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1. Dwivedi, N.K. and Shiv Sewak. (1991). Germplasm collection in Chickpea, Brassica spp. and Castor from north-west and southern Rajasthan (March, 1990). Germplasm Collection Reporter., 1(2):: 58-69. 2. Dwivedi, N.K.,Neelam Bhatnagar, D.C. Bhandari and T.A.Thomas. (1991). Studies on seeds and seed germination in jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis(L.) Schneider) germplasm. Proc. Intrn. Seed Symposium, Botany Department, University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur, India.. Germplasm Collection Reporter. 1 (2) : 58-69., 1(2):: 39-43 …

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1. Radhamani, J; Chandel, KPS;  (1992). Cryopreservation of embryonic axes of trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata [L.] RAF.). Plant Cell Reports, 11: 372-374


1. Dwivedi, N.K., D.C. Bhandari and T.A. Aghora. (1994). Collecting Pea germplasm from Rajasthan, India.. India. IBPGR Newsletter for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania, No., l5:: 11. 2. Lodha Satish, N.K.Dwivedi, D.C. Bhandari and M.D.Bohra. (1994). Infection and colonization of jojoba by Gaenoderma Iucidum.. Phytoparasitica., 22(3):: 229-231.


1.  Dwivedi, N.K. and D.C. Bhandari. (1995). Tumba (Citrullus collocynthis Schrad.) variability in Rajasthan, India.. IBPGR Newsletter for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania No., 17:: 14 2.  Dwivedi, N.K. (1995). Collection of groundnut and sesame germplasm from parts of Gujarat and Rajasthan.. Germplasm Collection Reporter., (1992).2:: 293-300. 3.  Dwivedi, N.K. (1995). Collection of Sesame germplasm from Eastern Rajasthan (1992).. Germplasm Collection Reporter., 2:: 271-284. 4.  Chandel, KPS; Chaudhury, Rekha; Radhamani, J; Malik, …

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1.  Dwivedi, N.K. and D.C.Bhandari. (1996). Collecting cultivated and wild species of Corchorus in Gujarat, India.. India. Indian J. Pl. Genet. Resources., 9(9):: 323-326. 2.  Dwivedi, N.K., D.C. Bhandari, B.S.Dabas, S. Mandal and R.S. Rana. (1996). Variability in clusterbean germplasm with foliaceous bracts.. Annals of Arid Zone., 35(2):: 151-153.


1.  Dwivedi, N.K., D.C.Bhandari and Neelam Bhatnagar (1998). Collecting wild species of crop plants from Aravali hills, Rajasthan,India.. Indian J. Pl. Genet. Resources., 11 (2):: 41-48.


1. Ravishankar A and Archak S (1999). Conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources in India: a review of policy issues and perspectives. Outlook on Agriculture, 28: 83-91 2. Ravishankar A and Archak S (1999). Searching for Policy Options: Is COFAB a Suitable Alternative to UPOV?. Economic and Political Weekly, 34: 3661-3667 3. Dwivedi, N.K. and D.C.Bhandari (1999). Collecting Capsicum annuum L. germplasm in Rajasthan,India.. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter., 99:: 56-58. 4. Dwivedi, N.K., D.C. …

1999 Read More »

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