A Workshop cum Awareness programme under Tribal Sub-Plan on “Gadmal Production Technologies and Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources for Health and Nutritional Security” was organized by ICAR-NBPGR and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Betul, Madhya Pradesh St

“A Workshop cum Awareness programme under Tribal Sub-Plan on “Gadmal Production Technologies and Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources for Health and Nutritional Security” was organized by ICAR-NBPGR and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Betul, Madhya Pradesh State on 16th January 2024. A total of 130 Gadmal (a pulse crop) growing tribal farmers participated in this programme. The programme was organized under the guidance of Dr. Gyanendra Pratap Singh, Director, ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi; Dr. Raj Kumar Gautam, Head, Division of Germplasm Evaluation, Dr. Praveen Kumar Singh, Head, Division of Plant Exploration and Collection and Dr. Kuldeep Tripathi, Scientist (Senior Scale), DGE. Dr. D. P. Sharma, Director, Extension Services, JNKVV, Jabalpur Chaired the programme. Other dignitaries on the dias were Dr. Surendra Pannase, Retired Principal Scientist, KVK, Chhindwara, Dr. Vjay Kumar Verma, Head, KVK, Betul; Shri. Dipak Sariam, Deputy Director, State Agriculture Department, Betul; Dr. Sandhya Mure, Head, KVK, Harda and Sarpanch of Batki, Gobrel, Mohata and Palanga villages. Dr. Vijay Kumar Verma, Head, KVK, Betul gave brief introduction of the programme and emphasized the on-going activities of the KVK, Betul for the improvement and publicity of Gadmal crop. Shri. Dipak Sariam requested all the scientists to help the tribal farmers and state Agriculture department to disseminate the information on Gadmal crop at National-International level so as to increase the income and sustainability of the Gadmal growing tribal farmers. Dr. Surendra Pannase gave information on the nutritive value of the Gadmal as a pulse crop. Dr. Sunil S. Gomashe provided the insight in to the research activities carried out by the ICAR-NBPGR for identification of the exact taxonomic status of the Gadmal crop and he elaborated the benefits of the research for obtaining Geographical Indications for Gadmal. Dr. D. P. Sharma in his Chairman’s address thanked ICAR-NBPGR for taking forward the research for creating awareness about Gadmal at National level and he also urged the farmers to adopt Integrated Nutrient and Pest Management techniques to increase the quality and quantity of farm produce. All the Sarpanch of the tribal villages expressed their thanks to ICAR-NBPGR and KVK, Betul for recognizing their traditional Gadmal crop for study and promotion which has helped them tremendously in getting premium price. They further mentioned that few years ago no one was valuing the gadmal pulse and they were not getting the fair price but due to intervention of KVK and NBPGR they are getting advance booking for their Gadmal produce. A small exhibition of crop diversity in millets, pulses, oil seeds was also organised by ICAR-NBPGR team. KVK, Betul also showcased the different activities in their exhibition stall. During the programme ICAR-NBPGR distributed Knapsack Sprayers, LED Rechargeable Torch, Bio-fertilizers and Bio-pesticides to 100 beneficiary Tribal Farmers. A Booklet on Production Technologies for Gadmal Production was distributed to the farmers. Finally Dr. Sunil S. Gomashe proposed the vote of thanks. From KVK, Betul Dr. Sanjeev Verma, Dr. Sanjeev Jain, Dr. Megha Dubey, Dr. M. P. Ingle and Sh. Nepal Baraskar co-ordinated the program. From ICAR-NBPGR, RS, Akola DBT-Project staff Dr. Nandan Tayade and Mr. Pavan Wathore organized the crop diversity exhibition.

                                                            (Source : Dr. Sunil S. Gomashe, OIC, ICAR-NBGPR, Regional Station, Akola)

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