Dr. Manjusha Verma

Dr. Manjusha Verma
Principal Scientist


Division of Germplasm Conservation


Email- Manjusha.Verma(AT)icar.gov.in, manjusha_v(AT)yahoo.com 


Degree DisciplineYear
M.Sc. Biochemistry1998
Ph.D. Biochemistry2003
Post Doctorate   

Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics

Salient Achievements

 Manjusha Verma has an experience in the established methods as well as their integration with genomic technologies, for the understanding of genetic variation in horticultural crops, especially, cucurbitaceous crops. She has evaluated genetic variability based on morphological traits, biochemical and molecular markers in several cucurbitaceous crops and millets. She renders DNA fingerprinting services in Cucurbitaceous crops. She has developed genomic resources in several crops—bottle gourd, sponge gourd, watermelon and small millets, with potential and demonstrated relevance to the analyses of genetic diversity, cultivar identification and marker assisted selection. She has developed the first SSR based linkage map in bottle gourd and compared its synteny with other cucurbit crops. She has developed SRAP markers linked to ToLCNDV resistance and characterized NBS-LRR resistance gene candidates showing strong association with the leaf curl disease in sponge gourd. She has developed the first transcriptomic signatures in bottle gourd and ToLCNDV resistant and susceptible sponge gourd to aid gene discovery and marker development. She has developed a versatile database for Cucumis melo microsatellite markers and other horticulture crop research. She has developed phytochemical and metabolomic profiles of several species of Momordica for identification of germplasm for nutraceutical potential.


  • 2024    Member, TEC Committee, DBT, Govt. of India
  • 2023   Member, Evaluation Committee, FSSAI, Govt. of India
  • 2022-24    Joint Secretary, Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi.
  • 2021    Fellow of Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi.
  • Editor : Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, Frontiers in Plant Sciences, Plos ONE

Recent Publications Research Papers

  • Nagar Arvind , Gowthami Ravi , Sureja Amish Kumar , Munshi Anilabha Das , Verma Manjusha , Singh Awani Kumar , Mallick Niharika , Singh Jogendra , Chander Subhash, Shankar Muthusamy , Pathania Pooja , Rajkumar Subramani (2023) Simple cryopreservation protocol for Luffa pollen: enhancing breeding efficiency. Front. Plant Sci., Volume 14, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1268726
  • Bhutia Nangsol D, Sureja Amish K, Verma Manjusha, Krishnan S Gopala, Arya Lalit, Bhardwaj Rakesh, Dash Prasanta K, Munshi Anilabha Das (2023) Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 298 (5):995-1006 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00438-023-02034-0
  • Tyagi Ruchi, Bhardwaj Rakesh, Suneja Poonam, Sureja Amish K., Munshi Anilabh D., Arya Lalit, Riar Amritbir, Verma Manjusha (2023) Harnessing sponge gourd: an alternative source of oil and protein for nutritional security. Front. Nutr., Volume 10, https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2023.1158424
  • Sourav Mahapatra, Amish K. Sureja, Tusar K. Behera, Rakesh Bhardwaj, Manjusha Verma (2023) Variability in antioxidant capacity and some mineral nutrients among ninety-one Indian accessions of bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.] South African Journal of Botany, Volume 152: 50-62 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2022.11.040.


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