Dr. Kavita Gupta

Dr. Kavita Gupta
Principal Scientist


Division of Plant Quarantine


Email-Kavita.Gupta(AT)icar.gov.in, kavita6864(AT)gmail.com

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=82jhs7kAAAAJ


Degree Discipline Year
M.Sc. Entomology 1988
Ph.D. Entomology 1992

Entomology & Policy Issues

Salient Achievements

(a) Entomology – Experience of over 24 years of working in Plant Quarantine, involved in intercepting 15 exotic pests thus preventing their entry into the country. Presently working on detection, identification and disinfestation during quarantine processing of germplasm including transgenics from entomology perspective. In addition, involved in research on-

  • Conducted in silico research to develop quick and accurate diagnostic tool and database for identifying 71 genera and >1500 species belonging to family Bruchidae. The Digital Library on Bruchids hosted on NBPGR website (available at
  • Developed non-destructive, eco-friendly salvaging treatments and standardized, thermal treatments, irradiation and others for disinfestation of few insects
  • Compiled information on potential quarantine insect and mite pests for India for cereals (6 species), grain legumes (39 species), edible oilseeds (16 species) and tropical and subtropical fruits (38 species), Cucurbitaceous and Solanaceous Vegetables (34 species) for quarantine personnel.

(b) Policy issues in biosecurity and biosafety, pest risk analysis in the wake of WTO/ SPS, Invasive Alien Species and other related phytosanitary issues.

  • Inputs on various phytosanitary issues (PRA, export facilitation, biosecurity, establishment of National Agricultural Biosecurity System, Invasive Alien Species, Agroterrorism, SOPs for quarantine pests) to Ministries of Agriculture, Environment & Forests, Commerce & Industry, Defence and Home Affairs.
  • Published articles/ book on concepts given through analysis of – International Agreements, Biosafety regulations in 39 Asia Pacific Countries, International Standards of Phytosanitary Measures, prevention and management of invasive alien species,
  • Coordinated and undertook pest risk analysis (PRA) for 140 crop species that were notified under the PQ Order 2003.


Item of RecognitionYearAwarding Organization
1. Awarded CBSE Gold Medal for obtaining Highest marks in English Elective in Class XII1983Central Board for Secondary Education
2. University Merit List1986University of Delhi
3. Awarded IARI Junior Fellowship1986Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ICAR)
4. Awarded IARI Senior Fellowship1988Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ICAR)
5. Awarded IARI Gold Medal for PhD1993Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (ICAR)
6. Awarded the RDVJ Prasad Rao Memorial Award 2015Plant Protection Association of India
7. Awarded JICA Fellowship to undertake the Group Training on Plant Quarantine: Thermal Treatments for the Disinfestation of Fruit Flies at Naha Plant Protection Station, Naha, Okinawa, Japan for 3.5 months (awarded to only 5 persons internationally through application every year)2003Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan
8. Awarded 2nd Best Poster Award to poster entitled “Biosecurity and Biosafety Policies Influencing Crop Production and Trade” by Gupta Kavita and RK Khetarpal presented in the Global Conference on Plant Health- Global Wealth, ISMPP at MPUAT, Udaipur from November 25-29, 20052005Indian Society for Mycology and Plant Pathology, Udaipur
9. Awarded Best Poster Award to poster entitled “Risk of Introducing Bruchid Pests with the Import of Pisum spp” by Bhalla S, Kavita Gupta, ML Kapur, C Singh, B Lal and RK Khetarpal presented in XII National Seed Seminar on Prosperity through quality seed by Indian Society of Seed Technology at ANGRAU, Hyderabad from February 24- 26, 20062006Indian Society of Seed Technology, New Delhi
10. Awarded the Certificate of Achievement for the best participant among twenty-two representatives from 10 countries during the International Master Class on Plant Biosecurity-Issues and Responses held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from June 2-13, 20082008CRC Australia, CAB International, Govt. of Malaysia and Crawford Fund at Malaysia
11. Nominated Life Fellow of the Entomological Society of India2010Entomological Society of India, New Delhi
12. Editor (member of editorial board) Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources2009-2024Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi
13. Young Scientists’ Award for Best Presentation in the 3rd International Conference on Parthenium, December 8-10, 2010, Division of Entomology, IARI, New Delhi, India. pp 87-90 for the paper- Gupta Kavita and RK Khetarpal (2010) A Strategy for Management of Invasive Alien Species in India: A Case Study for Developing Countries2010International Society on Weed Sciences, Melbourne, Australia
14. Nominated as Fellow of the Plant Protection Association of India2012Plant Protection Association of India
15. Nominated as Fellow of the Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources2015Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources
16. Reviewer of Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences2012- 14ICAR
17. Reviewer of Indian Journal of Plant Protection2012 onwardsPlant Protection Association of India
18. Reviewer of Seed Research2012 onwardsIndian Society for Seed Science and Technology
19. Editor of Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources2012-13 and 2015 till dateIndian Society of Plant Genetic Resources
20. Member, National Task Force for Implementation of Guidelines on Biological Disasters2010- 2014NDMA, Ministry of Home Affairs
21. Member of Indian Delegation in the SBSTTA 13 of the Conference of Parties (CoP) 10 of the Convention on Biological Diversity at Nairobi, KenyaMay 2010Ministry of Environment and Forests
22. Member Convener, National Task Force on Phytosanitary Capacity Building in Plant Quarantine2007-08DAC, Ministry of Agriculture
23. Member of Indian Delegation in the Conference of Parties (CoP) 11 of the Convention on Biological Diversity at HyderabadOctober 11- 18, 2012Ministry of Environment and Forests
24. Member of National Secretariat of the National Advisory Board for Management of Genetic Resources2011- 2016ICAR
25. Member of National Secretariat of the National Advisory Committee for Management of Genetic ResourcesJuly 2017 onwardsICAR
26. National FAW expert to validate and endorse the guidelines formulated for FAW management in Asia under their FAO funded project entitled “Coordinative Surveillance and Early warning for sustainable management of transboundary plant pest in Asia”2021CABI and FAO
27. Resource Person to conduct a Workshop on In-depth Pest Risk Assessment of Prioritized Pests in Bangladesh as a regional resource person with NPPO Bangladesh and CABI-South Asia in Dhaka, Bangladesh from 17-20 June, 2023.2023NPPO Bangladesh and CABI-South Asia

Recent Publications Research Papers

11 books, 65 research papers, 45 book chapters, 6 reviews, 1 policy paper, 25 technical bulletins and > 120 papers presented in national and international fora.

Recent Publications (Last five years)


  • Akhtar J, K Gupta, MC Singh, Z Khan and VC Chalam (eds.) (2023) Potential Quarantine Pests for India in Cucurbitaceous and Solanaceous Vegetable Crops. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, India. x+181 p. ISBN: 978-81-958250-4-2 (Hardcopy), ISBN: 978-81-958250-6-6 (e-book).
  • Chalam VC, K Gupta, MC Singh, Z Khan, J Akhtar, B Gawade, P Kumar, P Kumari, BR Meena, AK Maurya, DS Meena and Sadhana (2023) 75 Quarantine Pests Intercepted Ensuring Crop Biosecurity. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, India, xv+76p. ISBN: 978-81-958250-5-9 (Hard copy), ISBN: 978-81-958250-3-5 (e-Book)
  • Dubey SC, KK Mondal, BM Bhasyal, A Das, J Akhtar, Kavita Gupta, R Gogoi, MS Gurjar and D Singh (eds) (2020) 7thInternational Conference on Phytopathology in Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals, Jan. 16-20, 2020, New Delhi, India Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-81-7019-662-4). 443 p.
  • Gupta Kavita, Sunil Archak, K. Pradheep, Sandeep Kumar, Sherry R. Jacob, Vandana Tyagi, Mukesh Kumar Rana, Sandhya Gupta, Jyoti Kumari, Gurinderjit Randhawa and Kuldeep Singh (2019). ICAR-NBPGR: Bridging Science and Service (2012-2018). ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, India, 74 p. (ISBN No. 978-81-937111-3-2)

Training Manuals edited:

  • Chalam VC, Kavita Gupta, Jameel Akhtar, Z Khan, K Kalaiponmani, Aradhika Tripathi, DK Bhaskar and GP Singh (eds). 2023. Training Manual of Biosecurity and Biosafety: Policies, Diagnostics Phytosanitary Treatments and Issues. Organized under DBT-sponsored project “National Programme for Quarantine and GM Diagnostics of Genetically Engineered Plant Material from 4-14 September, 2023 at ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi-110012. 248p + xivp. ISBN No: 078-81937111-9-4.
  • Chalam VC, Kavita Gupta, Jameel Akhtar, Z Khan, K Kalaiponmani, Aradhika Tripathi, Priya Yadav, and Ashok Kumar (eds). 2022. Training Manual of Biosecurity and Biosafety: Policies, Diagnostics Phytosanitary Treatments and Issues. Organized under DBT-sponsored project “National Programme for Quarantine and GM Diagnostics of Genetically Engineered Plant Material at ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi-110012. 249p.
  • Chalam VC, Kavita Gupta, Jameel Akhtar, Z Khan and Ashok Kumar (eds). (2021) Training Manual of Biosecurity and Biosafety: Policies, Diagnostics Phytosanitary Treatments and Issues. Organized under DBT-sponsored project “National Programme for Quarantine and GM Diagnostics of Genetically Engineered Plant Material at ICAR National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi-110012. XII+246p.
  • A Pandey, A Koul, SR Jacob, Kavita Gupta, V Tyagi, L Arya, S Bansal, EV Malhotra, V Gupta and K Singh (2019). Training Manual on Plant Genetic Resources Management and Utilization, NAHEP-CAAST Sponsored Short Term Training Programme. 224p.

Book Chapters:

  • Chalam VC and Kavita Gupta (2023) Pest Risk Analysis: A Tool to Facilitate Agriculture Trade of Economically Important Crops. In: Advances in Plant Disease Management: Volume I: Fundamental and Basic Research (Eds: Pranjib K. Chakrabarty, Kalyan K. Mondal, Mahender S. Saharan, Charudatta Mayee, J. Kumar). CRC Press, London UK. https://doi10.1201/9781003403142-13   pp 280-297.
  • Boopathi T, Kavita Gupta, SP Singh and DS Meena (2023) Insects Pests of Quarantine Significance in Cucurbitaceous and Solenaceous Vegetables. In: Pests of Quarantine Significance in Cucurbitaceous and Solenaceous Vegetables (eds. Akhtar J, VC Chalam, K Gupta and Z Khan), National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, India. pp 1-25. ISBN: 978-81-958250-4-2
  • Singh SP, Kavita Gupta, T Boopathi and DS Meena (2023) Mite Pests of Quarantine Significance in Cucurbitaceous and Solenaceous Vegetables. In: Pests of Quarantine Significance in Cucurbitaceous and Solenaceous Vegetables (eds. Akhtar J, VC Chalam, K Gupta and Z Khan), National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, India. pp 26-38. ISBN: 978-81-958250-4-2
  • Gupta Kavita and SC Dubey (2022) Phytosanitary Standards and International Exchange of Potato. In: Chakrabarti, S.K., Sharma, S., Shah, M.A. (eds) Sustainable Management of Potato Pests and Diseases. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7695-6_2
  • Chalam VC, Kavita Gupta, R Sharma, VD Sharma and AK Maurya (2021) Pest Risk Analysis and Plant Quarantine Regulations. In: KP Singh, S Jahagirdar and BK Sarma (Eds) Emerging Trends in Plant Pathology. Springer Nature Springer Pte Ltd. pp 663-682.
  • Akhtar J, Kavita Gupta, BH Gawade, P Kumar, BR Meena, R Kiran and C Chalam (2021). Strategies to combat the threat of quarantine pests to the plant health and food safety. In: Technology strides in plant health management. (eds.) NK Bharat and HR Gautam. Neoti Book Agency Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, pp 273-288.
  • Sharma TR, Kuldeep Singh, Kavita Gupta, N Sivaraj and John K Joseph (2020) Agro-biodiversity, Ecology and Agriculture: Gandhian Thoughts. InMahatma Gandhi’s Vision of Agriculture: Achievements of ICAR Pathak H, Suresh Pal and Mohapatra T (eds). Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. pp 60-73. 
  • Akhtar J, V Celia Chalam, Kavita Gupta, MC Singh and Z Khan (2019) Seed health testing for pest free conservation of germplasm in the National Genebank. In: Seed Conservation at National Genebank – Procedures and Guidelines. (eds.) J Arvind et al., ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, pp 20-31.
  • Gayacharan, Archak S., Gupta Kavita., Gupta V., Tyagi V., Singh K. (2020) Mungbean Genetic Resources and Utilization. In: Nair R., Schafleitner R., Lee SH. (eds) The Mungbean Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham, pp 9-25.
  • Bhalla Shashi and Kavita Gupta (2019) Biosecuring Indian Agriculture against Exotic Insect Pests under Quarantine Umbrella. In: Pesticides and Pests Edited by Balraj Singh Parmar, Shashi Bala Singh and Suresh Walia. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK pp 111-123.
  • Dubey SC and Gupta Kavita (2019). Plant quarantine legislation and advancement in detection methods of emerging pests. In: Modern concepts in plant disease management for enhancing quality and productivity (eds. K Vishunavat et al.) from February 08-28, 2019 organized under CAFT at GBPUAT, Pantnagar, 62-70 pp.

Review Articles:

  • Singh GP, Kavita Gupta and S Raj Kumar (2022) Role of NBPGR in PGR Conservation and Utilization in India. In Souvenir 1st National Conference on Plant Genetic Resources Management, November 22-24, 2022 xviii +102p. Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, India pp14-18.

Research papers:

  • Kumar K. B. Chethan, Kuldeep Tripathi, Rakesh Singh, Padmavati G Gore, Ramesh Kumar, Rakesh Bhardwaj, Kavita Gupta (2024) Screening diverse cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) germplasm for Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) resistance and SSR based genetic diversity assessment Resour. Crop. Evol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-024-01863-1 NAAS rating 8.5
  • Nair Beena, VK Biradar, VP Nagaich, CM Singh, BK Singh, SB Kumre, KM Shah, ND Tekale, RA Jadhav, Ankit Tripathi, Saurabh Kumar, J. Aravind, Kavita Gupta, Ashok Kumar, Vikender Kaur (2023) Multi-environment screening of Linum germplasm collection for dissecting the potential of bud fly (Dasyneura lini Barnes) resistance and assembling a reference set for efficient utilization in genetic improvement. Industrial Crops & Products 207 (2024) 117743. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.117743) NAAS rating 12.45
  • Kumar, V., Gautham, S., Gupta, Kavita., Biradar, V.K., Kaur, V., Nair, B., Kumar, A. (2023). Biophysical and Morphological Basis of Resistance against Linseed (Linum usitatissimum ) Bud Fly (Dasyneura lini Barnes). Indian J. Plant Genetic Resources. 36(2), 1-4. DOI: 10.5958/0976-1926.2022.00036.2.00. NAAS rating 5.12
  • Kaur Vikender, Singh Mamta, Wankhede DP, Gupta Kavita, Langyan Sapna, Aravind J, Thangavel Boopathi, Yadav SK, Kalia Sanjay, Singh Kuldeep and Kumar Ashok (2023) Diversity of Linum genetic resources in global genebanks: from agro-morphological characterization to novel genomic technologies– a review. Nutr. 10:1165580. doi:10.3389/fnut.2023.1165580. NAAS rating 12.59
  • Gupta Kavita, KV Sankaran and PS Kumar (2023) Exchange of biological control genetic resources in India: prospects and constraints for access and benefit sharing BioControl 68, 281–289 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10526-023-10199-1 NAAS rating58
  • Chalam V Celia, Kavita Gupta, MC Singh, Z Khan, J Akhtar, BH Gawade, Pooja Kumari, Pardeep Kumar, BR Meena, AK Maurya and DS Meena (2022) Role of Plant Quarantine in Preventing Entry of Exotic Pests. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 35(3): 141–146. DOI 10.5958/0976-1926.2022.00057.2
  • Padhi SR, Bartwal A, John R, Tripathi K, Gupta Kavita, Wankhede DP, Mishra GP, Kumar S, Archak S and Bhardwaj R (2022) Evaluation and Multivariate Analysis of Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] Germplasm for Selected Nutrients—Mining for Nutri-Dense Accessions. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:888041. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.888041 Impact factor 5.005
  • Padhi SR, John R, Bartwal A, Tripathi K, Gupta Kavita, Wankhede DP, Mishra GP, Kumar S, Rana JC, Riar A and Bhardwaj R (2022) Development and optimization of NIRS prediction models for simultaneous multi-trait assessment in diverse cowpea germplasm. Nutr. 9:1001551. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.100155 Impact factor 6.59
  • Panigrahi, S. K., Tripathi, K., Singh, R., Kumar, R., Sanghamitra, P., Wankhede, D. P., Singh, N., Dubey, K. K. D., & Gupta, K. (2022). Evaluation of black gram (Vigna mungo) genepool against Callosobruchus maculatus and diversity analysis inter se. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences92(7), 915–919. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijas.v92i7.122390 Impact factor 37
  • Panigrahi SK, K Tripathi and Kavita Gupta (2021) Screening of Black Gram (Vigna mungo) and its Crop Wild Relatives against Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) and Correlation of Resistance with Seed Physical Parameters. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 34(3): 455–459 https://DOI 10.5958/0976-1926.2021.00039.5
  • Gupta Kavita and Sankaran KV (2021) Forest Biosecurity Systems and Processes: An Indian Perspective. Frontiers of Forests and Global Change 4:699950. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.699950 Impact factor 4.332
  • Dubey SC, Kavita Gupta, Jameel Akhtar, V Celia Chalam, MC Singh, Z Khan, SP Singh, Pardeep Kumar, BH Gawade, Raj Kiran, T Boopathi and Pooja Kumari (2021) Plant quarantine for biosecurity during transboundary movement of plant genetic resources. Indian Phytopathology74, 495–508. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42360-021-00375-7
  • Gupta Kavita, SP Singh, Shashi Bhalla and DS Meena (2021) Interception of Insect Pests using X-Ray Radiography during Quarantine of Plant Genetic Resources. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 34(1): 43–53 DOI 10.5958/0976-1926.2021.00006.1
  • Tyagi Vandana, SR Jacob, Kavita Gupta and Pratibha Brahmi (2020) Status of introduction and conservation in Barley (Hordeum vulgare ). Journal of Cereal Research 12(1): 13-18.
  • Singh Kuldeep., Kavita Gupta, Vandana Tyagi, S. Rajkumar (2020) Plant genetic resources in India: management and utilization. Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 24(3):306-314 (DOI 10.18699/VJ20.622) Impact Factor 0.188
  • Singh S P, Shashi Bhalla, Kavita Gupta, D S Meena and S C Dubey (2019) Efficacy of thermal treatments against rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89 (8): 1359–61.
  • Singh Kuldeep, Sandeep Kumar, S. Raj Kumar, Mohar Singh and Kavita Gupta (2019) Plant genetic resources management and pre-breeding in genomics era. Indian J. Genet., 79(1) Suppl. 117-130 DOI: 10.31742/IJGPB.79S.1.1.

Popular Articles:

  • Singh GP, Jyoti Kumari, MK Rana and Kavita Gupta (2022) Profile of ICAR-NBPGR. ICAR News Volume 28 No. 3 July-September 2022, 14-20pp.
  • Sandip Kumar Panigrahi, Kavita Gupta and Kuldeep Tripathi (2020). Bruchid management in Legumes. KERALA KARSHAKAN (English Journal) – Dept. of Agricultural Development and Farmers welfare, Govt. of Kerala
  • Singh Kuldeep, Kavita Gupta and S Rajkumar (2020) Saving for Posterity National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources: Genetic Diversity Conservation and Utilization. Agriculture Today VOLUME XXIII | ISSUE 11, November 2020 pp 36-38
  • Singh Kuldeep, Kavita Gupta and S C Dubey (2020) NBPGR efforts for protection: Silent Saviours of Indian Agriculture. Agriculture Today VOLUME XXIII | ISSUE 12, December 2020 pp 37-38
  • Gupta Kavita, VC Chalam, Jameel Akhtar, Z Khan, MC Singh and SC Dubey (2019) Quarantine Processing of Plant Genetic Resources under Exchange. Seed Times Sep – Dec 2019 12 (3): 38-48.


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