3 International Projects (IRRI-India programmes funded by CGIAR Challenge Program on Water & Food, PN7; BMZ, Germany and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) and 3 Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India funded projects besides ICAR Network Project on Genomics for salt tolerance and 3 Institute projects mainly on genetic and genomic improvement of rice at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal and ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair. He is Fellow of National Academy of Biological Sciences, Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding, Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research and  Andaman Science Association.






Awarding Organization


ICAR-Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Award for Outstanding Research in Tribal Farming Systems

The research and development efforts made for the promotion of agri-horticultural development in Andaman & Nicobar Islands during 2010-17 were recognised by ICAR in the form of Award




As a Team Leader, facilitated the Plant Genome Saviour Community (PGSC) Award to the Karen community of Andaman & Nicobar Islands

As a Team Leader, facilitated the Plant Genome Saviour Community (PGSC) Award of Rs.10 lakh to the Karen community of Andaman & Nicobar Islands for on-farm conservation of traditional rice varieties



Govt. of India

Recent Publications Research Papers

1 Joshi, Khirod Kumar Sahoo, Anil Kumar Singh, Khalid Anwar , Preeti Pundir , Raj Kumar Gautam , S. L. Krishnamurthy , S. K. Sopory , Ashwani Pareek, and Sneh Lata Singla-Pareek (2019).Enhancing trehalose biosynthesis improves yield potential in marker-free transgenic rice under drought, saline, and sodic conditions, Journal of Experimental Botany, 71(2), pp.653-668.
2 Sarika Jaiswal , R. K. Gautam* , R. K. Singh , S. L. Krishnamurthy, S. Ali , K. Sakthivel , M. A. Iquebal , Anil Rai and Dinesh Kumar, (2019). Harmonizing technological advances in phenomics and genomics for enhanced salt tolerance in rice from a practical perspective, Rice, 12, pp.1-19.
3 K. Sakthivel , A. Kumar , R.K. Gautam , K. Manigundan , G.S. Laha , R. Velazhahan, R. Singh and I.S. Yadav, (2020). Intra-regional diversity of rice bacterial blight pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, in the Andaman Islands, India: revelation by pathotyping and multilocus sequence typing. Journal of Applied Microbiology,130(4), pp.1259-1272.
4 Sakthivel, K., Balamurugan, A., Ashajyothi, M., Yadav,S., Baskaran, V., Abirami, K., Gautam, R.K. and Kumar, A,(2021). Transboundary introduction of potato-infecting Ralstonia solanacearum in the Andaman Islands revealed by multilocus sequence typing: a potential threat to island agriculture,Journal of Biosciences,46, pp.1-10.
5 S. L. Krishnamurthy . P. C. Sharma . D. K. Sharma . Y. P. Singh . V. K. Mishra . D. Burman . B. Maji . S. Mandal . S. K. Sarangi . R. K. Gautam . P. K. Singh . K. K. Manohara . B. C. Marandi . K. Chattopadhyay . G. Padmavathi . P. B. Vanve . K. D. Patil . S. Thirumeni . O. P. Verma . A. H. Khan . S. Tiwari . S. Geetha . R. Gill . V. K. Yadav . B. Roy . M. Prakash . A. Anandan . J. Bonifacio . A. M. Ismail . R. K. Singh,(2021). Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analyses of yield performance in rice genotypes for general and specific adaptation to salt stress in locations in India, Euphytica,217, pp.1-15
6 Kuleshwar Prasad Sahu , A. Kumar, K. Sakthivel , Bhaskar Reddy , Mukesh Kumar , Asharani Patel , Neelam Sheoran , Subbaiyan Gopalakrishnan, Ganesan Prakash , Rajeev Rathour and R. K. Gautam (2022). Deciphering core phyllomicrobiome assemblage on rice genotypes grown in contrasting agroclimatic zones: implications for phyllomicrobiome engineering against blast disease, Environmental Microbiome17(1), pp.1-27.
7 Langyan S, Bhardwaj R, Radhamani J., Yadav R, Gautam R.K., Kumar A (2022). A quick analysis method for protein quantification in oilseed crops: A comparison with standard protocol, Frontiers in Nutrition,9, p.892695
8 Sapna Langyan, Pranjal Yadava, Fatima Nazish Khan, Ragini Bhardwaj, Kuldeep Tripathi, Vikash Bhardwaj, Rakesh Bhardwaj, Raj Kumar Gautam and Ashok Kumar (2022). Nutritional and food composition survey of major pulses toward healthy, sustainable, and biofortified diets, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, p.878269
9 Chandra, T., Jaiswal, S., Iquebal, M.A., Singh, R., Gautam, R.K., Rai, A. and Kumar, D (2023). Revitalizing miRNAs mediated agronomical advantageous traits improvement in rice,Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, p.107933
10 A. Suma *, K. Joseph John , Kangila Venkataramana Bhat  , Madhavan Latha , Chakkamadathil Jayasundaran Lakshmi, Mottaiyan Pitchaimuthu, V. A. M. Nissar, Polavakkalipalayam Palanisamy Thirumalaisamy, Chitra Devi Pandey, Sushil Pandey, Ashok Kumar, Raj Kumar Gautam and Gyanendra Pratap Singh (2023). Genetic enhancement of okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] germplasm through wide hybridization, Frontiers in Plant Science, DOI 10.3389/fpls.2023.1284070
11 Gautam, R.K., Singh, P.K., Sakthivel, K., Venkatesan, K., Rao, S.S., Srikumar, M., Vijayan, J., Rakesh, B., Ray, S., Akhtar, J. and Meena, B.R (2023). Marker-assisted enhancement of bacterial blight (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) resistance in a salt-tolerant rice variety for sustaining rice production of tropical islands,Frontiers in Plant Science, DOI 10.3389/fpls.2023.1221537
12 Gautam, R.K., Singh, P.K., Venkatesan, K., Rakesh, B., Sakthivel, K., Swain, S., Srikumar, M., Zamir Ahmed, S.K., Devakumar, K., Rao, S.S. and Vijayan, J, (2023). Harnessing intra-varietal variation for agro-morphological and nutritional traits in a popular rice landrace for sustainable food security in tropical islands,Frontiers in Nutrition, 10, p.1088208
13 Gautam, R.K.*, Langyan, S., Devi, S.V., Singh, R., Semwal, D.P., Ali, S., Mangat, G.S., Sarkar, S., Bagchi, T.B., Roy, S. and Senguttuvel, P., 2023. Genetic resources of sticky rice in India: status and prospects. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 70(1), pp.95-106.
14 Kaur, V., Yadav, S.K., Arya, S.S., Aravind, J., Jacob, S.R. and Gautam, R.K.(2023). Development and evaluation of barley mini-core collection for salinity tolerance and identification of novel haplotypic variants for HvRAF, Plant and Soil pp.1-21.
15 Choudhury, D.R., Kumar, R., Maurya, A., Semwal, D.P., Rathi, R.S., Gautam, R.K., Trivedi, A.K., Bishnoi, S.K., Ahlawat, S.P., Singh, K. and Singh, N.K (2023). SSR and SNP marker-based investigation of Indian rice landraces in relation to their genetic diversity, population structure, and geographical isolation, Agriculture, 13(4), p.823.
16 Thakur, G., Paul, S., Gautam, R.K. and Langyan, S (2023). Revelation of Genotype Environment Interaction in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) Under Conventional and Natural Farming Production Systems in the North-Western Himalayas, Journal of Food Quality, https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/3768192.
17 Sakthivel K, Manigundan K, Sharma SK, Singh R, Das MM, Devi V, Gautam RK, Nakkeeran S, Kumar A., (2023). Diversity of Antimicrobial Peptide Genes in Bacillus from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Untapped Island Microbial Diversity for Disease Management in Crop Plants, Current Microbiology, 80(1), p.45
18 Tripathi, K., Pamarthi, R.K., Gore, P.G., Nagaraju, S., Singh, P.K., Latha, M., Ramya, K.R., Pratap, A., Gautam, R.K., Rana, J.C. and Singh, G.P. (2023). Development and standardization of key descriptors for agro‑morphological characterization in Vigna stipulacea (Lam.) Kuntze a potential legume for India. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolutionpp.1-17.


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