

Research Paper 2000 Archak S (2000). Plant DNA fingerprinting: an overview. AgBiotechNet, 2: 1-5 Archak S and Ravishankar A (2000). Intellectual Property Rights and Agricultural Technology: Interplay and Implications for India. Economic and Political Weekly, 35: 2446-2452 Bhatnagar Neelam and D C Bhandari (2000). Some promising early maturing exotic collections of cowpea.. Annals of Arid …

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Research Paper 2001 Archak S, Baldev A, Gautam D and Karihaloo JL (2001). Characterization of Genetic Diversity of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) in India by RAPD and AFLP Analyses. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 14: 255-257 Dwivedi, N.K, Neelam Bhatnagar and D.C.Bhandari (2001). Collection of Plant Genetic Resources From Parts of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions in India.. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 14 …

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Research Paper 2002 Archak S, Karihaloo JL and Jain A (2002). RAPD markers reveal narrowing genetic base of Indian tomato cultivars. Current Science, 82: 1139-1143 Dahiya KK, S Archak and JL Karihaloo (2002). RAPD analysis of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cultivars.. Indian J. Plant Gene. Resour., 15: 1-5. Archak S, AB Gaikwad, D Gautam and JL Karihaloo (2002). Characterization of genetic diversity of cashew in India by RAPD …

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Research Paper 2003 Archak S, Gaikwad AB, Gautam D, Rao E, Swamy KRM and Karihaloo JL (2003). DNA fingerprinting of Indian cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) varieties using RAPD and ISSR techniques. Euphytica, 130: 397-404 Archak S, Gaikwad AB, Gautam D, Rao EV, Swamy KR and Karihaloo JL (2003). Comparative assessment of DNA fingerprinting techniques (RAPD, ISSR and AFLP) for genetic analysis of …

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Research Paper 2004 Dua R.P. (2004). International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: An Assessment.. Indian J. Pl. Gen. Res. , 7 (1): 53-60 Brahmi P. (2004). The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights act of India: A critical appraisal.. Current Science , 86: 101-107 Brahmi P. Brahmi P, R.P. Dua and B.S. Dhillon.  (2004). The Biological Diversity Act of India and agro-biodiversity management.. Current Science. , 86: 650-664 Dhillon …

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Research Paper 2005 Prasad MD, Muthulakshmi M, Madhu M, Archak S, Mita K and Nagaraju J (2005). Survey and Analysis of Microsatellites in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori Frequency, Distribution, Mutations, Marker Potential and Their Conservation in Heterologous Species. Genetics, 169: 197-214 Gupta V, L Arya, C Pandey and A Kak (2005). Effect of accelerated ageing on seed vigour in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) …

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Research Paper 2006 Archak S and Nagaraju J (2006). Eicosapentapeptide repeats (EPRs): novel repeat proteins specific to flowering plants. Bioinformatics, 22: 2455-2458 Phogat BS, RP Dua and RK Arora (2006). Germplasm introduction of underutilized and new crops. indian Jounral of Plant Genetic Resources, 19 (3): 408-417 Kumar A, L Arya, V Kumar and S Sharma (2006). Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis of cytoplasmic male sterile, male fertile …

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Research Paper 2007 Archak S, Lakshminarayanareddy V and Nagaraju J (2007). High throughput multiplex microsatellite marker assay for detection and quantification of adulteration in Basmati rice (Oryza sativa).Electrophoresis, 28: 2396-2405 Archak S, Meduri E, Kumar PS and Nagaraju J (2007). InSatDb: a microsatellite database of fully sequenced insect genomes. Nucleic acids research, 35: D36-D39 Archak S and Nagaraju J (2007). Computational Prediction of Rice (Oryza sativa) miRNA …

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Research Paper 2008 Amaravathi Y, R Singh, AK Singh, VP Singh, T Mahopatra, TR Sharma and NK Singh (2008). Mapping of quantitative trait loci for Basmati quality traits in rice (Oryza Sativa L.).. Molecular Breeding., 21: 49-65. Arya L, M Verma, GS Sandhia, SK Singh and S Lakhanpaul (2008). Pattern of genetic relationship as revealed by AFLP markers in Indian sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. . Indian …

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Research Paper 2011 Arti Rai, Preeti Tripathi, Sanjay Dwivedi, Sonali Dubey, Manju Shri, Smita Kumar, Pankaj Kumar Tripathi a, Richa Dave a, Amit Kumar, Ragini Singh, Bijan Adhikari, Manas Bag, Rudra Deo Tripathi, Prabodh K. Trivedi, Debasis Chakrabarty, Rakesh Tuli (2011). Arsenic tolerances in Rice (Oryza sativa) have a predominant role in transcriptional regulation of a set of …

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