Author name: nbpgr


Research Paper 2011 Arti Rai, Preeti Tripathi, Sanjay Dwivedi, Sonali Dubey, Manju Shri, Smita Kumar, Pankaj Kumar Tripathi a, Richa Dave a, Amit Kumar, Ragini Singh, Bijan Adhikari, Manas Bag, Rudra Deo Tripathi, Prabodh K. Trivedi, Debasis Chakrabarty, Rakesh Tuli (2011). Arsenic tolerances in Rice (Oryza sativa) have a predominant role in transcriptional regulation of a set of …

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Research Paper 2010 S Dwivedi, R.D. Tripathi, P. Tripathi, A. Kumar, R. Dave, S. Mishra , R. Singh , D. Sharma, U.N. Rai, D. Chakraborty, P.K. Trivedi, B. Adhikari, M.K. Bag, O.P. D hankar, R. Tuli (2010). Effects of arsenate exposure on amino acids, mineral nutrient status and antioxidant in rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes.. Environmental Science and Technology, 44: 9542-9549 Sanjay …

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Research Paper 2009 Archak S, Gaikwad AB, Swamy KRM and Karihaloo JL (2009). Genetic analysis and historical perspective of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) introduction into India. Genome, 52: 222-230 Randhawa G.J., Rashmi Chhabra and Monika Singh (2009). Multiplex PCR-based simultaneous amplification of selectable marker and reporter genes for screening of genetically modified crops.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57: 5167-5172 Randhawa G.J., Monika Singh …

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Research Paper 2014 Randhawa G.J, Dany Morisset, Monika Singh, Jana Žel (2014). GMO Matrix: A Cost-Effective Approach for Screening for Unauthorized Genetically Modified Events in India. Food Control, 38: 124-129 Mondal TK and Ganie SA (2014). Identification and characterization of salt responsive miRNA-SSR markers in rice (Oryza sativa). Gene, 535(2): 204-209 Mondal TK, Ganie SA, Rana MK, Sharma TR (2014). Genome-wide Analysis of Zinc Transporter Genes of Maize (Zea mays ). Plant …

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Research Paper 2013 Archak S and Kumar V (2013). Portable search engine for registered crop germplasm: a new concept for enhancing access to information on plant genetic resources. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Util, 11: 62-67 Anirban Roy, P Spoorthi, G Panwar, Manas Kumar Bag, T V Prasad, Gunjeet Kumar, K K Gangopadhyay, M Dutta (2013). Molecular Evidence for Occurrence of Tomato Leaf …

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Research Paper 2012 Agrawal RC, Archak S and Tyagi RK (2012). An overview of biodiversity informatics with special reference to plant genetic resources. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 84: 92-99 Randhawa GJ, Singh M, Gangopadhyay KK, Kumar G and Archak S (2012). Genetic analysis of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) accessions using morphhometric and ISSR markers. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82: 393-401 M K Bag and P …

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Research Paper 2015 Girijesh Singh Mahra, Pardeep Kumar, Chandan Solanki, D.S.Tomar, S.K.Kaushik, Rekha Tewari and V. K. J. Rao (2015). Identifying Grass Root Problems and Generating Sustainable Solutions through Participatory Rural Appraisal. Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu., 15(4): 198-2018 Akhtar J Singh B Kandan A Chand D and Agarwal PC (2015). Detection of Gibberella zeae (Schw.) Petech. on rice seed from Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India. Indian J …

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Research Paper 2016 Tiwari G, R Singh*, N Singh, DR Choudhury, R Paliwal, A Kumar and V Gupta (2016). Study of Arbitrarily amplified (RAPD and ISSR) and Gene targeted (SCoT and CBDP) markers for genetic diversity and population structure in Kalmegh [Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Nees]. . Industrial Crops and Products, 86: 1-11 Sundeep Kumar, Vinay Kumar, Pummy Kumari, Kirti, Amit KumaR …

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Research Paper 2017 M Singh, Bhoge RK & Randhawa GJ (2017). Real-time and Visual Loop-mediated isothermal amplification: Efficient GMO screening targeting pat and pmi marker genes . Food Control, 71: 248-254 Akhtar Jameel, Baleshwar Singh, Aravindaram Kandan, Pardeep Kumar, Ashok Kumar Maurya, Dinesh Chand, Veena Gupta and SC (2017). Status of seed-borne fungi in some …

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Research Paper 2018 Singh AK, S Chaurasia, S Kumar, R Singh, J Kumari, MC Yadav, N Singh, S Gaba and SR Jacob (2018). Identification, analysis and development of salt responsive candidate gene based SSR markers in wheat. BMC Plant Biol., 18: 249-263 Gayacharan, IS Bisht, A Pandey, MC Yadav, AK Singh, SR Pandravada and JC Rana (2018). Population structure of some indigenous aromatic rice …

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