Research Paper 2004

  1. Dua R.P. (2004). International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: An Assessment.. Indian J. Pl. Gen. Res. , 7 (1): 53-60
  2. Brahmi P. (2004). The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights act of India: A critical appraisal.. Current Science , 86: 101-107
  3. Brahmi P. Brahmi P, R.P. Dua and B.S. Dhillon.  (2004). The Biological Diversity Act of India and agro-biodiversity management.. Current Science. , 86: 650-664
  4. Dhillon B.S  (2004). On-farm conservation of Plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.. Current Science , 87: 557-559
  5. Pandravada, S.R., Sivaraj, N and Varaprasad, K.S. (2004). The changing pattern of plant biodiversity in the Eastern Ghats. In: Dhillon, B.S., Tyagi, R.K., Lal, A and Saxena, S. (Eds.). Plant Genetic Resource Management.. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India., 136-152: 
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