
Vigilance Officer: Dr. Ishwar Singh
Contact Number: 011-25802848
Address: ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources Pusa Campus, New Delhi – 110012, INDIA
E-mail: ishwar.singh2(AT), singh_iisr(AT)
Googla Map

Indian history is replete with examples of good governance practices which helped ensure ethics in public affairs. Righteousness is the foundation of good governance. The organisations, systems and procedures of the Government must not only be efficient but also ethical, just and fair. Integrity has to be its essential ingredient. The ill-effects of corruption are well known. It undermines our developmental efforts and weakens democratic institutions. Corruption is manifested in various forms such as bribery; nepotism; willful action or willful inaction to benefit someone or to deny benefit to someone known or unknown; favouritism; failure to follow laid down processes leading to unintended benefit to someone or denial of benefit to the deserving. The challenge before us is to create an environment in which the honest can work fearlessly and the corrupt are punished promptly. The battle against corruption is fought on many fronts. An oversight mechanism often referred to as vigilance administration is at the fore front of this battle. Vigilance is defined as watchfulness and alertness. Vigilance administration in any organisation is an integral function like any other function of management, such as finance, personnel, operation, marketing, material, and contracts, etc. If the vigilance set-up is effective in an organisation, it will certainly ensure the functioning of the other segments in an efficient way. Vigilance administration comprises of preventive and punitive anti-corruption measures. It includes detecting irregularities, analysing and finding out reasons for such irregularities and making effective systemic improvements to curb them. It also entails identifying the public servants responsible for misconduct and taking appropriate punitive actions.

Role of Vigilance Officer at Institute level:

Vigilance officers at ICAR institute function as representative of Chief Vigilance Officer of ICAR. He/ she maintains a close watch on the functioning and performance of the institute at various levels. They play an important role to guide or assist Head of the institute in all administrative, financial and vigilance matters for overall improvement of the institute.

Vigilance Awareness Week (30th Oct to 5th Nov 2023)
Pidpi Awareness Programme

Poster display and Gram Sabha at Issapur Village were conducted to spread PIDPI awareness on 10.11.2023 and explained the provision of PIDPI resolution, correct procedure of filling a PIDPI complaint and common mistakes made while filling PIPDI complaints. 

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