Research Paper 2022

  1. T Danakumara, J Kumari, AK Singh, SK Sinha, AK Pradhan, S Sharma, SK Jha, R Bansal, S Kumar, GK Jha, MC Yadav and PVV Prasad (2022). Genetic dissection of seedling root system architectural traits in a diverse panel of hexaploid wheat through multi-locus genome-wide association mapping for improving drought tolerance. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22(13):7188: 
  2. Tripathi K, J Kumari, PG Gore, DC Mishra, AK Singh, GP Mishra, C Gayacharan, HK Dikshit, N Singh, DP Semwal, R Mehra, R Bhardwaj, R Bansal, JC Rana, A Kumar, V Gupta, K Singh and A Sarker (2022). Agro-morphological characterization of lentil germplasm of Indian National Genebank and development of a core set for efficient utilization in lentil improvement programs. Front. Plant Sci., 12:751429: 
  3. Bhawna, Abdin M Z , Lalit Arya, Chithra D Pandey, Ved Dixit, Priya Yadav and M. Verma (2022). Genome-wide SSR markers in bottle gourd: development, characterization, utilization in assessment of genetic diversity of National Genebank of India and synteny with other related cucurbits.. J. of Appl. Genet., 
  4. Saroha A, D Pal, V Kaur, S Kumar, A Bartwal, Aravind J, Radhamani J, Rajkumar S, R Kumar, SS Gomashe, A Sengupta, DP Wankhede (2022). Agro-morphological variability and genetic diversity in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) germplasm accessions with emphasis on flowering and maturity time.. Genet Resour Crop Evo, 69: 315-333
  5. Pradheep, K (2022). Misidentification of Macrotyloma sar-garhwalensis R.D.Gaur & L.R.Dangwal and its implication in horsegram germplasm management. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol, 69: 939-948
  6. Suma A (2022). Characterization of small bitter gourd germplasm collections from various agro-ecological zones of India. Indian J. Hortic, 79(3): 280-286
  7. Gangappa ND, C Singh, MK Verma, M Thakre, AMV Sevanthi, R Singh, M Srivastav, Raghunandan K, C Anusha, V Yadav, A Nagaraja (2022). Assessing the genetic diversity of guava germplasm characterized by morpho-biochemical traits. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9:1017680: 
  8. Kumar R, C Kumar, R Jain, A Maurya, A Kumar, A Kumari, R Singh (2022). Molecular cloning and in-silico characterization of NAC86 of Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata). Indian J. of Horti, 79(1):: 9-14
  9. Nawade, B, A Kumar, R Maurya, R Subramani, R Yadav, K Singh and R Parimalan (2022). Longer duration of active oil biosynthesis during seed development is crucial for high oil yield – lessons from genome-wide in silico mining and RNA-seq validation in sesame. Plants, 11, 2980: 
  10. Paliwal R, R Singh, DR Choudhury, G Tiwari, A Kumar, KC Bhatt and Rita Singh (2022). Molecular Characterization of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers Using Novel g-SSR Markers and Their Comparison with EST-SSR and SCoT Markers for Genetic Diversity Study. Genes, 13. 2042: 
  11. Parimalan R, Pradheep, K., Mahalingam, A., and Senthilraja, G. (2022). Decline in occurrence and distribution of Sesamum prostratum, a crop wild relative of sesame, along the Eastern coastal region of India. Ind. J. Plant Genet. Res, 35: 4-10
  12. Parimalan R (2022). Can genomics tools assist in gaining insights from the aquatic angiosperms to transform crop plants with multiple carbon concentrating mechanisms to adapt and yield better in challenging environment?  . Plant Physiology Reports, 27: 580-589
  13. Parimalan R, DP Wankhede, S Rajkumar, V Chinnusamy, SK Malik, MJ Baig, K.Singh and R Henry (2022). Evolution of an intermediate C4 photosynthesis in the non-foliar tissues of the Poaceae. Photosynthesis Research, 153: 125-134
  14. Parimalan R, R Maurya and S Singh (2022). Can omic tools help generate alternative newer sources of edible seed oil?. Plant Direct, 6: 399
  15. Sharma R, M Singh and G Randhawa (2022). Efficient molecular method/s for detection of Bt brinjal event 142. Current Science, 122 (4): 
  16. Singh M, K Kaur, Si Sharma, A Paliwal, Mamta Singh, R Aminedi, V Kaur and G Randhawa (2022). Assessment of risk of GM contamination in flax seed accessions imported from Canada: A case study to restrict the unauthorized GM events from entering India. Pl. Genet. Resour.: Characterization and Utilization, 20(1): 76-78
  17. Singh R, AK Mahato, A Singh, R Kumar, A K Singh, S Kumar, SS Marla, A Kumar, NK Singh (2022). TinoTranscriptDB: Transcripts and Microsatellite Markers Database of Tinospora cordifolia, an Important Medicinal Plant. Genes, 13: 14 33
  18. Yadav R, S Kalia, R Parimalan, K Pradheep, GP Rao, V Kaur, R Pandey, V Rai, CC Vasimalla, S Langyan, B Thangavel, VS Rana, H Vishwakarma, A Shah, A Saxena, A Kumar, K Singh and KHM Siddique (2022). Current research trends and future perspectives for yield and quality improvement in sesame, an important oilseed crop. Front. Plant Sci, 13-863521: 
  19. Arya L, RK Narayanan, A Kak, CD Pandey, M Verma and V Gupta (2022). ISSR marker based genetic diversity in Morinda spp. for its enhanced collection, conservation and utilization. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol., 69: 1585–1593
  20. Ram C, S Danish, MS Kesawat, BS Panwar, M Verma, L Arya, S Yadav, V Sharma (2022). Genome-wide comprehensive characterization and expression analysis of TLP gene family revealed its responses to hormonal and abiotic stresses in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). Gene, 844: 146818: 
  21. Kumari, S. Wankhede, D.P*.; Murmu, S.; Maurya, R.; Jaiswal, S.; Rai, A.; Archak, S*. (2022). Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of Trihelix Gene Family in Asian and African Vigna Species.. Agriculture, 12, 2172: 
  22. Bartwal A, John R, Padhi SR, Suneja P, Bhardwaj R, Gayacharan, Wankhede DP, Archak S. (2022). NIR spectra processing for developing efficient protein prediction Model in mungbean.. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 116. 105087: 
  23. Wankhede D.P., Singh R, Rajkumar S (2022). Genomic Tools in Plant Genetic Resource Management.. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 35(3): 194-199
  24. Padhi SR, John R, Bartwal A, Tripathi K, Gupta K, Wankhede DP, Mishra GP, Kumar S, Rana JC, Riar A and Bhardwaj R (2022). Development and optimization of NIRS prediction models for simultaneous multi-trait assessment in diverse cowpea germplasm.. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9:1001551: 
  25. Puneeth, P.V., Lata, S., Yadav, R.K., Wankhede D. P. et al. (2022). Exploring the genetic diversity using CAAT box-derived polymorphism (CBDP) and start codon targeted (SCoT) markers in cultivated and wild species of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench). . Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 70(3), 749-761: 
  26. Yadav B, Kaur V, Narayan OP, Yadav SK, Kumar A and Wankhede DP (2022). Integrated omics approaches for flax improvement under abiotic and biotic stress: Current status and future prospects. . Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 13:931275: 
  27. Panigrahi, S. K., Tripathi, K., Singh, R., Kumar, R., Sanghamitra, P., Wankhede, D. P., Singh, N., Dubey, K. K. D., & Gupta, K. (2022). Evaluation of black gram (Vignamungo) genepool against Callosobruchusmaculatus and diversity analysis inter se.. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(7), 915–919: 
  28. Padhi SR, Bartwal A, John R, Tripathi K, Gupta K, Wankhede DP, Mishra GP, Kumar S, Archak S and Bhardwaj R (2022). Evaluation and Multivariate Analysis of Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] Germplasm for Selected Nutrients—Mining for Nutri-Dense Accessions.. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6:888041: 
  29. Saroha A, Pal D, Gomashe SS, Akash, Kaur V, Ujjainwal S, Rajkumar S, Aravind J, Radhamani J, Kumar R, Chand D, Sengupta A and Wankhede DP* (2022). Identification of QTNs Associated with Flowering Time, Maturity, and Plant Height Traits in Linum usitatissimum L. Using Genome-Wide Association Study. . Frontiers in Genetics, 13:811924: 
  30. ShwetaKumari, Ujjainwal S, Singh N., Archak S, Wankhede D.P* (2022). Development of Genic Simple Sequence Repeat Markers as Novel Genomic Resources in Dolichos Bean (Lablab purpureus L.).. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 35(1): 80–84: 
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