Research Paper 2021

  1. Singh S, R Thangjam, GD Harish, H Singh, R Kumar, DPS Meena and A Agrawal (2021). Conservation protocols for Ensete glaucum, a crop wild relative of banana, using plant tissue culture and cryopreservation techniques on seeds and zygotic embryos.. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 144(1): 195-209
  2. Sharma N, R Gowthami, S Vimala Devi, EV Malhotra, R Pandey and A Agrawal (2021). Cryopreservation of shoot tips of Gentiana kurroo Royle – a critically endangered medicinal plant of India.. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 144(1): 67-72
  3. SK Meena, R Pandey, S Sharma, Gayacharan, T Kumar, MP Singh,HK Dikshit (2021). Physiological Basis of Combined Stress Tolerance to Low Phosphorus and Drought in Mungbean Core Set Dderived from Diverse Germplasm. Agronomy, 11:
  4. Singh S, A Agrawal, R Kumar, R Thangjam and K Joseph John (2021). Seed storage behavior of Musa balbisiana Colla, a wild progenitor of bananas and plantains – Implications for ex situ germplasm conservation. Scientia Horticulturae .. Scientia Horticulturae, 280: 109926: 
  5. M Singh, Sodhi KK, Paliwal A, Sharma S & Randhawa GJ (2021). Efficient DNA extraction procedures for processed food derivatives – A critical step to ensure quality for GMO analysis.. Food Analytical Methods, 14: 2249–2261
  6. Singh M, Sodhi KK, Paliwal A & Randhawa GJ (2021).  Efficient DNA extraction procedures for processed food derivatives – A critical step to ensure quality for GMO analysis. Food Analytical Methods, 
  7. Chaurasia S, AK Singh, A Kumar, LS Songachan, MC Yadav, S Kumar, J Kumari, R Bansal, PC Sharma and K Singh (2021). Genome-wide association mapping reveals key genomic regions for physiological and yield-related traits under salinity stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Genomics, 113(5): 3198-3215
  8. Verma SK, S Mittal, Gayacharan, DP Wankhede, SK Parida, D Chattopadhyay, G Prasad, DC Mishra, DC Joshi, M Singh, K Singh and AK Singh (2021). Transcriptome analysis reveals key pathways and candidate genes controlling seed development and size in rice bean (Vigna umbellata). Frontiers in Genetics, 12:791355: 
  9. Mishra GP, MS Aski, T Bosamia, S Chaurasia, DC Mishra, J Bhati, A Kumar, S Javeria, K Tripathi, M Kohli, RR Kumar, AK Singh, J Devi, S Kumar and HK Dikshit (2021). Insights into the host-pathogen interaction pathways through rna-seq analysis of Lens culinaris Medik. in Response to Rhizoctonia bataticola Infection. Genes, 13(1):90: 
  10. Priya S, R Bansal, G Kumar, HK Dikshit, J Kumari, R Pandey, AK Singh, K Tripathi, N Singh, NKP Kumari, S Kumar and A Kumar. (2021). Root trait variation in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) germplasm under drought stress. Plants, 10(11):2410: 
  11. Phogat BS, S Kumar, J Kumari, N Kumar, AC Pandey, TP Singh, S Kumar, RK Tyagi, SR Jacob and AK Singh (2021). Characterization of wheat germplasm conserved in the Indian National Genebank and establishment of a composite core collection. . Crop Science , 61: 604-620
  12. Roy Choudhury D, R Kumar, V Devi S, K Singh, N K Singh, Singh R (2021). Identification of a diverse core set panel of rice from the east coast region of India using SNP markers. Frontiers in Genetics, 12:726152: 
  13. NIkhil HN, AK Goswami, SK Singh, C Kumar, S Goswami, R Singh, C Bharadwaj and NK Maurya (2021). Assessment of morpho-genetic diversity of guava (Psidium guajava) hybrids and genotypes. Indian J of Agri. Sci., 91(11): 1640-1645
  14. Dev R, SK Singh, R Singh, AK Singh, VB Patel, M Alizadeh, K Motha and K Kumar (2021). Assessment of genetic diversity in gamma rays irradiated mutants of four grape genotypes based on RAPD and SSR markers  . Indian J. of Hort., 78(1): 17-24
  15. Sarawgi AK, AK Pachauri, S Vimala Devi and R Singh (2021). Identification of Unique Type of Decorticated Grain Colour in Rice Designated as “Potato Green Colour”. Indian J. Pl. Genet. Resour, 34(1): 79–81
  16. Sridhar R, M Srivastav, SK Singh, AK Mahto, N Singh, A Nagaraja, R Singh and NK Singh (2021). New genomic markers for marker assisted breeding in mango (Mangifera indica L.). The J. of Hort. Sci. & Biotech., 96(5): 614-623
  17. ?Srivastav M, SK Singh, J Prakash, R Singh, N Sharma, S Ramchandra, R Devi, A Gupta, AK Mahto, PK. Jayaswal, S Singh and NK Singh (2021). New hyper-variable SSRs for diversity analysis in mango (Mangifera indica L.).. Indian J. Genet., 81(1): 119-126.
  18. Yasin, JK, BK Mishra, MA Pillai and V Chinnusamy (2021). Physical map of lncRNAs and lincRNAs linked with stress responsive miRs and genes network of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.). J. Plant Bioch. Biotech., 
  19. Pradheep, K (2021). Status of crop plants of agricultural importance in Kerala state, India. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol, 68(5): 1849-1873
  20. Anjula Pandey, K. Madhav Rai, Pavan Kumar Malav, S. Rajkumar (2021). Alliumnegianum (Amaryllidaceae): a new species under subg. Rhizirideum from Uttarakhand Himalaya, India.. PhytoKeys, 183: 77–93: 
  21. Gowthami, R., Sharma, N., Gangopadhyay, K. K., Rajkumar, S., Pathania, P., & Agrawal, A (2021). Cryopreservation of Pollen of Abelmoschus Moschatus Medik. Subsp. Moschatus as an Aid to Overcome Asynchronous Flowering for Wide Hybridization with Cultivated Okra [A. Esculentus (l.) Moench]. Cryoletters, 42(4): 233-244
  22. Pandey, A. and S. Rajkumar (2021). A new potential variety of cultivated melon (Cucumis melo L.) from north western India.. Genet Resour Crop Evol, 68: 785-794
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