Research Paper 2005

  1. Prasad MD, Muthulakshmi M, Madhu M, Archak S, Mita K and Nagaraju J (2005). Survey and Analysis of Microsatellites in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori Frequency, Distribution, Mutations, Marker Potential and Their Conservation in Heterologous Species. Genetics, 169: 197-214
  2. Gupta V, L Arya, C Pandey and A Kak (2005). Effect of accelerated ageing on seed vigour in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) hybrids and their parents. . Indian J. Agri. Sci., 75: 346-347.
  3. Mohar Singh, L.N. Bhardwaj and S.D. Sharma (2005). Field screening of strawberry germplasm for resistance against foliar diseases. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour,, 18(1): 72-73: 
  4. Mohar Singh (2005). Genetic analysis of seed size and seed yield in urdbean. Legume Res.,, 28(4):284-287: 
  5. Mohar Singh (2005). A study of combining ability for physiological traits in urdbean. Legume Res., 28 (2): 107-110: 
  6. Dwivedi, N K, Neelam Bhatnagar and Gopala Krishnan S. (2005). Performance of exotic pulses in arid and semi arid region of India.. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 18(1):: 54-55.
  7. Bhatnagar Neelam, N K Dwivedi and Gopala Krishnan S. (2005). The exotic shrubs and trees in Indian arid regions.. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 18(1):: 146-148.
  8. Dwivedi, N K, D P yadav and B K Pareek. (2005). Diversity in guar and mothbean in arid and semiarid regions in India.. J Arid Legumes, 2(2):: 325-327
  9. Dwivedi, N K, Neelam Bhatnagar and Gopala Krishnan S. (2005). Collecting and characterising cowpea (Vigna unguiculata(L.) Walp.) germplasm in arid region.. J Arid Legumes, 2(2):: 328-329.
  10. Bhatnagar Neelam, Dwivedi, N K and Gopala Krishnan S. (2005). The exotic shrubs and trees in Indian arid regions.. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 18(1):: 146-148.
  11. Dorin Gupta, R.K. Mittal, Mohar Singh and Anil Kant (2005). Evaluation of triticale x bread wheat derivatives for agro-morphological, physiological and biochemical traits in relation to drought and cold stress. Annals of Biology, 21: 143-149
  12. Mohar Singh (2005). Estimation of genetic parameters for physiological traits in blackgram. Crop Res., 31: 141-143
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