Research Paper 2012

  1. Agrawal RC, Archak S and Tyagi RK (2012). An overview of biodiversity informatics with special reference to plant genetic resources. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 84: 92-99
  2. Randhawa GJ, Singh M, Gangopadhyay KK, Kumar G and Archak S (2012). Genetic analysis of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) accessions using morphhometric and ISSR markers. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82: 393-401
  3. M K Bag and P Bandyopadhyay (2012). Evaluation of bioefficacy of botanicals and biopesticides against sheath blight disease of rice. . Journal of Mycopathological Research, 50: 101-103
  4. Debashis Dutta ,Supradip Saha , Deb Prasad Ray , Manas Kumar Bag (2012). Effect of different active fungicides molecules on the management of rice blast disease.. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology, 5: 247-251
  5. Gowda S.J.M., Randhawa G.J., Bisht I.S, Firke P.K., Singh A.K., Abraham Z, and Dhillon B.S. (2012). Morpho-agronomic and simple sequence repeat-based diversity in colored rice germplasm. Genetic Resources and Crop evolution, 59: 179-189
  6. Randhawa G.J., Sharma R and Monika Singh (2012). Qualitative and Event-Specific Real-Time PCR Detection Methods for Bt Brinjal Event EE-1.. J. AOAC International, 95 (6): 1733-1739
  7. Randhawa G.J., Monika Singh (2012). Multiplex, Construct-specific and Real Time PCR based Analytical methods for Bt rice with cry1AC gene.. J. AOAC International, 95 (1): 186-194
  8. Randhawa G.J., Monika Singh, Gangopadhyay, Kumar G and Archak S (2012). Genetic analysis of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) accessions using morphometric and ISSR markers). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82 (5): 393-401
  9. Dubey S.C., Tripathi, Aradhika and Upadhyay, B.K (2012). Molecular diversity analysis of Rhizoctonia solani isolates infecting various pulse crops in different agro-ecological regions of India. . Folia Microbiol, 57: 513-524
  10. Dubey S.C., Priyanka,k., Singh, V and Singh, B. (2012). Race profiling and molecular diversity analysis of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp ciceris causing wilt in chickpea . J. Phytopathol, 160: 576-587
  11. Kumar S, Sehgal S K, Kumar U, Prasad PVV, Joshi AK and Gill BS (2012). Genomic characterization of drought tolerance related traits in spring wheat. Euphytica, 186: 265-276
  12. Sharma AK, MS Saharan, I Sharma, M Singh, S. Kundu, BS Phogat, M. Meeta, Deep Shikha, K. Srivastava, SP Singh, SS Vaish, PC Mishra, BK Honrao, IK Kalappanavar, VA Solanki, Kalyani Srinivasan, Sherry Rachel Jacob and RK Tyagi (2012). Identification of Diverse Sources of Multiple Disease Resistance in Wheat. . Indian Jounral of Plant Genetic Resources, 25 (3): 238-245
  13. Latha M, Abdul Nizar, M, Abraham Z, Joseph John K. R. Asokan Nair, Mani S and M Dutta (2012). Rice landraces of Kerala – a documentation. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 5(4): 250-263
  14. Verma, Vidhu, Shweta, Sharma,  Devi, S. Vimala, Rajasubramaniam, S and Dasgupta, Indranil (2012). Delay in Virus Accumulation and Low Virus Transmission from Transgenic Rice Plants Expressing Rice Tungro Spherical Virus RNA.. Virus genes, 45(2): 350-359
  15. Sanwal, S K, S K Singh, R K Yadav, P K Singh and A K Misra (2012). Yield and quality assessment of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) germplasm. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources.. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 25(3): 281-286
  16. Dalamu, TK Behera, AB Gaikwad, S Saxena, C Bharadwaj and AD Munshi (2012). Morphological and molecular analyses define the genetic diversity of Asian bitter gourd. . Australian J. Crop Science, 6(2): 261-267.
  17. Pandey A, IS Bisht and KV Bhat (2012). Population structure of rice (Oryza sativa L) landraces from high altitude areas of Indian Himalayas.. Ann. of App. Biolo., 160: 16-24
  18. Pandey CD, V Gupta, L Arya and A Kak (2012). Conservation and use of Morinda genetic resources.. Intl. J. Noni Res., 7(2): 15-26.
  19. Panwar BS, R Singh, VK Dwivedi, A Kumar and P Kumari (2012). Genetic diversity among Indian Aloe accessions based on RAPD analysis.. Inter. J. Med. and Arom. Plants, 3(3): 326-333.
  20. Rana MK, S Singh, AK Singh and A Kak (2012). Genetic diversity assessment in Indian jute (Corchorus spp) cultivars using gene-targeted molecular markers.. Indian J. of Agri. Sci., 82: 660-666.
  21. Sareen P, S Kumar, U Kumar, L Prasad, AK Singh, R Singh and AK Joshi (2012). Pathological and molecular characterizations of slow leaf rusting in fifteen wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) genotypes.. African J. of Biotech., 11(84): 14956-14966.
  22. Sharma N, R Satsangi, R Pandey, R Singh, N Kaushik and RK Tyagi (2012). In vitro conservation of Bacopa monnieri (L.) using mineral oil.. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 111: 291-301.
  23. Singh AK, MK Rana, S Kumar, S Singh and R Singh (2012). Isolation and expression analysis of cold acclimation specific gene CAS15 from white clover (Trifolium repens L.). . Vegetos, 25: 354-361.
  24. Singh R, AK Singh, TR Sharma, A Singh and NK Singh (2012). Fine mapping for grain length QTLs on chromosome 1 and 7 in Basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.). J. Plant Bioch. and Biotech., 21(2): 157-166.
  25. Singh SK, GR Lavanya, KV Bhat, GS Babu, L. Arya, M Verma, Z Hussain, S Roy, RS Rathi, AK Misra (2012). Microsatellite markers revealed genetic diversity in mung bean mutant lines.. Indian J. Hill Farm., 25(1): 38-43.
  26. Verma M, S Rathi, AD Munshi, A Kumar, L Arya, KV Bhat and R Kumar (2012). Genetic diversity of Indian brinjal revealed by RAPD and SSR markers.. Indian J. Hort., 69(4): 517-522.
  27. Ramesh Kumar, Ridhima Sharma, R.K. Gupta and Mohar Singh (2012). Determination of genetic variability and divergence for root yield and quality characters in temperate radish. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 118:307-318: 
  28. Misra RC, S Kumar, DR Pani and DC Bhandari (2012). Empirical tribal claims and correlation with bioactive compounds: A study on Celastrus paniculata Willd., a vulnerable medicinal plant of Odisha.. Indian J. Traditional Knowledge., Vol.11 (4):: 615-622.
  29. Pani DR, SK Sarangi, HN Subudhi, RC Misra and DC Bhandari (2012). Exploration, evaluation and conservation of salt tolerant rice genetic resources from Sundarbans region of West Bengal. J. Indian Soc. Coastal agric. Res., 30(1):: 45-54.
  30. Kamala V, HC Sharma, D Manohar Rao, KS Varaprasad, PJ Bramel and S Chandra. (2012). Interactions of spotted stem borer Chilo partellus with wild relatives of sorghum.. Plant Breeding., 131:: 511-521.
  31. Anurudh K Singh, KS Varaprasad, Kamala V (2012). Conservation Costs of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Seed Genebanks.. Agricultural Research., 1(3):: 223–239.
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