Address: ICAR-NBPGR, Pusa ,New Delhi – 110012, INDIA
E-mail: director.nbpgr(AT); gp.singh(AT)
Nodal Officer :Dr S K Yadav, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NBPGR
Contact: 011-25802841
Address: ICAR-NBPGR Pusa , New Delhi – 110012, INDIA
E-mail: ;
A need for carrying out systematic research on lesser known crops of future promise was felt in the late 70’s when the symptoms of their erosion started appearing following adoption of large scale monocultures of green revolution crops in the advanced agricultural belts of the country. This resulted in the initiation of the All India Coordinated Research Project on Underutilized and Under Exploited Plants (AICRP on UU & UEP) in 1982, during the VI Five Year Plan under the ICAR umbrella. Based on the recommendations of II QRT, the project was rechristened as All India Coordinated Research Project on Underutilized Crops (AICRP on UC). The project was converted into network mode during X Five Year Plan and was functioning as All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops. At present, the network is called as All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops (AICRN on PC) since 2013 (XII five year plan)
The network envisages mainstreaming selected potential crops of economic value by evaluating germplasm for traits discovery, developing new varieties by applying conventional and molecular breeding tools, standardizing agro-techniques for cultivation in different agro-ecologies and value addition for devolving value chain for improved climate resilience, food and nutrition security.
Major Objectives
- To find out new plant resources for food, fodder and industrial use
- To build up germplasm through collection
- To identify/develop high yielding varieties for different farming conditions
- To evolve appropriate package of agronomic practices for their economics
- To disseminate knowledge about potential species
- To develop value added products of potential crops and its utilization
Mandate Crops (12)
- PSEUDOCEREALS (4): Grain Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.), Buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.), Chenopodium (Chenopodium spp.), Job’s tear (Coix lacryma-jobi)
- FOOD LEGUMES/PULSES (3): Adzuki bean (Vigna angularis), Faba bean (Vicia faba), Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)
- OILSEEDS (1): Perilla (Perilla frutescens)
- VEGETABLES (3): Kankoda (Momordica dioica), Kalingada (Citrullus lanatus), Drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera)
II. FODDER CROPS (1): Pillipesara(Vigna stipulacea, Vigna glabrescens)
Major Activities
- Collection/introduction, characterization, evaluation, documentation, maintenance and storage of germplasm in important underutilized crops.
- Registration of donor/unique germplasm lines of underutilized crops.
- Developing high yielding varieties in selected underutilized crops of economic value.
- Conducting basic and strategic research on promising species.
- Evolving package of cultivation practices for specific cropping systems.
- Popularization of economically important species and new high yielding varieties through appropriate adaptive trials, frontline demonstrations and extension efforts.
- Initiating research work on new plant species suitable for adverse soil conditions such as marginal lands, marshy and water logged soils, salt affected lands and other categories of wastelands.
Significant Findings/Technologies Developed
- Collection of indigenous diversity through multi-crop explorations (10,690)
- Introduction of germplasm/elite lines (4669)
- Characterization of germplasm (10,669)
- Hills (3405)
- Plains (7264)
- Maintenance of Active Collections at Centres (8882)
- Conservation in National Genebank (13,270)
- Long Term Storage (LTS): (12,731)
- Cryobank: (322)
Crops | Name of Varieties (79) |
Amaranth (30) | Hills (9): Annapurna, Durga, Him Gauri, PRA-1, PRA-2, PRA-3, VL Chua 44, VL Chua 110, VL Chua 140 Plains (21): GA 1, GA 2, GA 3, Suvarna, BGA-2, RMA-4, RMA-7, Phule kartiki, KBGA-1, KBGA-4, KBGA 15, Chhattisgarh Raigira-1, Suvada, Jodhpur Rajgira 1, Jodhpur Rajgira 2, GA 4, GA 5, GA 6, GA 7, GA 8, GA 9 |
Buckwheat (8) | Himpriya, VL Ugal-7, PRB-1, Himgiri, Shimla B-1, Sangla B-1, Him Tara, Him Phaphra |
Chenopodium album (1) | Him bathua |
Chenopodium quinoa (1) | Him Shakti |
Winged bean (7) | AKWB-1, Indra Winged bean-1, Indra winged bean-2, Chhattisgarh Chaudhari sem-2, Phule chardhariwall, PWB 17-18, RWB-13 |
Faba bean (4) | HFB-1, HFB-2, HFB-3, VH 82-1 |
Rice bean (10) | RBL-1, PRR-1, PRR-2, RBL-6, RBL-35, RBL-50, BRS-1, VRB-3, Palam rajmoong-1, KBR-1 |
Kalingada (4) | Gujarat Kalingada-1, GK-2, CAZRI Kalingada-1, GK-3 |
Guayule (2) | Arizona-1, HG-8 |
Tumba (1) | MT-59 (Mansha Marudhara) |
Jojoba (1) | EC-33198 |
Kankoda (3) | Indira Kankoda-1, Indira Kankoda-2, Chhattisgarh Kankoda-2 |
Jatropha (1) | Chhatraprati (SDAUJ-1) |
Perilla (4) | RC Manithoiding 1, RC Manithoiding 2, Poorvota Perilla 1, Poorvota Perilla 2 |
Adzuki bean (1) | Him Jwala |
Pillipesara (1) | Prathama |
(iii) Breeding programme: Significant efforts have been made in breeding grain amaranth at Ranichauri, Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar and S.K. Nagar, and in rice bean at Ludhiana, Ranichauri and Bengaluru. Hisar centre provided lead in faba bean breeding. Kankoda in Rahuri and Tumba in Mandor are the mandated crops for taking up breeding work. Forty six inter-species crosses involving tumba, water melon, matira, and kalingada have been attempted.
(iv) Standardization of Cultivation Packages: Agronomic trials on major Underutilized crops viz. grain amaranths and rice bean have resulted in accumulation of substantial data resulting in recommendations on dates of sowing, spacing, fertilizer applications including organic manures and weed control, water management, intercropping etc. Agronomical aspects have also been worked out in vegetable crop Kankoda, industrial plant Jatropha and tree species Simarouba.
(v) Plant Protection: Experiments on plant protection aspects of potential crops were initiated during 2014 to screen germplasm and varietal evaluation trials entries for resistance/tolerance to different diseases, insect-pests and integrated management practices for control of major pests and diseases of faba bean, grain amaranth and buckwheat.
(vi) Basic studies: Studies related to floral biology, pollination behaviour, micro-propagation of male and female trees and sex-specificity using molecular markers in paradise tree was conducted at Mettupalayam. Among the two explants tried for shoot induction, shoot tip derived from mature trees showed the maximum morphogenic response of 28.36 per cent. A technique of cleft grafting from tender coppice shoots of male and female trees on epicotyl portion of the 15 days old seedlings has recorded 83 % success in production of male and female plants. There was no report of self-incompatibility in bisexual flowers on andromonoecious plants.
(vii) Quality analysis: Chemical analysis for quality traits and some anti-nutritional factors, was carried out for the germplasm and genotypes entered in coordinated trials of different crops. The genotypes superior in different quality components were identified for their further use in breeding programme. Some of the genotypes possessing superior quality have been released as varieties.
(viii) Germplasm Registered: Two accessions from NBPGR Regional station, Shimla; one in buckwheat (IC 258233) for easy de-hulling and another in chenopodium (IC 258253) for brown seed colour, have been registered under INGR 04034 and INGR 04093, respectively.
- Ameen, G., Prakash, Ved, Ram, N., Sandilya, V.K., Kumar Ashish and Tiwari, J.K. (2022). Standardization of protocol for genomic DNA extraction and microsatellite marker (SSR, ISSR) analysis in spine gourd (Momordica dioica). Current Horticulture, 10(2): 38-40.
- Arakanti Chaitanya, K. Murali, N. Dev Kumar, Gangadhar Eswar Rao, Anand, S.R., Usha Ravindra and T. Chikkaramappa (2022). Effect of Spacing and organic sources of nutrients on Growth and Yield of Chia (Salvia Hispanica ). The Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 56(4): 44-50.
- Arakanti Chaitanya, Murali, K. and Anand, S.R. (2022). Growth indices of chia (Salvia hispanica ) as influenced by varied crop geometries and organic nutrient levels. The Pharma Innovation. 11(11): 720-725.
- Arya, R.K., A. Verma and Vandana (2022). Biplot analysis of non parametric measures of stability for long term evaluation of faba bean genotypes. Electronic J. Plant Breeding 13(2):350-360.
- Arya, R.K., A. Verma and Vandana (2022). Long term evaluation of new elite genotypes of Faba bean (Vicia faba) by Superiority Index and AMMI Analysis. Indian J. Genet. & Plant Breed. 82(2): 232-235.
- Arya, R.K., G.S. Dahiya, S. Vandana and A. Verma (2022). Augmentation of parametric with rank-based measures for stable performance of Faba bean (Vicia faba) genotypes. Emergent Life Sciences Research 8(2): 21-30.
- Arya, R.K., Hooda, J.S., Kaushik, S.K., Kumar, S., Raigar, H.L., Gill, R.K., Mahto, J.L., Tiwari, J.K., Yadav, C.B., Kumar, Ravi, Dahiya, G.S., Sutaliya, J.M., Raj, K., Punia, R. and Kumar, P. (2022). Development of new promising varieties of faba bean through traditional pedigree method for commercial cultivation in plain zone of India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 21(4): 895-904.
- Arya, R.K., Kumar R., Hooda J.S., Sutaliya J.M., Dahiya G.S., Vandana., Raiger H.L., Yadav S.K., Gill R.K., Mehto J.L., Tiwari J.K., Yadav C.B., Deen M.K., Punia R., Raj K., Lal R., Kumar P., Tripathi R.N., Singh G., Singh S.P. 2022. Pre-Breeding Evaluation of Germplasm for Hybridization and Screening of Resulting Transgressive Elite Genotypes Faba Bean for Yield and its Attributes for Semi-Arid Regions of India. Ekin J.8(1):17-26.
- Bhagat, P., Giri, S.K., Kumar, K., Tiwari, J.K. and Sinha, S.K. (2022). Genetic variability and association studies for seed yield and related trait in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan). The Pharma Innovation Journal, 11(9): 2963-2966.
- Bhardwaj, Rahul, N.N. Prajapati and Ramesh (2022). Estimation of genetic diversity in Grain Amaranth (Amranthus spp.). Current Agriculture 39(3-4): 101.
- Bhardwaj, S., J.M. Sutaliya, R. Parkash, K.K. Bhardwaj, N. Kumar, I. Ahlawat and A. Pareek (2022). Zero Tillage in Combination with Seed Treatment by Different Bio-fertilizers Increased Soil Organic Carbon, Macro and Micronutrients Status and Nodulation under Faba Bean (Vicia faba) Legume Research. DOI: 10.18805/LR-4971.
- Chaurasia, H., Arya, R.K., Choudhary, R.R., Reenu and Amit (2022). Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis in faba bean (Vicia faba) for yield and its attributing traits under semi-arid conditions. The Pharma Innovation 11(4): 530-537.
- Dewangan, N.K., G.S. Dahiya, D.K. Janghel and S. Dohare (2022). Diversity analysis for seed yield and its component traits among faba bean (Vicia faba) germplasm lines. Legume Research-An International Journal45(6): 689-694.
- Divyesh H. Ramani, Arun Kumar Singh, Nitesh N. Prajapati, Kapil Tiwari and Hitendra S. Bhadauria (2023). Genotypic difference in growth and physiological indices of Grain Amaranth species under salinity stress. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management. 14(2): 268-278.
- Gelot Mayuri J., N.N. Prajapati and S.D. Solanki (2023). Flower morphology and reproduction biology in different species of Grain Amaranthus. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science. 5: 162.
- L. Raiger and N.K. Jajoriya (2019). Non-parametric measures of yield stability of Job’s tear (Coix lacryma-jobi L.). Inter. J. Agri. Innovations & Research, 7(5), ISSN (Online) 2319-1473.
- Jadepujari, Jyoti, S.R. Anand, Mahantesh, B., Nagangoudar G.E. Rao and K. Kalyana Murthy (2022). Growth and development of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa ) as influenced by different sowing windows and crop geometry. Environment Conservation Journal, ISSN 0972-3099 (Print) 2278-5124 (Online).
- Jajoriya, N.K. and Raiger, H.L. (2023). Non-parametric Measures of Fruit Yield Stability in Spine gourd [Momordica dioica (Roxb.) Ex. Willd.] Genotypes. J. Theor. & App. Sci. 15(1): 5-11.
- Kishor U Tribhuvan, Twinkle Mishra, Sampatirao Dilip, Avinash Pandey, Sudhir Kumar, Jay Lal Mahato, H.L. Raiger, A Pattanayak, Binay K Singh (2024). Genic-SSR-based genetic diversity and population structure analysis in a global germplasm collection highlights the African origin of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 71(1): 309-329.
- Kumar, Ajay, Kumar, Pankaj, Paliwal, Arunima and Kishore, Amit (2022). Agronomic and genetic performance of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) genotypes in rainfed conditions of Garhwal Hills of Uttarakhand. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 11(9): 597-600. ISSN No. (Print): 2349-8242. ISSN No. (Online): 2277- 7695
- Kumar, Ajay, Paliwal, Arunima, Singh, S.B., Sukanya, T.S. and Kishore, Amit (2022). Productivity and Economics of Intercropping of Finger Minger (Eleusine coracana) and Amaranth (Amranthus) in Rainfed Hills of Uttarakhand. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management. 13(12): 1482-1487.
- Kumar, R., A. Duhan, S. Sangwan, N. Yadav, A. Singh, D. Kaushik, R.K. Arya, G.S. Dahiya, J.M. Sutaliya, V. Kumar, V. Yadav and P. Kumar (2022). A Brief Overview of the Biological Activities of Faba Bean (Vicia faba). Forage Research 48(2): 152-160.
- Lourembam, E., P. Sarma, L. Wangchu, Debnath, B. Loitongbam, B.N. Hazarika, P. Heisnam and O. Bidyalami (2022). Assessment of Morphological Character of Faba Bean (Vicai fab L.) genotypes grown in Manipur. The Pharma Innovation 11(8): 2036-2040.
- Nanda, S.R., J.L. Mahto, K. Prasad, C.S. Mahto and M. Chakraborty (2023). Stability of fababean genotypes under terminal heat. Crop Improv., 11(2): 92-97.
- Paliwal, Arunima, Kumar, Ajay, Kumar, Pankaj and Vasishth, Amol (2022). Evaluation of yield and yield related traits of grain amaranth (Amaranthus) accessions in Garhwal hills of Uttarakhand. International Journal of Economic Plants. 9(3): 199-203. DOI: HTTPS:// DOI.ORG/10.23910/2/2022.445a
- Raiger, H.L., Jajoriya, N.K., Deewan Parvati, Yadav, C.B., Gill, R.K., Arya Rajesh, Verma Rajhans and Mehto J.L. (2023). Non-parametric Measures for Yield Stability in Faba Bean (Vicia faba) Advanced Line in Gangetic Plains of India. Legume Research (Online). DOI: 10.18805/LR-4278.
- Raiger, H.L., Mishra, D., Jajoria, N.K., Deewan Parvati and Dhaliwal, Y.S. (2023). Grain Amaranth: Nutrient Enriched Grain of Future. Intensive Agriculture 57(1): 4-13.
- Raiger, H.L., Jajoriya, N.K., Deewan Parvati, Yadav, C.B., Gill, R.K., Arya Rajesh, Verma Rajhans and Mehto J.L. (2023). Non-parametric Measures for Yield Stability in Faba Bean (Vicia faba) Advanced Line in Gangetic Plains of India. Legume Research(Online). DOI: 10.18805/LR-4278.
- Raiger, H.L., S.K. Yadav, R.K. Arya and B.S. Phogat (2021). Studies on variability and character association for yield and yield related traits in faba bean (Vicia faba). Ekin J.,7(2): 125-130.
- Rajesh K. Arya, Gajraj S. Dahiya, Ravi Kumar, Ranjeet K. Gill, Jitender K. Tiwari, Chander B. Yadav, H.L. Raiger, Sandeep Kumar and Surya Kant (2023). Development of novel faba bean (Vicia faba) for release as a new cultivar with high yield and protein content. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol.,
- Rana, Rahul, Paliwal, Arunima, Kumar, Ajay, Shikha and Goswami, Gargi (2022). Productivity and profitability enhancement in grain amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus ) through use of sulphur fertilization in hilly region of Uttarakhand. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 11(3): 648-651. ISSN No. (Print): 2349-8242. ISSN No. (Online): 2277-7695
- Savaliya, P.M., N.N. Prajapati, R.S. Solanki, N.V. Soni, M.S. Patel and K.K. Tiwari (2022). Stability investigation for seed yield and component characteristics in Grain Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondricus ) under different environments. J. Crop & Weed 18(3): 152-157.
- Solanki, R.S., N.N. Prajapati, D.P. Joshi, K.K. Tiwari and P.M. Rahevar (2023). Morphological and molecular evaluation of potential indigenous Grain amaranth (Amranthus hypochodriacus ) genotype of India. Biological Forum – An International Journal. 15 (4): 620-265.
- Swami, S.R., Bhingarde, M.T., Bhalekar, N.B., Parmar, J.N., Shelar, V.R., Wagh, R.S., Avinash and Yadav, V.K. (2023). Effect of seasonality on speed and percentage of field emergence in quinoa in Western Maharashtra. Pharma Innovation. 12(2): 2946-2948.
- Tiwari, J.K. and Ameen Gajala (2022). Yield contributing traits of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) genotypes using multivariate statistics. The Journal of Research ANGRAU, 50(2): 20-27.
- Tiwari, J.K., Ameen, G., Sandilya, V.K., Kumar Ashish and Singh, A.K. (2022). Effect of IBA on root development and associated biochemical changes in single and double- node stem-cutting of spine gourd. Vegetable Science, 49(1): 33-40.
- Tiwari, J.K., Ameen, G., Sandilya, V.K., Kumar, S. and Kumar Kaushik, S. (2022). Cultivation practices of an underutilized, yet wholesome and remunerative vegetable: Spine gourd. Indian Horticulture, 67(2): 17-20.
- Tiwari, J.K., Ameen, G., Sandilya, V.K., Tiwari, A. K., Upadhyay, S. and Raiger, H.L. (2022). Stem Cutting: A novel technique for the production of quality seed in spine gourd. Indian Horticulture, 67(3): 5-8.
- Chaudhary, N. Ashok, N.N. Prajapati, M.S. Patel and M.M. Chaudhary (2022). “Effect of irrigation schedules on Grain Amaranths under sprinkler irrigation system poster presented in Fifth International Agronomy congress on “Innovations to combat Food and Nutrition challenges” November 23-27, 2021at PJTSAU, Hyderabad.
- Darshan T. Dharajiya, Anuj Kumar Singh, Kapil K Tiwari and Nitesh N. Prajapati (2021). “Genetic diversity in amaranth and its close relatives”. Springer publisher-pp 81-96.
- Jyoti and Gopal Katna (2023). Genetic analysis for seed yield and its related traits in adzuki bean [Vigna angularis (Wild.) Ohwi and Ohashi] pp: 137-138. In National Conference on ‘Natural and Organic Farming for Ecological, Environmental and National Security’ at CSK HPKV, Palampur held on 7-9 June 2023, ISBN: 978-93-5913-276-1.
- Kumar, Ajay, Paliwal, Arunima, Singh, S.B., Sukanya, T.S. and Kishore, Amit (2022). Intercropping of finger millet and amaranth for increasing system productivity of mid hills of Uttarakhand. In: Proceedings, International Conference on Harnessing the Potential of Finger Millet for Achieving Food and Nutritional Security, Challenges and Prospects, 19-22 January, 2022. ISBN: 978-93-91355-32-6
- Prajaapati, N.N., Solanki, R.S., Patel, H.S., Chaudhary, A.N., Patel, Y.N., Patel, A.B. and Patel, M.S. (2022). Quinoa: a traditional crop and a “super food”. Training manual on ICAR sponsored 21 days winter school on Conservation and utilization of potential crops in the era of climate change, Department of genetics and Plant Breeding, CPCA, S.D.A.U., S. K. Nagar-pp 377-391.
- Prajaapati, N.N., Solanki, R.S., Patel, H.S., Chaudhary, A.N., Patel, Y.N., Patel, A.B. and Patel, M.S. (2022). “Amaranthus: A crop for the future in the era of nutritional security”, Training manual on ICAR sponsored 21 days winter school on Conservation and utilization of potential crops in the era of climate change, Department of genetics and Plant Breeding, CPCA, S.D.A.U., S. K. Nagar-pp 357-376.
- Raiger, H.L. and Jajoriya N.K. (2023). Grain amaranth: Naturally gluten-free superfood grain. Indian Farming 73(3): 24-27.
- Raiger, H.L. and Jajoriya N.K. (2023). Improved varietal technology for enhanced productivity in Grain amaranth. Indian Farmer 10(3):35-43.
- Raiger, H.L., N.N. Prajapati, S.K. Yadav and B.S. Phogat (2022). Amaranthus: Mainstreaming of Potential Crops In India Under National Coordinated Network. ICAR sponsored winter school on Conservation and utilization of potential crops in the era of climate change-18th Jan to 7th Feb-2022, Department of genetics and Plant Breeding, CPCA, S.D.A.U., S. K. Nagar.
- Singh, Vivek, Aakash Kaushal, Gopal Katna (2023). Evaluation of buckwheat genotypes under organic and inorganic ecosystems pp: 148-149. In National Conference on ‘Natural and Organic Farming for Ecological, Environmental and National Security’ at CSK HPKV, Palampur held on 7-9 June 2023, ISBN: 978-93-5913-276-1.
- Tiwari, J.K., G. Ameen, V.K. Sandilya, A.K. Tiwari, S. Upadhyay and H.L. Raiger (2022). Stem cutting: A novel technique for the production of quality seed in Spine gourd. Indian Horticulture, May-June 2022, pp. 5-8.
- Verma, Ranjana, Neelakshi Chauhan, Y.S. Dhaliwl and Gopal Katna (2023). Adzuki bean kaa Mulaya Sambardhan pp: 32.
- Yadav, S.K., N.N. Prajapati, R.K. Arya and H. L. Raiger (2022). Future potential crops for nutritional security. ICAR sponsored winter school on Conservation and utilization of potential crops in the era of climate change-18th Jan to 7th Feb-2022, Department of genetics and Plant Breeding, CPCA, S.D.A.U., S. K. Nagar.
- Raiger, H.L., Dutta, M., Phogat, B.S., Rathi, R.S. and Joshi, V. (2001). Annual Report 2000-01, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 196p.
- Raiger, H.L., Rathi, R.S., Dutta M., Phogat, B.S. and Sharma, G.D. (2002). Annual Report 2001-02, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 254p.
- Raiger, H.L., Rathi, R.S., Dutta M., Phogat, B.S. and Sharma, G.D. (2002). Annual Report 2001-02, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 254p.
- Raiger, H.L., Rathi, R.S., Dutta M., Phogat, B.S. and Sharma, G.D. (2002). Annual Report 2002-03, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 324p.
- Raiger, H.L., Rathi, R.S., Dutta M., Phogat, B.S. and Dua, R.P. (2003). Progress Report 2003, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 292p.
- Raiger, H.L., Rathi, R.S., Dutta M., Phogat, B.S. and Dua, R.P. (2004). Annual Report 2004, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 266p.
- Raiger, H.L., Dua, R.P., Dutta M., Phogat, B.S. and Rathi, R.S. (2005). Progress Report 2005, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 343p.
- Raiger, H.L., Dua, R.P., Dutta M., Phogat, B.S. and Rathi, R.S. (2006). Progress Report 2006, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 309p.
- Raiger, H.L., Dua, R.P., Dutta M., Phogat, B.S. and Sharma, S.K. (2007). Progress Report 2007, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 319p.
- Raiger, H.L., Dua, R.P., Dutta M., Phogat, B.S. and Sharma, S.K. (2008). Progress Report 2008, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 420p.
- Raiger, H.L., Dua, R.P., Bhandari, D.C., Dutta M., Phogat, B.S. and Sharma, S.K. (2009). Progress Report 2009, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 404p.
- Raiger, H.L., Bhandari, D.C. and Phogat, B.S. (2011). Annual Report 2010, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 408p.
- Raiger, H.L., Bhandari, D.C., Phogat, B.S. and Bansal, K.C. (2012). Annual Report 2011, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 422p.
- Raiger, H.L., Bhandari, D.C., Phogat, B.S. and Bansal, K.C. (2013). Annual Report 2012, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 411p.
- Raiger, H.L., Phogat, B.S., Singh, M.C. and Bansal, K.C. (2014). Annual Report 2013, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi, 411p.
- Raiger, H.L., Phogat, B.S., Sheelamary, S. and Bansal, K.C. (2014). Rabi Report 2013-14. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi. 121p.
- Raiger, H.L., Phogat, B.S., Sheelamary, S., Singh, M.C., Yadav, S.K., Prasad, T.V., Khabiruddin, M., Dhaliwal, Y.S. and Bansal, K.C. (2015). Kharif Report 2014. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi. 247p.
- Raiger, H.L., Phogat, B.S., Sheelamary, S., Singh, M.C., Yadav, S.K., Prasad, T.V., Khabiruddin, M. and Bansal, K.C. (2015). Progress Report Rabi 2014-15. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi. 178p.
- Raiger, H.L., Phogat, B.S., Kaushik, S.K., Singh, M.C., Yadav, S.K., Prasad, T.V., M. Khabiruddin, M., Dhaliwal, Y.S. and Bansal, K.C. (2016). Kharif Report 2015. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi. 198p.
- Raiger, H.L., Phogat, B.S., S.K., Kaushik, Singh, M.C., Yadav, S.K., Prasad, T.V., Khabiruddin, M. and Singh, Kuldeep (2016). Progress Report Rabi 2015-16. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi. 263p.
- Raiger, H.L., Yadav, S.K., Kaushik, S.K., Singh, M.C., Prasad, T.V., M. Khabiruddin, M., Phogat, B.S. and Singh, Kuldeep (2017). Progress Report Kharif 2016. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi. 275p.
- Yadav, S.K., Kaushik, S.K., Singh, M.C., Singh, S.P., Khabiruddin, M., Raiger, H.L., Phogat, B.S. and Singh, Kuldeep (2017). Progress Report Rabi 2016-17. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi. 249p.
- Yadav, S.K., Kaushik, S.K., Singh, M.C., Singh, S.P., Kumar, Sandeep, Raiger, H.L., Phogat, B.S. and Singh, Kuldeep (2018). Progress Report Kharif 2017. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi. 231p.
- Kaushik, S.K., Yadav, S.K., Singh, M.C., Singh, S.P., Kumar, Sandeep, Raiger, H.L., Phogat, B.S. and Singh, Kuldeep (2018). Progress Report Rabi 2017-18. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi. 229p.
- Kaushik, S.K., Raiger, H.L., Yadav, S.K., Kumar, Sandeep, Singh, M.C., Singh, S.P., Phogat, B.S. and Singh, Kuldeep (2019). Progress Report Kharif 2018. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi. 287p.
- Kaushik, S.K., Raiger, H.L., Yadav, S.K., Kumar, Sandeep, Singh, M.C., Singh, S.P., Gautam, R.K. and Singh, Kuldeep (2020). Progress Report Kharif 2019. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi. 409p.
- Raiger, H.L., Singh, Mohar, Murthy, N., Sutaliya, J.M., Singh, S.P. Kumar, Sandeep, Yadav, S.K., Kaushik, S.K., Singh, MC and Singh, Kuldeep (2020). Progress Report Rabi 2019-20. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi. 253p.
- Raiger, H.L., Prajapati, Nitesh N., Murthy, N., Sutaliya, J.M., Singh, S.P., Kumar, Sandeep, Dhaliwal, Y.S. and Singh, Kuldeep (2021). Progress Report Kharif 2020. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi. 283p.
- Raiger, H.L., Murthy, N., Prajapati, N.N., Sutaliya, J.M., Mishra, D., Kumar, Sandeep, Singh, Kuldeep and Kumar, Ashok (2021). Progress Report Rabi 2020-21. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, NBPGR, New Delhi 50p.
- Raiger, H.L., Mishra, D., Prajapati, N.N., Sutaliya, J.M., Reddy, Sriniwas K.M., Kumar, Sandeep, Jajoriya, N.K. and Kumar, Ashok (2022). Progress Report Kharif 2021. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi. 102p.
- Raiger, H.L., Mishra, D., Prajapati, N.N., Sutaliya, J.M., Jajoriya, N.K., Reddy, Srinivas, Kumar, Sandeep and Kumar, Ashok (2022). Progress Report Rabi 2021-22. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi 68p.
- Raiger, H.L., Mishra, D., Prajapati, N.N., Sutaliya, J.M., Reddy, Sriniwas K.M., Kumar, Sandeep, Dhaliwal, Y.S. and Singh, G.P. (2023). Progress Report Kharif 2022. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi 106p.
- Yadav, S.K., Singh, M.C., Hooda, K.S., Kumar, Sandeep, Shekhawat, Neelam and Singh, G.P (2023). Progress Report Rabi 2022-23. All India Coordinated Research Network on Potential Crops, ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi, 92p.