Dr. Sunil Shriram Gomashe

Dr. Sunil Shriram Gomashe




Off.-+91 9550276732
Email-sunil.gomashe(AT)icar.gov.in, sunilgomashe(AT)gmail.com


Degree Discipline Year
M. Sc. Cytogenetics & Plant Breeding 2003
Ph. D. Genetics and Plant Breeding 2007


Salient Achievements


Conferred with Excellence In Research Award by Samagra Vikas Welfare Society (SVWS) during the International seminar on Modern Agriculture Approaches in 21st Century held on 22-23 November 2019 at University of Lucknow, UP, India

Received Young Scientist Award -2020 during the International Web-Conference on “New Trends in Agriculture, Environmental & Biological Sciences for Inclusive Development (NTAEBSID-2020)” organized by Agro Environmental Development Society (AEDS), India during 21-22 June 2020.

Recent Publications Research Papers

  1. Sunil S Gomashe, Krishnananda P. Ingle, Yukta A. Sarap, Dinesh Chand and S. Rajkumar (2021). Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.): An underutilized crop with potential medicinal values. Ann. Phytomed., 10(1):242-248.
  2. Ankit Saroha, Deepa Pal, Vikender Kaur, Sandeep Kumar, Arti Bartwal, J. Aravind, J. Radhamani, S. Rajkumar, Rajesh Kumar, Sunil S. Gomashe, Abhishek Sengupta, Dhammaprakash Pandhari Wankhede (2021). Agro-morphological variability and genetic diversity in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) germplasm accessions with emphasis on flowering and maturity time. Genet Resour. Crop. Evol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-021-01231-3
  3. Radhamani J, HD Pushpa, Sunil Shriram Gomshe, Shashi Bhushan Choudhary, Vinay Kumar, Rajani Bisen and M Sujatha (2021) Early Maturing Niger Germplasm Accessions. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 34(3): 495–498.
  4. Gomashe SS, Dikshit N, Dinesh Chand and Shingane SN (2018) Assessment of Genetic Diversity Using Morpho-Agronomical  Traits in Horse Gram. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci 7(5): 2095-2103
  5. Saroha A, Gomashe SS, Kaur V, Pal D, Ujjainwal S, Aravind J, Singh M, Rajkumar S, Singh K, Kumar A and Wankhede DP (2023) Genetic dissection of thousand-seed weight in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) using multi-locus genome-wide association study. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1166728. doi: 10.3389/fpls.20
  6. Saroha A, Pal D, Gomashe SS, Akash, Vikender Kaur, Ujjainwal S, Rajkumar S, Aravind J, Radhamani J, Kumar R, Chand D, Sengupta A and Wankhede DP (2022) Identification of QTNs Associated with Flowering Time, Maturity, and Plant Height Traits in Linum usitatissimum L. Using Genome-Wide Association Study. Front. Genet. 13:811924 doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.811924.
  7. Gavhane NA, Sarode SB, Gaikwad SA and Gomashe SS (2023) Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Emergent Life Sciences Research. 9(1):43- 53.
  8. Sasane PR, Vaidya ER, Deshmukh DT, Gomashe SS, Burghate SK, Walke RD and Raut YC (2022) Effect of gamma irradiation on quantitative traits of two genotypes of sesame crop in M1 generation. The Pharma Innovation Journal 11(7):3666-3668.


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