Dr. Krishna Madav Rai

Dr. Krishna Madav Rai
Scientist, Station Coordinator




Off.-+91 8954430082


Degree Discipline Year
M.Sc. Ag. Fruit Science 2010
Ph.D. Fruit Science 2014

Fruit Science

Salient Achievements

  • Total six national explorations has been under taken from North Western Himalaya and North Eastern Himalaya for collection of local Banana, superior genotype of walnut, Malus sp., Pyrus sp., Rubus spp., Ribes spp., Prunus spp., Sorbus spp., Viburnum spp. and other wild edibles temperate fruit crops.
  • Through exploration unique germplasm like Prunus jacquemontii (Khursang), Ribes orientale (Darbag), Prunus nepalensis (Bhang Bhalu), Prunus cornuta (Jamun), Ribes himalense (Darbag) Sorbus aucuparia (Galao) and Corylus jaquemontii Schisandra grandiflora (Chinkati), Viburnum grandiflorum (Gania) Sorbus aucuparia (Galao) and Sorbus cuspidata were collected first time and conserved in FGB as well as Cryo gene bank of HQ.
  • Enrich the field gene bank with total of 121 accessions of temperate and sub temperate fruit crops like Persia Americana, Citrus aurantifolia, Olea europaea, Fragaria x ananassa , Prunus persica, Prunus armeniaca, Juglans regia, Prunus domestica , Actinidia deliciosa etc.
  • Under National exploration plan collected rare, endangered and threatened species of medicinal and aromatic and wild economically useful crops like Allium humile (Jangali lahsun), Allium victorialis (Ban pyaz), Allium negianum (Pharan),  Podophylum hexandrum (Ban Kakri), Carum carvi (Black cumin), Picrorhiza kurrooa (Kutki), Rheum austral (Dolu), Saussura costus (Koot) Allium victorialis (Pharan), Lilium polyphullum (Wild Lillium) and Allium carolinianum etc.


  • Best Poster Award: Genetic resources of wild edible plants in high altitude of Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. 1st National Conference on Plant Genetic Resource Management (NCPGRM 2022) (KM Rai, Mamta Arya and Veena Gupta)

Recent Publications Research Papers

  1. Anjula Pandey, Pavan Kumar Malav, Madhav K. Rai, S.P. Ahlawat (2021). ‘Neodomesticates’ of the Himalayan allium spices (Allium species) in Uttarakhand, India and studies on eco-geography and morphology. Genet Resour Crop Evol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-021-01164-x
  2. Anjula Pandey, Madhav Rai, Pavan Kumar Malav, S. Rajkumar (2021). Allium negianum (Amaryllidaceae): a new species under subg. Rhizirideum from Uttarakhand Himalaya, India. PhytoKeys 183: 77–93
  3. Badal singh, Krishna Madhav Rai, Kailash Chand Bhatt, Rekha Chaudhury, Saurabh Kumar Dubey & Sudhir Pal Ahlawat (2022). Ethnobotenical notes on some potential wild edible fruits used by the Bhotia community of Niti valley, Uttarakhand, India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge: 21(1); 135-144.
  4. Badal singh, Rekha Chaudhury, Krishna Madhav Rai, Kailash Chand Bhatt, Veena Gupta, Narendra Singh Negi, Shivani Singh & Sudhir Pal Ahlawat (2022). Seed physiological studies in six wild Prunus species of Indian Himalayas: implications for their cryobanking.Vegetos. https://doi.org/1007/s42535-021-00321-y.
  5. Anjula Pandey, Pavan Kumar Malav, DP Semwal, Subhash Chander, R Gowthami and KM Rai (2022) Repository of Allium Genetic Resources at ICAR-NBPGR: Prospects and Challenges for Collection and Conservation. Indian Journal Plant Genetic Resources. 35(3): 185–190.
  6. Lal, S., Sharma O.C., Singh, D.B., Verma, M.K., Mir, J.I., Rai, K.M. (2022). Characterization of peach (Prunus persica) genotypes for physic-chemical and yield attributed grown under temperate environment. Current Horticulture. DOI:10.5958/24557560.2022.00012.7.
  7. L. Kumawat, W.H. Raja, Lal Chand, K.M. Rai and S. Lal (2023). Influence of plant growth regulators on growth and formation of sylleptic shoots in one-year-old apple cv. Gala Mast. Journal of Environmental Biology. DOI : http://doi.org/10.22438/jeb/44/1/MRN-3050.
  8. Rajender Kumar, D C Dimari, Kanchan Karki, K M Rai, N K Singh, Jitender Singh Sivran and Swapnil Bharti (2023). SSR marker based profiling and population structure analysis in peach (Prunus persica) germplasm. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences https://doi.org/10.56093/ijas.v93i10.132658.
  9. Anjula Pandey, Pavan Kumar Malav, KM Rai and SP Ahlawat (2022). Genus Allium L. of the Indian Region: A Field Guide for Germplasm Collection and Identification. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, India, 109p + i-vi. ISBN 978-81-952644-7-6.


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