Research Paper 2011

  1. Arti Rai, Preeti Tripathi, Sanjay Dwivedi, Sonali Dubey, Manju Shri, Smita Kumar, Pankaj Kumar Tripathi a, Richa Dave a, Amit Kumar, Ragini Singh, Bijan Adhikari, Manas Bag, Rudra Deo Tripathi, Prabodh K. Trivedi, Debasis Chakrabarty, Rakesh Tuli (2011). Arsenic tolerances in Rice (Oryza sativa) have a predominant role in transcriptional regulation of a set of genes including sulphur assimilation pathway and antioxidant system.. Chemosphere., 82: 986 – 995
  2. K. Bag (2011). Performance of a new generation fungicide Metominostrobin 20SC against sheath blight disease of rice. Journal of Mycopathological Research, 49: 167-169
  3. M K Bag, A Biswas, S Saha and P K Mishra (2011). Efficacy of some commercially available fungicides on grain discoloration disease of hybrid rice seed. Journal of Interacademicia, 15: 195-197
  4. Randhawa G.J., Rashmi Chhabra and Monika Singh (2011). PCR-based Detection of Genetically Modified Tomato with AVDI Gene Employing Seed Sampling Strategy. . Seed Science and Technology, 39 (1): 112-124
  5. Tyagi V, Lal A , Joshi V, Brahmi P, Verma N, Yadav S K, Anitha P, Singh SP and Singh S. (2011). ~~ Important Crop Germplasm Introduced in Field crops in India during 2009. Ind. J. Plant Genet. Resour, 24 (1): 27-30 pp
  6. Dubey S.C., Tripathi, Aradhika, Bhavani R and Singh, Birendra (2011). Evaluation of seed dressing and soil application formulations of Trichosderma species for inegrated management of dry root rot of chickpea. . Biocontrol Sci. Techn., 21: 93-100
  7. Dubey S.C., Bhavani, R. and Singh, B (2011). Integration of soil application and seed treatment formulation of Trichoderma spcies for management of we root rot of mungbean caused by Rhizoctonia solani Pest Manag.  . Rhizoctonia solani Pest Manag., 67: 1163-1168
  8. Raiger HL, RP Dua and BS Phogat (2011). Stability of yield in response to integrated nutrient management practices in rice bean (Vigna umbellata) . Indian Jounral of Agricultural Science, 81 (10): 903-907
  9. Shaheen Reshma, Kalyani Srinivasan, RC Agarwal, BS Phogat, Shahid Umar, Manju Uprety, RS Rathi and Ramesh Kumar (2011). Prediction of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) seed viability through single seed conductivity test. Indian Jounral of Agricultural Science, 81 (5): 417-422
  10. Roy, S, S K Verma, D K Hore, A K Misra, R S Rathi and S K Singh (2011). Agro-morphological diversity in turmeric (Curcuma longa) accessions collected from North-eastern India.. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 81(10): 898–902
  11. Bharadwaj C, SK Chauhan, S Yadav, CT Satyavathi, R Singh, J Kumar, R Srivastava, G Rajguru (2011). Molecular marker based linkage map of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) developed from desi x kabuli cross.. Indian J. of Agri. Sci., 81: 116-118.
  12. Islam S, AD Munshi, M.Verma, L. Arya, B Mandal, TK Behera, R Kumar and SK Lal (2011). Screening of Luffa cylindrica Roem against tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus, inheritance of resistance and identification of SRAP markers linked to resistance gene.. J. Horti. Sci. Biotec., 86(6): 661-667.
  13. Kumar S, AK Singh, Jyoti and R Singh (2011). Diversity analysis of wheat genotypes based on morpho-physiological and RAPD markers in relation to moisture stress. . Vegetos., 24(2): 217-224.
  14. Lin L, H Tang, RO Compton, C Lemke, LK Rainville, X Wang, J Rong, MK Rana and AH Paterson (2011). Comparative analysis of Gossypium and Vitis genomes indicates genome duplication specific to the Gossypium lineage.. Genomics., 97: 313-320.
  15. Singh AK and R Singh (2011). Analysis of genetic relationships of Indian grape genotypes using RAPD markers.. Indian J. of Hort., 68(3): 287-292.
  16. Singh AK, R Singh, NF Weeden, RW Robbinson and NK Singh (2011). A Linkage Map for Cucurbita maxima based on Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Markers. . Indian J. of Hort., 68(1): 44-50.
  17. Genetic resources of lentil and its utilization in India (2011). Mohar Singh, S. Sardana, and S.K.Sharma. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization, 9(1):30-37: 
  18. Ramesh Kumar, Prabhash Vashisht, R.K. Gupta, Mohar Singh and Sangeeta Kaushal (2011). Characterization of European carrot genotypes through principal components and regression analysis. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 17:3-12: 
  19. Mohar Singh, T.P. Singh, S.K. Sharma and M. Dutta (2011). Factor analysis of components of yield and some growth parameters in urdbean. Indian J. Plant Genet Resour, 24 (3): 346-349: 
  20. Misra RC, HK Sahoo, AK Mohapatra and RN Reddy. (2011). Additions to the flora of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Orissa, India.. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society,, 108 (1):: 69-76.
  21. Nahak G, RC Misra and RK Sahu (2011). Taxonomic distribution, medicinal properties and drug development potentiality of Ocimum (Tulsi.. Drug Invention Today., 3(6):: 95-113.
  22. Nahak G, RC Misra and RK Sahu, (2011). Phytochemical investigation and in vitro antioxidant evaluation of some Ocimum species.. Journal of Pharmacy Research., 4(7):: 2340-2343.
  23. Dwivedi NK, Pancha Ram and S.K.Pareek (2011). Plants used for curing Leucorrhoea and Menstrual Problem in Jhadol Taluk, Udipur (Rajasthan).. Research Link-91., Vol X (8),: October: 20-22.
  24. Gopal Krishna S, N.K.Dwivedi and Jal Singh (2011). Primitive weedy forms of guar, Adak Guar: possible missing link in the domestication of Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.)Genet.Rec.. Crop.Evolution., 58:: 961-966.
  25. Radhamani, J; Pandey, Anjula; Srinivasan, Kalyani Tyagi, Vandana; (2011). Conserving millet genetic resources in India. Proc. Indian Natl. Sci. Acad, 77: 295-304
  26. Sarath Babu, B., Pandravada, S.R., Prasada Rao, R.D.V.J., Anitha, K., Chakrabarty, S.K and Varaprasad, K.S. (2011). Global sources of pepper genetic resources against arthropods, nematodes and pathogens.. Crop Protection., 30 (4):: 389 – 400.
  27. Kamala V, Amar Jeet Gupta, N Sivaraj, SR Pandravada, N Sunil, KS Varaprasad and KE Lawande (2011). Diversity Analysis of Onion Germplasm Collections from Northern Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh.. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 24(2):: 163–171.
  28. Anitha K, Kamala Venkateswaran, SK Chakrabarty, G Suresh Kumar, B Sarath Babu and KS Varaprasad (2011). Onion genetic resources and pest resistance: The Indian Scenario.. Indian Journal of Plant Protection., 39 (2):: 81-92.
  29. Naresh Kumar M, MVR Seshasai, KS Varaprasad, V Kamala, KV Ramana, RS Dwivedi & PS Roy (2011). A new hybrid spectral similarity measure for discrimination among Vigna species,. International Journal of Remote Sensing,, 32:14,: 4041-4053.
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