Research Paper 2007

  1. Archak S, Lakshminarayanareddy V and Nagaraju J (2007). High throughput multiplex microsatellite marker assay for detection and quantification of adulteration in Basmati rice (Oryza sativa).Electrophoresis, 28: 2396-2405
  2. Archak S, Meduri E, Kumar PS and Nagaraju J (2007). InSatDb: a microsatellite database of fully sequenced insect genomes. Nucleic acids research, 35: D36-D39
  3. Archak S and Nagaraju J (2007). Computational Prediction of Rice (Oryza sativa) miRNA Targets. 5:196-206. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 5: 196-206
  4. Vemireddy L, Archak S and Nagaraju J (2007). Capillary electrophoresis is essential for microsatellite marker based detection and quantification of adulteration of Basmati rice (Oryza sativa). Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 55: 8112-8117
  5. Dubey S.C., Suresh M., and Singh Birendra (2007). Evaluation of Trichoderma species againts Fusarium oxysporum. f. sp. ciceris for integrated management of chickpea wilt . Biol. Control, 40: 118-127
  6. Singh, S K, U Barua, A Kar and D K Hore (2007). Collection of multi crop germplasm from West Kameng and Tawang district of Arunachal Pradesh.. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 20(1&2): 10-17
  7. Devashi, AK Singh, P Sharma, B Singh, R Singh and NK Singh (2007). Molecular profiling and genetic relationship among Ber (Ziziphus sp.) genotype using RAPD maker.. Indian J. Gene. and Pl. Breeding., 67: 121-127.
  8. Rai M, MP Pandey, P Sharma, Devanshi, L Arya and R Singh (2007). Selection of elite maintainers with eui Gene using RAPD analysis for development of new CMS lines in hybrid rice breeding.. J. Plant Gene. Resou., 20: 111-116.
  9. Singh AK, Devanshi, P Sharma, R Singh, B Singh, KR Koundal and NK Singh (2007). Inter-simple sequence repeats for characterization of Ber (Ziziphus species) germplasm.. J. Pl. Bioch. and Biotech., 16: 35 -40.
  10. Singh R, AK Singh, TR Sharma, AK Singh and NK Singh (2007). Fine mapping for aroma QTLs in basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.) on chromosome 3, 4 and 8.. J. Pl. Bioch. and Biotech., 16: 75-82.
  11. Singh S, JL Karihaloo and AB Gaikwad (2007). DNA fingerprinting of some mango (Mangifera indica) cultivars using anchored-ISSR markers. . J. Pl. Bioch. and Biotech., 16(2): 113-117.
  12. Vanaja T, GJ Randhawa, R Singh and T Mohapatra (2007). Analysis of molecular diversity and differentiation of photoperiod sensitive and insensitive rice varieties.. Indian J. Gene. and Pl. Breeding., 67: 128-134.
  13. Dorin Gupta, R.K. Mittal and Mohar Singh (2007). Association studies for agro-physiological and quality traits of triticale x bread wheat derivatives in relation to drought and cold stress. Journal of Environ. Biol.,, 28(2) 265-269: 
  14. Dorin Gupta, S.K. Sharma and Mohar Singh (2007). Inheritance of some qualitative characters in cultivated x wild lentil subspecies crosses.. J. Genet. & Breed, 61: 7-12: 
  15. Mohar Singh and S.K. Sharma (2007). D2 analysis for physiological traits in the progenies of urdbean. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour,, 20 (1): 76-78: 
  16. Dwivedi NK (2007). Collection and conservation of genetic diversity in legume crops from arid and semi-arid regions.. J. Arid Legumes., 4 (1):: 35-39.
  17. Gopala Krishnan S and Dwivedi NK (2007). Genetic stocks of clusterbean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.] – assessment and utilization.. Journal of Arid Legumes, (2):: 4
  18. Pandravada, S.R., Anitha,K., Chakrabarty, S.K and Janardhan Reddy, K. (2007). Identification of sources of resistance to fungal biotic stresses and sunscald in paprika chilli germplasm.. Indian Journal of Plant Protection., 35 (2):: 313 – 315.
  19. Kamala, V, RDVJ Prasada Rao and KS Varaprasad. (2007). Resistance to Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus in cowpea germplasm collections from Andhra Pradesh.. Indian Journal of Plant Protection., 35 (1):: 144-145.
  20. Mohar Singh and S.D.Sharma (2007). Major agricultural crops for the new millennium. Agro bios Newsletter, 07: 12-13
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