Dr. Gowthami R

Dr. Gowthami R


Division of Germplasm Conservation


Email- Gowthami.R(AT)icar.gov.in, gowthamir111(AT)gmail.com


M.Sc. Ag.Genetics and Plant Breeding2013
Ph.D.Plant Breeding and Genetics2016


Genetics and Plant Breeding

Salient Achievements

Germplasm conservation: In vitro conservation of 560 accessions of bulbous and ornamental crops (185 accessions; 5 genera; 16 species) and medicinal and aromatic plants (221 accessions; 33 genera; 46 species), tuber crops (yams) (154 accessions; 10 species).

Germplasm registration: Stoneless landrace of Ber (INGR: 19100)-IC0625849

Cryopreservation protocols for in vitro explants

  1. Droplet-vitrification protocol for cryopreservation of Allium ampeloprasum (Reported for the first time) (Main developer)
  2. Droplet-vitrification cryoconservation protocol for shoot tips of Dahlia (Reported for the first time) (Main developer)
  3. Improved and simple shoot tip cryoconservation protocol for cryobanking of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst.  (Main developer)
  4. Cryoconservation protocol for in vitro grown shoot tips of Cicer microphyllum: a crop wild relative of chickpea. (Main developer)
  5. Protocol developed for cryopreservation of Gentiana kurroo – a critically endangered medicinal plant of India (Reported for the first time) (Co-developer)
  6. Cryopreservation protocol for Dioscorea deltoidea ex Griseb.: a critically endangered medicinal plant (Co-developer)

Pollen cryopreservation protocols

  1. Simple cryopreservation protocol for Luffapollen: enhancing breeding efficiency (Reported for the first time) (Main developer)
  2. Cryopreservation protocol for Pollen of Abelmoschus moschatus subsp.moschatus : a wild species closely related to cultivated okra (Reported for the first time) (Main developer)
  3. In vitro germination and cryopreservation technique for long-term pollen conservation of underutilized legume: Grasspea (Lathyrus sativus) (Reported for the first time) (Co-developer)

Slow growth conservation

  1. Protocol developed for slow growth conservation of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst (Reported for the first time) (Co-developer)
  2. PGR teaching: Faculty of ICAR-IARI and course associate of PGR courses
  3. HRD: Student trainees (1-6 months) (16), Trainings organized (01), Practical’s conducted in training (09)


Name of the Award



University Merit Scholarship

University of Agri. Sciences, Bengaluru


Best Achiever in Academics

College of Sericulture, Chintamani

University of Agri. Sciences, Bangalore


University of Agricultural Sciences Gold Medal for General Merit

University of Agri. Sciences, Bengaluru


Karnataka Gold Medal

University of Agri. Sciences, Bengaluru


Bharataratna Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Gold Medal

University of Agri. Sciences, Bengaluru


Merit Award

Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, Teen Murti House, New Delhi


Prof. Tatwawadi Silver medal

Dr. P.D.K.V – Akola, Maharashtra


DST-INSPIRE Fellowship

Dept. of Science and Technology


ISPB merit Award

Indian Society of Plant Breeders, TNAU, Coimbatore


ISPB –Merit Student  Award (Best PhD. student cash award and medal)

Indian Society of Plant Breeders, TNAU, Coimbatore


Bir Singh Aasi Memorial All India Best Publication Awards 2016

Society for Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHNA)


Young Scientist Award

International Conference  on Advances in Agricultural and Biodiversity Conservation  for Sustainable development  (ABCD – 2017), C.C.S University, Meerut, Agricultural Technology Development Society, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh


Best Young Scientist Award in Agricultural Sciences

PEARL- A Foundation for educational excellence


Best Young Researcher Award

GRABS educational charitable trust, Chennai-600114


Dr. R.S. Paroda Young Scientist Award

Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources


Recent Publications Research Papers

  1. Nagar A*, R Gowthami*, AK Sureja, AD Munshi, M Verma, AK Singh, N Mallick, J Singh, S Chander, M Shankar, P Pathani and S Rajkumar (2023) Simple cryopreservation protocol for Luffa pollen: enhancing breeding efficiency. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14:1268726. (*Equally contributed and shared first authors).
  2. Gowthami R, N Sharma, R Chandra, JS Kurian, EV Malhotra and A Agrawal (2023) Development of an improved and simple shoot tip cryoconservation protocol for cryobanking of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. Germplasm. In Vitro Cellular Developmental Biology- Plant. 59: 744–756
  3. Gowthami R*, Chander S*, Pandey R, Shankar M, Agrawal A (2023) Development of efficient and sustainable droplet-vitrification cryoconservation protocol for shoot tips for long-term conservation of Dahlia germplasm. Scientia Horticulturae. 321:112329. (*Equally contributed and shared first authors).
  4. Gowthami R*, S Chander*, R Pandey, M Shankar and A Agrawal (2023) Development of cryoconservation protocol for In-vitro shoot bases of Allium ampeloprasum for long-term conservation. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 36(3):396-401. (*Equally contributed and shared first authors).
  5. Chander S*, R Gowthami*, R Pandey, M Shankar and A Agrawal (2023) Cryoconservation of in vitro grown shoot tips of Cicer microphyllum: a crop wild relative of chickpea. 44 (6):360-368. (*Equally contributed and shared first authors).
  6. Shankar M, R Gowthami, K Tripathi, D A Deepak, S Barpete and A Agrawal (2023) In vitro germination and cryopreservation technique for long-term pollen conservation of underutilized legume: Grasspea (Lathyrus sativus). Indian Journal Agricultural Sciences 93 (2): 205–209.
  7. Vanniarajan C, P Magudeeswari, R Gowthami, SM Indhu, KR Ramya, K Monisha, MA Pillai, N Verma, and JK Yasin (2023) Assessment of genetic variability and traits association in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] germplasm. Legume Research 46(10): 1280-1287.
  8. Puneeth GM, R Gowthami, R Vasudeva, KM Laxmisha, S Archak (2023) Circa situm Conservation of Tree Genetic Resources: A Case Study from the Central Western Ghats of Karnataka, India. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 36(03):415-21.
  9. Agrawal A, R Gowthami, S Chander and V Srivastava (2022) Sustainability of In Vitro Genebanks and Cryogenebanks Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 35(3): 180-184.
  10. Pandey A, PK Malav, DP Semwal, S Chander, R Gowthami and KM Rai (2022) Repository of Allium Genetic Resources at ICAR-NBPGR: Prospects and Challenges for Collection and Conservation. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources.  35(3): 185-190.
  11. Sharma N, EV Malhotra, R Chandra, R Gowthami, SM Sultan, S Bansal, M Shankar and A Agrawal (2022) Cryopreservation and genetic stability assessment of regenerants of the critically endangered medicinal plant Dioscorea deltoidea ex Griseb. for cryobanking of germplasm. In Vitro Cellular Developmental Biology- Plant. 11:1-9.
  12. Agrawal A, N Sharma, S Gupta, S Bansal, V Srivastava, EV Malhotra, S Chander, R Gowthami and K Singh (2022) Biotechnological applications for plant germplasm conservation at ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, India – recent achievements. Acta Horticulturae. 1339: 29-42.
  13. Sharma N, R Gowthami, S Vimala Devi, EV Malhotra, R Pandey and A Agrawal (2021) Cryopreservation of shoot tips of Gentiana kurroo Royle – a critically endangered medicinal plant of India. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 144: 67 – 72.
  14. Gowthami R, C Vanniarajan, J Souframanien, K Veni and VG Renganathan (2021) Efficiency of electron beam over gamma rays to induce desirable grain-type mutation in rice (Oryza sativa). International Journal of Radiation Biology 97(5): 727-736.
  15. Gowthami R, N Sharma, KK Gangopadhyay, S Rajkumar, P Pathania and A Agrawal (2021) Cryopreservation of pollen of Abelmoschus moschatus subsp. moschatus as an aid to overcome asynchronous flowering for wide hybridization with cultivated okra [A. esculentus (L.) Moench]. CryoLetters 42(4): 233 – 244.
  16. Tripathi K, RK Pamarthi, R Gowthami, PG Gore, C Gayacharan, S Barpete, N Singh, A Sarker and A Kumar (2021) Deciphering morpho-taxonomic variability in Lathyrus Indian Journal Plant Genetic Resources. 34:279–89. 
  17. Gowthami R, N Sharma, R Pandey and A Agrawal (2021) A model for integrated approach to germplasm conservation of Asian lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). Genetic Resources Crop Evolution 68: 1269–1282.
  18. Gowthami R, N Sharma, R Pandey and A Agrawal (2021) Status and consolidated list of threatened medicinal plants of India. Genetic Resources Crop Evolution.  68:2235–2263.
  19. Yazhni P, R Chandirakala, R Gowthami, C Vanniarajan, R Renuka, J Suresh (2021) Morphological characterization of Indian Sarsaparilla [Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. ex Schult.] – A potential medicinal plant. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding.12(3): 652-8.
  20. Sharma N, R Gowthami, R Pandey and A Agrawal (2020) Influence of explant types, non-embryogenic synseed and reduced oxygen environment on in vitro conservation of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. In Vitro Cellular Developmental Biology- Plant. 56: 851–856.
  21. Singh OV, K Singh, R Gowthami and N Shekhawat (2019) Morphological characterization of ber germplasm. Indian Journal of Horticulture 76(2): 219-225.


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