Research Paper 2010

  1. S Dwivedi, R.D. Tripathi, P. Tripathi, A. Kumar, R. Dave, S. Mishra , R. Singh , D. Sharma, U.N. Rai, D. Chakraborty, P.K. Trivedi, B. Adhikari, M.K. Bag, O.P. D hankar, R. Tuli (2010). Effects of arsenate exposure on amino acids, mineral nutrient status and antioxidant in rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes.. Environmental Science and Technology, 44: 9542-9549
  2. Sanjay Dwivedi, R.D.Tripathi,Sudhakar Srivastava, Ragini Singh, Amit Kumar,Preeti Tripathi & Richa Dave & U. N. Rai & Debasis Chakrabarty, P.K. Trivedi,R. Tuli, B. Adhikari and M. K. Bag (2010). Arsenic affects mineral nutrients in grains of various Indian rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes grown under arsenic-contaminated soils of West Bengal. Protoplasma, 245: 113-124
  3. K. Bag (2010). Mycoflora causing grain discoloration (Gd) of rice and its effect on some yield components. . Journal of Mycopathological Research., 48: 149-152
  4. Randhawa G.J., Rashmi Chhabra and Monika Singh (2010). Decaplex and Real-time PCR based detection of MON531 and MON15985 Bt Cotton Events.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 (18): 9875-9881
  5. Randhawa G.J., Monika Singh, Rashmi Chhabra and Sharma R (2010). Qualitative and Quantitative Molecular Testing Methodologies and Traceability Systems for Bt Crops Commercialised or Under Field Trials in India.. Food Analytical Methods, 3 (4): 295-303
  6. Vanaja, T, Singh R and Randhawa G.J. (2010). Genetic relationships among a collection of indica rice (Oryza sativa) genotypes of Kerala revealed by SSR markers.. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 80 (3): 191-197
  7. GJ Randhawa, M Singh, R Chhabra & R Sharma (2010). Qualitative and quantitative molecular testing methodologies and traceability systems for Bt crops commercialised or under field trials in India. Food Analytical Methods, 3 (4): 295-303
  8. GJ Randhawa, R Chhabra & M Singh (2010). Decaplex and real-time PCR based detection of MON531 and MON15985 Bt cotton events. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 (18): 9875-9881
  9. Bonham A Curan,Ehsan Dulloo, P.Mathur, Brahmi P, Tyagi V, R K Tyagi and Upadhyaya H. (2010). ~~ Plant Genetic Resources and Germplasm Use in India  . Asian Biotechnology and Development Review, 12(3): 17-34
  10. Dubey S.C., Singh B (2010). Seed treatment and foliar application of insecticides adn fungicides for management of cercospora leaf spots and yellow mosaic of mungbean (Vigna radiata) . Int. J. Pest Manage, 56: 309-314
  11. Dubey S.C., Tripathi, Aradhika, Singh, R.S (2010). ITS-RFLP fingerprinting and  molecular marker for detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris.  . Folia Microbiol, 55: 629-634
  12. Singh, S K, Suresh B G, G R Lavanya, Jyotsna Subha, Akanksha Shrivastav, A K Misra and S K Verma (2010). Characterization of mutant lines of Mungbean [Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek]. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 23(1): 40-43
  13. Sanwal, S K, S K Singh, P K Singh and A K Misra (2010). Characterization of chow-chow (Sechium edule) germplasm of Northeastern region of India for economic traits. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 23(1): 19-21
  14. Singh A, PK Singh, R Singh, A Pandit, AK Mahato, DK Gupta, K Tyagi, AK Singh, NK Singh and TR Sharma (2010). NP haplotypes of the BADH1 gene and their association with aroma in rice (Oryza sativa L.). . Molecular Breeding., 26: 325-338.
  15. Sud S, NS Bains, GS Nanda, K Singh and L Arya (2010). Genetic diversity and heterosis in wheat. SABRAO . J. Breed. Genet., 42(2): 96-105.
  16. Verma N, MK Rana, KS Negi, G Kumar, Bhat KV, YJ Park and IS Bisht (2010). Assessment of genetic diversity in Indian Perilla frutescens (L.) Briton landraces using STMS markers.. Indian J. of Biotech., 9: 43-49.
  17. Mohar Singh, T.P. Singh, S.K. Sharma and H. Thakur (2010). Influence of cropping systems on combining ability and gene action for grain yield and its components in blackgram. Indian J. Agric. Sci, 80 (10):853-857: 
  18. Dwivedi NK, OP Dhariwal, Gopal Krishnan S and DC Bhandari. (2010). Distribution and extend of diversity in Cucumis species in the Arawalli Ranges of India.. Genet Resource and Crop Evol,, 57:: 443-453.
  19. Gopala Krishnan S and NK Dwivedi (2010). Primitive weedy form ‘Adak Guar’- The possible missing link in domestication of Guar [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.]. NBPGR Newsletter,, 25(3):: 2.
  20. Abraham, B., Kamala, V., Sivaraj, N., Sunil, N., Pandravada, S.R., Vanaja, M and Varaprasad, K.S. (2010). DIVA-GIS approaches for diversity assessment of pod characteristics in black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper).. Current Science., 98 (5): 616-619.
  21. Pandravada, S.R., Varaprasad, K.S., Janardhan Reddy, K and Rao, E.S. (2010). Screening and identification of sources of resistance against root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) in chilli (Capsicum annuum) germplasm.. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences., 80 (1):: 92 – 94.
  22. P. Singh, Mohar Singh and S.K.Sharma (2010). Grow Biofuel in a sustainable, economical and eco-friendly manner. Agriculture Today, 07: 38-40
  23. P. Singh, Mohar Singh and Shiwani Yadav (2010). Rising food prices pushing millions of people below poverty line. Agriculture Today, 11: 36-37
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