Dr. Lalit Arya

Dr. Lalit Arya
Principal Scientist


Division of Germplasm Conservation


Email- Lalit.Arya(AT)icar.gov.in





Biochemistry (Plant Sciences)

Salient Achievements

  • Browntop millet (Brachiaria ramosa) draft genome sequenced with total number of 1142 scaffolds and 54,367 SSRs containing sequences
  • Development of SSR markers in browntop millet through cross-species transferability
  • Development and validation of genic SSR markers in kodo millet, little millet and finger millet
  • Diversity studies in barnyard millet, finger millet, proso millet, browntop millet, kodo millet, foxtail millet and little millet, wheat, barley, sorghum, pearl millet, rose, Morinda , French bean, perilla and cucurbits
  • Development and validation of genomic SSRs from Multiple hybrid de novo genome assembly of finger millet
  • Transcriptome-wide identification of WRKY TFs in finger millet and little millet (Panicum sumatrense)
  • Characterization of more than 1600 accessions of little millet for identification of trait specific germplasm
  • Characterization of browntop millet and kodo millet for identification of trait specific germplasm


  • GATE-95 -score of 94.99
  • Joint (CSIR-UGC) 1994 and 1995
  • Haryana State Merit Scholarship, 1995- M. Sc. (Biochemistry)
  • Gold Medal- M. Sc. (Biochemistry)
  • Awarded “Outstanding” Project Award from DG, ICAR & Secretary DARE vide letter no. D.O.No. Secy. (DARE) & DG (ICAR/A/MRP/2003/04 dated 26th August, 2003
  • Recognized as Fellow (2015) of Indian Society of Plant genetic Resources for significant contributions in the field of Plant Genetic Resources
  • Awarded “ISNS-Best Research Paper Award on Morinda spp.” for the year 2015 by International Society for Noni Science, Chennai, India.

Recent Publications Research Papers

  • L Arya, M Verma, SK Singh, RPS Verma (2019) Spatio-temporal genetic diversity in Indian barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties based on SSR markers. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 57: 545-552
  • K Pati, DA Munshi, M Verma, KT Behera, L Arya (2019) Genetic diversity of cucumber genotypes revealed by SSR markers and agronomic traits Genetika 51 (2): 405-416
  • Y Yadav, GR Lavanya, L Arya, M Verma, R Rajput (2020) Phenotype based selection in kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.) to identify elite accessions. Agricultural Science Digest-A Research Journal 40 (4): 357-363
  • R Tyagi, V Sharma, AK Sureja, AD Munshi, L Arya, D Saha, M Verma (2020) Genetic diversity and population structure detection in sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica) using ISSR, SCoT and morphological markers Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 26: 119-131 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12298-019-00723-y
  • L Arya, RK Narayanan, A Kak, CD Pandey, M Verma, V Gupta (2022) ISSR marker based genetic diversity in Morinda spp. for its enhanced collection, conservation and utilization. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 69: 1585-1593. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-021-01321-2 (NAAS rating: 7.88)
  • B Bonthala, MZ Abdin, L Arya, CD Pandey, V Sharma, P Yadav, M Verma. (2022) Genome-wide SSR markers in bottle gourd: development, characterization, utilization in assessment of genetic diversity of National Genebank of India and synteny with other related cucurbits. J Appl Genetics 63: 237-263 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13353-022-00684-1
  • C Ram, S Danish, MS Kesawat, BS Panwar, M Verma, L Arya, Sheel Yadav, V Sharma (2022) Genome-wide comprehensive characterization and expression analysis of TLP gene family revealed its responses to hormonal and abiotic stresses in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). Gene 844: 146818
  • ND Bhutia, AK Sureja, AD Munshi, M Verma, L Arya, SG Krishnan, B Gurung (2022) Morphological and molecular characterization of Satputia (Luffa hermaphrodita Singh & Bhandari) revealed substantial diversity for use in breeding programme. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 69: 2485–2500. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-022-01387-6
  • ND Bhutia, AK Sureja, M Verma, SG Krishnan, L Arya, R Bhardwaj, PK Dash, AD Munshi (2023). Inheritance and molecular mapping of solitary/cluster fruit-bearing habit in Luffa.  Molecular Genetics and Genomics 298(5): 995-1006. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00438-023-02034-0
  • R Tyagi, R Bhardwaj, P Suneja, AK Sureja, AD Munshi, L Arya, A Riar, M Verma (2023) Harnessing sponge gourd: an alternative source of oil and protein for nutritional security. Frontiers in Nutrition 16:10:1158424. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1158424.
  • A Nagar, AK Sureja, CD Pandey, M Verma, L Arya, N Gupta, AD Munshi (2023) Effects of Different Treatments on Seed Germination and Breaking Seed Dormancy in Wild Luffa Species. IJPGR 36(3): 429-433


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