Dr. Jyoti Kumari

Dr. Jyoti Kumari
Principal Scientist


Division of Germplasm Evaluation


Email- Jyoti.Kumari(AT)icar.gov.in, jj.gene(AT)gmail.com


M. Sc.Genetics2002
Ph. D.Genetics2005
Post Doctorate  


Plant Breeding and Genetics

Salient Achievements

  • Identification of genetic stock in wheat, barley, lentil and pearl millet -35
  • Identification of variety –lentil variety IPL 315 and ‘L4717’ Mungbean variety ‘Pusa1371’ and ‘Pusa1431’
  • Development of core and mini-core set in wheat
  • Development of reference set for terminal heat tolerance in wheat based on screening of entire wheat germplasm of National Gene Bank (NGB) and identification of heat tolerant germplasm
  • Development of reference set in wheat for biotic stress tolerance (Spot blotch, rust diseases) and abiotic stress tolerance (salinity and drought stress) based on multi-location hot spot evaluation
  • Root architecture study in wheat translocation lines and Aegilops spp.
  • Identification of genomic regions associated with terminal heat tolerance, salinity tolerance, seedling root architecture


  • Fellow of Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding during 2012 Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding
  • Fellow of Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology during 2014 Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology
  • Dr Harbhajan Singh Memorial Award, 2020 by Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding
  • Distinguished Scientist Award of Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology during 2020 by Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology
  • R.K. Arora Best Paper Award (2021). Anil Patidar, Mahesh C Yadav, Jyoti Kumari, Shailesh Tiwari, Munesh K Kushwaha, Mohammed Harun, Vijay Paul and BS Tomar (2021) . Morphophysiological Characterization of Bread Wheat Accessions for Heat Stress Tolerance under Late Sown Conditions of North-Western Plain Zone of India. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 34(2): 258-273 by Indian Society of Plant Genetics Resources
  • SAWBR Best Paper Award (2020). T P Singh, Jyoti Kumari, et al., Morpho-physiological diversity in Indian spring wheat cultivars & identification of promising donor under terminal heat stress Society for Advancement of Wheat and Barley Research, IIWBR, Karnal


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