Author name: nbpgr


1.  Dwivedi, N.K. and D.C.Bhandari. (1996). Collecting cultivated and wild species of Corchorus in Gujarat, India.. India. Indian J. Pl. Genet. Resources., 9(9):: 323-326. 2.  Dwivedi, N.K., D.C. Bhandari, B.S.Dabas, S. Mandal and R.S. Rana. (1996). Variability in clusterbean germplasm with foliaceous bracts.. Annals of Arid Zone., 35(2):: 151-153.


1.  Dwivedi, N.K., D.C.Bhandari and Neelam Bhatnagar (1998). Collecting wild species of crop plants from Aravali hills, Rajasthan,India.. Indian J. Pl. Genet. Resources., 11 (2):: 41-48.


1. Ravishankar A and Archak S (1999). Conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources in India: a review of policy issues and perspectives. Outlook on Agriculture, 28: 83-91 2. Ravishankar A and Archak S (1999). Searching for Policy Options: Is COFAB a Suitable Alternative to UPOV?. Economic and Political Weekly, 34: 3661-3667 3. Dwivedi, N.K. and D.C.Bhandari (1999). Collecting Capsicum annuum L. germplasm in Rajasthan,India.. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter., 99:: 56-58. 4. Dwivedi, N.K., D.C. …

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