Dr. Kailash Chandra Bhatt

Dr. Kailash Chandra Bhatt
Principal Scientist


Division of Plant Exploration and Germplasm Collection







M. Sc.



Ph. D.




Economic Botany

Salient Achievements

  • Research experience: 30 years in the field of plant genetic resources
  • Over 80 explorations execute and over 5000 accessions in different crops, CWR including trait-specific germplasm; minor fruits/ wild edibles, M&APs have been collected from different agro-ecological regions/hot-spots of biodiversity of India.
  • New species (Herpetosermum opeculatum, Tubocapsicum anomalum, Trichasanthes cucumeriana) identified
  • Occurrence of Vigna angularis nipponensis (a close relative of Adzuki bean) reported first time from NEH region
  • Unique genetic stocks/germplasm registered: Germplasm (IC 111251) with high psoralen content (1.34%) in Psoralea corylifolia was registered
  • New uses of Crotalaria tetragona (flower as garnishing of non-veg food); Bidens Pilosa (leaves as medicinal tea); Abelmoschus manihot Tetraphyllus (stem as clearing agent in jaggery industry); ‘Jumin’ a traditional beverage using ‘Aho’ rice landrace from Arunachal reported first time Cleome viscosa“ Kukkavaminta” -a less‑known seasoning spice from West Godavari district AP
  • An App developed for recording passport data (NBPGR-Passport Data System: A precision tool for exploration and germplasm collection) has been developed
  • Teaching experience: 20 years;
  • Guided two M. Sc student and four Ph D students as Chairman
  • Over 100 publications brought (incl. 52 Research Articles in International and National journals, book on ‘75 unique plant germplasm collected by ICAR-NBPGR’, book chapters, manuals, E-publications, popular articles, germplasm reporters


  • Fellow: Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources (ISPGR)
  • Life Member: Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, Ethnobotany, Phyto-morphology.
  • Felicitated as an “Ethnobotanist” by Society of Ethnobotany, Lucknow (2013).
  • The Prestigious Dr RK Arora Best Paper Award (2020) for the Article “Tubocapsicum anomalum (Franch. & Sav.) Makino: A New Record to the Flora of Arunachal Pradesh, India” by Rathi RS, Bhatt KC, Pandey Anjula, Tiwari UK, Pradheep K, Panwar NS and Ahlawat SP, published in IJPGR, Vol. 33(1), pp. 115-118 (2020).
  • Reviewer, Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources

Recent Publications

  • Ahlawat, S, Bhatt KC, Semwal, DP, Pradheep, K, & Dhariwal, OP (2022). Exploration and Collection of Plant Genetic Resources in India: Status and Priorities. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 35(3): 117-123
  • Ankur Tomar, Anjula Pandey, KC Bhatt, NS Panwar and SP Ahlawat (2023) NBPGR-PDS: A precision tool for plant exploration and germplasm collection, Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 36 (02): 250-255.
  • Badal Singh, Krishna Madhav Rai, KC Bhatt, Rekha Chaudhury, Saurabh Kumar Dubey and Sudhir Pal Ahlawat (2022) Ethnobotanical notes on some potentialwild edible fruits used by the Bhotia community of Niti valley, Uttarakhand, India, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 21 (1): 135-144
  • Badal Singh, Rekha Chaudhury, Krishna Madhav Rai, KC Bhatt, Veena Gupta, SP Ahlawat (2022) Seed physiological studies in six wild Prunus species of Indian Himalayas: implications for their cryobanking, Vegetosorg/10.1007/s42535-021-00321-y
  • Bhatt KC, Pavan Kumar Malav, Padmavati G Gore, Kuldeep Tripathi, RS Rathi, Umeshkumar L. Tiwari and S. P. Ahlawat (2021) A note on distribution and potential of Japanese wild adzuki bean [Vigna angularis nipponensis (Ohwi) Ohwi and H. Ohashi] in India. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.68 (5):2157-2166.
  • Gowda AP, NA Shakil, VS Rana, KC Bhatt, KP Devaraja (2022) Chemical composition and nematicidal activity of Mentha longifolia essential oil and crude extracts against Meloidogyne graminicola (rice root-knot nematode), Indian Journal of Nematology, 52 (1):81-91
  • Hammylliende Talang, A Yanthan, RS Rathi, K Pradheep, S Longkumer, B Imsong, L H Singh, Ruth S. Assumi, M Bilashini Devi, Vanlalruati, A Kumar, SP Ahlawat, KC Bhatt and R Bhardwaj (2023) Nutritional evaluation of some potential wild edible plants of North Eastern Region of India, Frontiers in Nutrition, Volume 10: https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2023.1052086
  • Laxmisha KM, Dinesh Prasad Semwal, Veena Gupta, Ashvinkumar Katral, IS Bisht, PS Mehta, Mamta Arya, Rakesh Bhardwaj, KC Bhatt (2022) Nutritional profiling and GIS-based grid mapping of Job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi) germplasm, Applied Food Research, 2(2):100169
  • Manju Kumari, SR Padhi, S K Chourey, V Kondal, S S Thakare, Ankita Negi, Veena Gupta, Mamta Arya, Jeshima Khan Yasin, R Singh, C Bharadwaj, A Kumar, KC Bhatt, R Bhardwaj, J C Rana, T Joshi, A Riar (2023) Unveiling Diversity for Quality Traits in the Indian Landraces of Horse gram [Macrotyloma uniflorum(Lam.) Verdc.] Plants 2023, 12(22), 3803; https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12223803
  • Paliwal, R; Singh, R; Choudhury, DR; Tiwari, G; Kumar, A; Bhatt, KC; Singh, R (2022) Molecular characterization of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers using novel g-SSR markers and their comparison with EST-SSR and SCoT Markers for Genetic Diversity Study. Genes, 13: 2042.
  • Pamarthi RK, S Nagaraju, Anjula Pandey, DP Semwal, KC Bhatt, SP Ahlawat (2022) “Kukkavaminta” [Arivela viscosa (L.) Raf. (Cleomaceae)]: a less‑known “seasoning spice” from West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, India, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution69 (2919-2928)
  • Panda RR, A Pandey, S Gupta, KC Bhatt (2023) Use of fruits and seed characters for identification of edible Artocarpus spp. In India, Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 36(2): 309-312.
  • Pandey A, Ahlawat SP, KC Bhatt, NS Panwar (2021) Collecting Vegetable Genetic Resources in India: Guidelines and Methods, Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 34(3): 381-388.
  • Pavan Kumar Malav, Anjula Pandey, Veena Gupta, Ashok Kumar, KC Bhatt, Archana Raina, Jameel Akhtar, Ambika Gaikwad, Ombir Singh Ahlawat and Rajkumar Dhakad (2020) The diversity in holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) Germplasm from India, Indian journal of agricultural sciences, 90: 1937-1945
  • Phogat BS, S Kumar, J Kumari, Naresh Kumar, AC Pandey, TP Singh, Sundeep Kumar, RK Tyagi, Sherry Rachel Jacob, AK Singh, K Srinivasan, Radhamani Jalli, IS Bisht, S Archak, M Karale, P Sharma, Mamta Yadav, Uma Joshi, Priyanka Mishra, Geeta Kumari, Tariq Aftab, Rajeev Gambhir, KK Gangopadhyay, YS Rathi, Narendra Pal, RK Sharma, SK Yadav, KC Bhatt, B Singh, TV Prasad, YPS Solanki, Dhiraj Singh, M Dutta, MC Yadav, JC Rana, KC Bansal (2021). Characterization of wheat germplasm conserved in the Indian National Genebank and establishment of a composite core collection, Crop Science, 61: 604-620.
  • Pradheep K, Soyimchiten, GD Harish, MA Nizar, KC Bhatt, Anjula Pandey, SP Ahlawat (2021) Updated distribution of seven Trichosanthes (Cucurbitales: Cucurbitaceae) taxa in India, along with taxonomic notes. Journal Threatened Taxa, 13(14): 20143-20152.
  • Rathi RS, KC Bhatt, DP Semwal, JB Tomar (2019) Ethno-medicinal plants used by local folk healers ‘Vaidyas’ in tribal dominated districts of Jharkhand. Medicinal Plants, 11 (1): 46-54.
  • Sahadeo IK, KC Bhatt, A Paliwal, P Sood, PK Malav, K Kaur Sodhi, G Randhawa (2020) Monitoring adventitious presence of transgenes in brinjal (Solanum melongena) collections from the regions in India bordering Bangladesh: a case report. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 67: 1181-1192.
  • Sherry R Jacob, A Mishra, Manju Kumari, KC Bhatt, Veena Gupta and Kuldeep Singh (2022) A quick viability test protocol for hemp (Cannabis sativa) seeds. Journal of Natural Fibres, 19 (4): 1281-1286/https://DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2020.1764451
  • Srivastava, V, KC Bhatt, A Agrawal (2022) In vitro medium-term conservation of Garcinia indica: a tropical recalcitrant seeded fruit tree of India. In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.-Plant .https://doi.org/10.1007/s11627-022-10288-3.


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