

Research Paper 2003 Archak S, Gaikwad AB, Gautam D, Rao E, Swamy KRM and Karihaloo JL (2003). DNA fingerprinting of Indian cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) varieties using RAPD and ISSR techniques. Euphytica, 130: 397-404 Archak S, Gaikwad AB, Gautam D, Rao EV, Swamy KR and Karihaloo JL (2003). Comparative assessment of DNA fingerprinting techniques (RAPD, ISSR and AFLP) for genetic analysis of …

2003 Read More »


Research Paper 2004 Dua R.P. (2004). International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: An Assessment.. Indian J. Pl. Gen. Res. , 7 (1): 53-60 Brahmi P. (2004). The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights act of India: A critical appraisal.. Current Science , 86: 101-107 Brahmi P. Brahmi P, R.P. Dua and B.S. Dhillon.  (2004). The Biological Diversity Act of India and agro-biodiversity management.. Current Science. , 86: 650-664 Dhillon …

2004 Read More »


Research Paper 2015 Girijesh Singh Mahra, Pardeep Kumar, Chandan Solanki, D.S.Tomar, S.K.Kaushik, Rekha Tewari and V. K. J. Rao (2015). Identifying Grass Root Problems and Generating Sustainable Solutions through Participatory Rural Appraisal. Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu., 15(4): 198-2018 Akhtar J Singh B Kandan A Chand D and Agarwal PC (2015). Detection of Gibberella zeae (Schw.) Petech. on rice seed from Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India. Indian J …

2015 Read More »


Research Paper 2017 M Singh, Bhoge RK & Randhawa GJ (2017). Real-time and Visual Loop-mediated isothermal amplification: Efficient GMO screening targeting pat and pmi marker genes . Food Control, 71: 248-254 Akhtar Jameel, Baleshwar Singh, Aravindaram Kandan, Pardeep Kumar, Ashok Kumar Maurya, Dinesh Chand, Veena Gupta and SC (2017). Status of seed-borne fungi in some …

2017 Read More »

Division of Genomic Resources

Inhouse Projects Programme Project Title Leader and Associates Project Code 1 Development of genomic tools for identification, protection and enhanced utilization of PGRs Gurinderjit Randhawa PGR/DGR-BUR-DEL-01.00 1.1 Development of genomic tools for discovery and validation of genes of economic importance for enhancing the use of plant genetic resources of pulses and oilseed crops Rajesh Kumar, …

Division of Genomic Resources Read More »


1.  BP Pal (1969). The Search for New Genes. Agriculture and Livestock in India, Vol VII, Part V, September 1937: 


1. Ravishankar A and Archak S (1999). Conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources in India: a review of policy issues and perspectives. Outlook on Agriculture, 28: 83-91 2. Ravishankar A and Archak S (1999). Searching for Policy Options: Is COFAB a Suitable Alternative to UPOV?. Economic and Political Weekly, 34: 3661-3667 3. Dwivedi, N.K. and D.C.Bhandari (1999). Collecting Capsicum annuum L. germplasm in Rajasthan,India.. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter., 99:: 56-58. 4. Dwivedi, N.K., D.C. …

1999 Read More »

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