Dr. Zakaullah Khan

Dr. Zakaullah Khan
Principal Scientist


Division of Plant Quarantine


Email-zakaullah.khan(AT)icar.gov.in, znema(AT)yahoo.com


Degree Discipline Year
M.Sc. Nematology 1986
Ph.D. Nematology 1992
Post Doctoral Nematology 1999-2002


Salient Achievements

Discovered and published 4 new genera and 102 new species of plant and soil nematodes, besides 42 known species redescribed with additional characters, which are published in reputed journals. Explored and established biocontrol potential of predatory soil nematodes against plant parasitic nematodes. Screened and established biocontrol potential of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, Paenibacillus spp. for root-knot nematode as well as disease complex caused by root-knot nematode and F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici.  Developed a model to elucidate systemic resistance induced by Paenibacillus spp. in plants against root-knot nematodes. Evaluated about 6,000 germplasm accessions of various crops viz., pulses, cereals, vegetables and medicinal plants for source of resistance to root-knot nematodes and elucidated mechanism of resistance in resistant accessions of different crops. Among identified resistant accessions to Meloidogyne incognita, 3 of cowpea, (Vigna unguiculata), EC723686; EC724523; EC725122 and 2 of lentil (Lens culinaris), IC559673; IC559890 have been registered by Plant Germplasm Registration Committee of Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Evaluated some medicinal plant materials for their potential against fungi and nematode. Established efficacy of peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) root-bark against R. solani and root-knot nematodes. The antimicrobial compound in peony root bark, isolated in chloroform and identified as “paeonol” by mass spectrometry,1H NMR, and 13C NMR analyses, that inhibited the growth of Rhizoctonia solani and causing mortality to root-knot nematodes. Reported several new host plants to various plant parasitic nematodes. Developed effective salvaging technique for nematode infected vegetative propagules under exchange of exotic planting material. Published 107 research papers on my research out puts in the peer reviewed journals and have authored a book on Nematode taxonomy, edited two books, technical bulletins and training manuals. Delivered several invited lectures in Scientific meetings/conferences, universities and research institutes, and have been reviewer of several research papers published in international journals.


  1. 2007: JSPS Invitation Fellowship, awarded by Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Japan.
  2. 2002: Brain Pool Fellowship for foreign researchers, awarded by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies, Republic of Korea.
  3. 2000: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JSTA) Fellowship, awarded by Japan International Science and Technology Exchange Center, Japan.
  4. 1999: Postdoctoral Fellowship, awarded by Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea

Recent Publications Research Papers

  1. Khan Z, Tripathi K, Gayacharan, Bharat BH, Chalam CV (2022). Observation on severe infestation of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on tuberous Vigna vexillate. Pantnagar Journal of Research 20: 53-57.
  2. Gawade BH, Chaturvedi S, Apsara N, Khan Z, Pandey CD, Gangopadhyay KK, Dubey SC and Chalam VC (2022). Evaluation of brinjal germplasm against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Indian Phytopathology 75: 449-456.
  3. Gawade BH, Priyanka, Khan Z, Kumar P and Chalam VC (2022). Molecular characterization of wheat seed gall nematode, Anguina tritici. Indian Journal of Nematology 52(1):28-34.
  4. Esan AM, Khan Z, Kiran R, Omolekan TO, Aremu KA, and Adeyemi HRY (2021). Ameliorative Effects of Pseudomonas fluorescence strains on growth and antioxidant potential of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) plant under nematode infection. Europen Journal of Biology and Biotechnology 2 (3): 50-56.
  5. Chalam VC, Gupta K, Singh MC, Khan Z, Akhtar J, Gawade BH, Kumari P, Kumar P, Meena BR, Maurya AK, Meena DS (2022). Role of Plant Quarantine in Preventing Entry of Exotic Pest. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 35 (3): 141-146.
  6. Prasanna H, Gawade BH, Khan Z and Sivaraj N (2022). Prediction of potential geographic distribution of exotic nematode, Aphelenchoides fragariae in India based on MaxEnt ecological niche modelling. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 50 (1): 51-55.
  7. Dubey SC, Akhtar J, Chalam VC, Singh MC, Khan Z, Singh SP, Kumar P, Gawade, BH, Kiran R. Bhoopathi T and Kumari P (2021). Plant quarantine for biosecurity during transboundary movement of plant genetic resources. Indian Phytopathology74: 495-508.
  8. Gawade BH, Pandey A, Khan Z, Nivedhitha S and Dubey SC (2019). First report on nematicidal properties of Flemingia procumbens against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne Indian Phytopathology 72, 551-553.
  9. Gawade BH, Khan Z, Hollajer P and Dubey SC (2019). Detection and Identification of Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne javanica on Ageratum conyzoides. Indian Journal of Nematology 49, 113-115.


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