Research Paper 2019

  1. Kumar S, Phogat BS, Vikas VK, Sharma AK, Saharan MS, Singh AK, et al. (2019).  Mining of Indian wheat germplasm collection for adult plant resistance to leaf rust . PLOS One, 14(3): e0213468
  2. Nirmal R C, AK Singh, A Furtado and R Henry (2019). Analysis of the expression of transcription factors and other genes associated with aleurone layer development in wheat endosperm.. J. of Cereal Sci., 85:: 62-69.
  3. Parimalan, R, A Furtado and R Henry (2019). Differential response of wheat genotypes to heat stress during grain filling.. Exp. Agr.,, 55:: 818-827.
  4. Singh M, RK Bhoge, S Nain and GJ Randhawa (2019). Loop-mediated isothermal amplification: A rapid detection method for rice actin and nopaline synthase promoters in genetically modified crops.. J. of Pl. Bioch. and Biotech., 28(3):: 353-356
  5. Singh M, D Pal, P Sood and GJ Randhawa (2019). Loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays: Rapid and efficient diagnostics for genetically modified crops. Food Control, 106: Article No. 106759
  6. Rathi RS, KC Bhatt, DP Semwal, SP Ahlawat, JB Tomar (2019). Ethno-medicinal plants used by local folk healers ‘Vaidyas’ in tribal dominated districts of Jharkhand. Medicinal Plants 11, 11 (1): 46-54.
  7. Semwal DP, K Pradheep, K Joseph John, M Latha and SP Ahlawat (2019). Status of Rice (Oryzasativa L.) Genepool Collected from Western Ghats Region of India: Gap Analysis and Diversity Distribution Mapping using GIS Tools. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 32(2): 166-173
  8. Srivastava V and AK Singh (2019). Mycorrhization alters root morphology, leaf starch and nutrient content of micropropagated banana under water stress.. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 76(1): 44-49
  9. kuldeep Singh, Sandeep Kumar, S. Raj Kumar, Mohar Singh, Kavita Gupta (2019). Plant genetic resource management and pre-breeding in genomic era. Indian J. Genet., 79 (1): 117-130: 
  10. B N Swamy, V K Sharma, Arpita S, Raj Kumar, T K Behera, Manisha M, Chandresh C and Mukesh Kumar (2019). Maintaining and fertility restorartion af CMS system in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.  var grossum)). Indian J Agriculture Sciences, Vol 89: 1855-1859
  11. Vinod Kumar, Joseph John K, Chitra D Pandey, S.P. Ahlawat, K.K. Gangoadhyay and Kuldeep Singh (2019). Exploitation of wild speices in vegetable improvement. 8th Indian Horticulture Congress on ‘Shaping future of horticulture’ held from 17Jan to 21 Jan, 2019 at IGKV, Raipur, 1: 119-142
  12. Ashok Kumar, Vinod. K. Sharma, K.K. Gangoadhyay, Joseph John K and Chitra D Pandey (2019). Management of wild species for improvemnet of vegetable crops. Ist Vegetable Science Congress on Emerging challenges in vegetable research and education held from 1 Feb to 3 Feb, 2019 at Agriculture University, Jodhpur, 1: 194-199
  13. Kuldeep Tripathi, P.G. Gore, S.P. Ahlawat, V. Tyagi, D.P. Semwal, N.K. Gautam*, J.C. Rana1 and A. Kumar  (2019). Cowpea genetic resources and its utilization: Indian perspective – A review. Legume Research, 42(3): 439-448
  14. Sherry Rachel Jacob, Girish Jha, Gajab Singh and Arun Kumar MB (2019). A viable mathematical model for seed moisture prediction in multiple species. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89 (9): 1518-1522
  15. Gopalareddy Krishnappa, Kalyani Srinivasan, Anju Mahendru Singh, Aradhana Mishra, Arvind Kumar Ahlawat, Gyanendra Pratap Singh and Sherry Rachel Jacob (2019). Exploratory studies on components of variability for seed longevity and quality traits in bread (Triticum aestivum) and durum (Triticum durum) wheat. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89 (3): 515-521
  16. Sahoo HK and RC Misra (2019). Indigenous phyto-therapy of Kandha tribe for primary healthcare in Kandhamal district, Odisha.. e – planet, 17(1): 1-8
  17. Sahoo HK and RC Misra (2019). Impact of cyclone Fani on tree damage in Bhubaneswar city, Odisha, India. e – planet, 17 (2):: 134-138.
  18. Dey SS, Bhatia R, Kanika S, Ila B, Pandey CD, Chander Parkash and Raj Kumar (2019). Frequent introgression of European cauliflowers in the present day cultivated Indian cauliflowers and role of Indian genotypes in the evolution of tropical cauliflower. Euphytica, 215: 23
  19. Pragya R, A Pandey, A D Munshi, R Bhardwaj, K K Gangoupadhyay, P K Malav, C D Pandey, K Pradeep, B S Tomar, A Kumar (2019).  Orange-fleshed cucumber (Cucumis sativus var. sativus L.) germplasm from North-East India: agro-morphological, biochemical and evolutionary studies. Genet Resour Crop Evol, 66: 1217-1230
  20. Singh OV, K Singh, R Gowthami and N Shekhawat (2019). Morphological characterization of ber germplasm.. Indian J. Hort., 76(2):: 219-225.
  21. Manoj Choudhary, Kartar Singh, Mukesh Kumar Khokar, Pokhar Rawal and R. Shah. (2019). Management of bacterial leaf spot of greengram caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vignaeradiatae.. J Mycol Pl Pathol, 49(1):: 67-72.
  22. Kartar Singh, Prasannakumar M.K., Mahesh H.B., Manjunatha C. Manoj Choudhary and Puneeth M.E. (2019). Pathogenicity inducing effector genes of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae reveals differential expression pattern in host and pathogen.. J Mycol Pl Pathol,, 49: (3).
  23. Bansal S,S Thakur, M Mangal, AK Mangal and RK Gupta (2019). Identification of suitable locus for specific detection of biological adulterants of saffron.. Food Analytical Methods., 12:: 2509–2517.
  24. Bansal S, M Mangal, S Tushir, HS Oberoi and RK Gupta (2019). A rapid and reliable method for the specific detection of aflatoxigenic fungi in groundnut and rice samples.. J. Food Process. Preserv., 43(10)e14127:: 1-6.
  25. Chaudhury R, M Shankar, Rampal, M Awasthi, B Thongam, SK Malik and HW Pritchard (2019). Seed cryopreservation of orchid Coelogynenitida (Wall. ex Don) Lindl. using air desiccation and vitrification techniques.. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resourc., 33(1): (in press).: 10
  26. Gupta S, K Singh and V Gupta (2019). Genetic resource conservation of horticultural crops in India – Achievements and issues.. Prog. Hort., 51(1):: 16-29.
  27. Gupta S (2019). Conservation of plant diversity for future.. Prog. Hort., 51(2):: 116-122.
  28. Jauhari N, R Bharadwaj, N Sharma and N Bharadvaja (2019). Assessment of bacoside production, total phenol content and antioxidant potential of elicited and non-elicited shoot cultures of Bacopa monnieri(L.).. Environ. Sustain., 2(4):: 441-453
  29. Kaur S, SK Malik, R Choudhary, MR Rohini, R Chaudhury and R Kumar (2019). Morphological characterization of pummelo germplasm collected from different parts of India.. Indian J. Hort., 76(1):: 16-22.
  30. Malik SK, R Choudhary, R Chaudhury and S Kumar (2019). Characterisation and cryopreservation of chironji (Buchananialanzan).. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 89(10):.: 1674-1679
  31. Paul V, R Pandey and SK Malik (2019). Varietal variations in rate of ripening and respiration of mango (Mangiferaindica L.) fruits: anatomical substantiation.. Plant Physiol. Rep., 24:: 340–350.
  32. Prakash K, R Chaudhury, MR Rohini, B Singh and SK Malik (2019). Contrasting seed biology of two ornamental palms: Pygmy Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii O’Brien) and Fishtail Palm (Caryotaurens L.).. Indian J Traditional Knowledge, 18(3):: 477-484.
  33. Prakash K, K Sunil Kumar and R Chaudhury (2019). Cryopreservation of kernel and zygotic embryos of oilpalm (Elaeisguineensis Jacq).. J Plantation Crops., 47(1):: 16-23.
  34. Umdale SD, NB Gaikwad, SK Malik, PG Gore, SR Yadav and KV Bhat (2019). Seed coat polymorphism in Vigna section Aconitifoliae in India.. Flora, 259:: 151458.
  35. Das R, V Arora, S Jaiswal, MA Iquebal, UB Angadi, S Fatma, R Singh, S Shil, A Rai and D Kumar (2019). PolyMorphPredict: A universal web-tool for rapid polymorphic microsatellite marker discovery for whole genome and transcriptome data.. Front. in Pl. Sci., 9: 1-10 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01966
  36. Mishra AK, OP Awasthi, SK Shukla, DH Dwivedi, S Gupta, AK Trivedi and D Sharma (2019). Abstract Book: Progressive Horticulture Conclave (PHC-2019) on Futuristic Technologies in Horticulture. Indian Society of Horticultural Research and Development (ISHRD), Uttarakhand, Dec. 8-10, 2019,. ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research (IISR), Lucknow, India,, 148: 
  37. Mishra AK, OP Awasthi, SK Shukla, DH Dwivedi, S Gupta, AK Trivedi and D Sharma (2019). Souvenir: PHC-2019 on Futuristic Technologies in Horticulture. ISHRD, Uttarakhand, Dec. 8-10, 2019,. ICAR-IISR, Lucknow, India,, 230: 
  38. Pandey A, A Koul, SR Jacob, K Gupta, V Tyagi, L Arya, S Bansal, EV Malhotra (2019). Training Manual on Plant Genetic Resources Management and Utilization. NAHEP-CAAST Sponsored Short-Term Training Programme,. ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi,, 224: 
  39. Paroda RS, JC Katyal, AK Srivastava, R Kaundinya, S Pal, SR Rao, WS Lakra, AP Joshi, NP Anil Kumar, SB Olsson, G Yadav, A Arunachalam, A Agrawal and K Bajpai (2019). Report on Policies and Action Plan for a Secure and Sustainable Agriculture. Report Submitted to Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, Vigyan Bhavan Annexe, New Delhi,. Government of India, Vigyan Bhavan Annexe, New Delhi,, 198: 
  40. M Djanaguiraman, PVV Prasad, J Kumari, SK Sehgal, B Friebe, I Djalovic, Y Chen, KHM Siddique, BS Gill (2019). Alien chromosome segment from Aegilops speltoides and Dasypyrum villosum increases drought tolerance in wheat via profuse and deep root system. . BMC plant biology., 19(1): 242
  41. Agrawal A, S Singh, EV Malhotra, DPS Meena and RK Tyagi (2019). In vitro conservation and cryopreservation of clonally propagated horticultural species. In: Rajasekharan P and V Rao (eds) Conservation and Utilization of Horticultural Genetic Resources.. Springer, Singapore, DOI 10.1007/978-981-13-3669-0.: 529-578.
  42. Malhotra EV and M Soni (2019). Markers and genetic mapping. In:Sharma RM, R Yamdagni, AK Dubey and V Pandey (eds) Strawberries: Production, Postharvest Management and Protection.. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, USA, pp., 141-160.: 
  43. Sharma N, R Gowthami and R Pandey (2019). Synthetic seeds – A valuable adjunct for conservation of medicinal plants. In: Faisal M and Alatar AA (eds) Synthetic Seeds – Germplasm Regeneration, Preservation and Prospects.. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp, 181-216.
  44. Brahmi P and V Tyagi (2019). IPR Issues related to access and use of genetic resources.. Indian J Genet & Pl. Breeding., 79 (1):: 315-319.
  45. Pragya Ranjan,Anjula Pandey, AD Munshi, Rakesh Bhardwaj, KK Gangopadhyay, Pavan Kumar Malav, Chithra Devi Pandey, K Pradheep, BS Tomar and Ashok Kumar. (2019). Orange-fleshed cucumber (Cucumis sativus var. sativus L.) germplasm from North-East India: agro-morphological, biochemical and evolutionary tudies Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution., 66,: 1217–1230. DOI: 10.1007/s10722-019-00778-6.
  46. Tyagi V, Pragya & P Brahmi (2019). Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Issues Related to Plant Genetic Resources , In Training manual on International training programme on management of plant genetic resources for officers from Directorate of seed testing certification, Ministry of Agriculture, Baghdad, Republic of Iraq (15-20 July, 2019) eds. Pandey CD, A Koul, Vimala Devi, N Singh, J, Radhamani, Sushil Pandey, S R Jacob; J Aravind, PG Gore and V Gupta,. NBPGR Publication,, 108-114: 
  47. Tyagi V, SK Yadav, Pragya and Pratibha Brahmi (2019). Introduction and Exchange of Plant Genetic Resources in Training manual of plant genetic resources management and utilization, eds. A Pandey, A Koul, SR Jacob, K Gupta, V Tyagi, L Arya, S Bansal, EV Malhotra, V Gupta and Kuldeep Singh, NAHEP-CAAST sponsored short term training programme,. programme pp, 42-50: 
  48. Brahmi P and V Tyagi (2019). International and National Regulation Governing the Use of Plant Genetic Resources in Training manual of plant genetic resources management and utilization, eds. A Pandey, A Koul, SR Jacob, K Gupta, V Tyagi, L Arya, S Bansal, EV Malhotra, V Gupta and Kuldeep  Singh. NAHEP-CAAST sponsored short term training programme pp, 35-41: 
  49. Babu, P Kiran; Radhamani, J; Rajkumar, S; Tyagi, RK; (2019). Note on Diversity in Legumes and Oilseeds and their Wild Relatives in Eastern Ghats of India:. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 32: 43-53
  50. Arya, Lalit, Manjusha Verma, SK Singh and RPS Verma (2019). Spatio-temporal genetic diversity in Indian barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties based on SSR markers,. Indian J. of Exp. Bio., 57(7):: 545-552.
  51. Kumari R, DP Wankhede, A Bajpai, A Maurya, K Prasad, D Gautam, P Rangan, M Latha, KJ John, A Suma, KV Bhat and AB Gaikwad (2019). Genome wide identification and characterization of microsatellite markers in black pepper (Piper nigrum): A valuable resource for boosting genomics applications.. PLoS One., 13:: 14(12): e0226002. doi:10371/journal.pone.0226002.
  52. Kumar S, BS Phogat, Vikas VK, AK Sharma, MS Saharan, AK Singh, J Kumari, R Singh, SR Jacob, GP Singh, M Sivasamy, P Jayaprakash, Madhu Meeta, JP Jaiswal, Deep Shikha, BK Honrao, IK Kalappanavar, PC Mishra, SP Singh, SS Vaish and VA Solanki (2019). Mining of Indian wheat germplasm collection for adult plant resistance to leaf rust.. PLoS ONE., 14(3):: e0213468.
  53. Kumar C, SK Singh, R Singh, KK Pramanick, MK Verma, M Srivastav, G Tiwari, DR Choudhury (2019). Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of wild Malus genotypes including the crab apples (M. baccata (L.) Borkh. & M. sikkimensis (Wenzig) Koehne ex C. Schneider) collected from the Indian Himalayan region using microsatellite markers.. Genetic Reso. and Crop Evol., 66(6):: 1311-1326.
  54. Kumar C, SK Singh, R Singh, MK Verma, KK Pramanick, M Srivastav, R Kumar, JK Verma and NK Negi (2019). Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure of the Indigenous and exotic wild Malus species using ISSR markers.. Indian J. of Ag. Sci., 89 (7):: 1096-1102.
  55. Misra, AK, S Roy, SK Singh, RS Rathi and Harish GD (2019). Morphological diversity of buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.) landraces from Northeast India,. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources,, 32(1):: 11-17.
  56. Mishra P, R Maurya, VK Gupta, PW Ramteke, SS Marla and A Kumar (2019). Comparative genomic analysis of monosporidial and monoteliosporic cultures for unraveling the complexity of molecular pathogenesis of Tilletia indica pathogen of wheat,. Scientific Reports., 9(1),: 8185.
  57. Pati, K, DA Munshi, M Verma, KT Behera and L Arya (2019). Genetic diversity of cucumber genotypes revealed by SSR markers and agronomic traits.. Genetika, 51(2):: 405-416.
  58. Sareen S, N Bhusal, M Kumar, PK Bhati, R Munjal, Jyoti Kumari, S Kumar, A K Sarial (2019). Molecular genetic diversity analysis for heat tolerance of indigenous and exotic wheat genotypes.. J. of Pl. Bioch. and Biot., 56: 23
  59. Pragya, Vartika Srivastava, R Gowthami, Pratibha Brahmi, BG Prakash and Chikkanna GS. (2019). Suitability of underutilized fruit crops under changing climate scenario. In : eds B G Prakash, Chikanna GS , Thulasiram K, Shivaraja B, Dhananjaya BN and Gouthami R. Compendium of National workshop on ‘Exploring prospects of underutilized fruit crops and their processing and value addition’. ISBN: 978-93-89264-28-9., Pp. 48-54: 
  60. Natarajan Sivaraj, V. Kamala, M. Thirupathi Reddy, S. R. Pandravada, B. Sarath Babu, P. E. Rajasekharan, S. P. Ahlawat and V. Ramanatha Rao (2019). Geographical Information System and Management of Horticultural Genetic Resources with Special Reference to India. In: Rajasekharan P., Rao V. (eds) Conservation and Utilization of Horticultural Genetic Resources.. Springer, Singapore pp, 483-506.: 
  61. Sivaraj, S.R. Pandravada, Kamala Venkateswaran, S.K. Chakrabarty, K. Anitha, Prasanna Holajjer, P. Pranusha, Babu Abraham, A. Ravindra, M.L. Sanyasi Rao, T. Narasinga Rao, P. Devullu, N.V. Naidu, Jogi Naidu, K. S. VaraprasadandB. Sarath Babu (2019). Italian millet and Little millet landraces of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Hyderabad, India. Springer, Singapore, 1-38: 
  62. Sivaraj, Kamala Venkateswaran, S.R. Pandravada, K. Anitha, S.K. Chakrabarty, Prasanna Holajjer, P. Pranusha, Babu Abraham, A. Ravindra, M.L. Sanyasi Rao, T. Narasinga Rao, P. Devullu, N.V. Naidu, Jogi Naidu, K. S. Varaprasad, B. Sarath Babu, S.C. Dubey and Kuldeep Singh (2019). Pigeon pea landraces of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Hyderabad, India.. Springer, Singapore, 40: 
  63. Sivaraj, S.R. Pandravada, Kamala Venkateswaran, S.K. Chakrabarty, K. Anitha, Prasanna Holajjer, P. Pranusha, Babu Abraham, A. Ravindra, M.L. Sanyasi Rao, T. Narasinga Rao, P. Devullu, N.V. Naidu, Jogi Naidu, K. S. Varaprasad, B. Sarath Babu, S.C. Dubey and Kuldeep Singh, (2019). Seed atlas of ethnic crop landraces:North Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Hyderabad, India.. Springer, Singapore, 46: 
  64. Pandravada, S.R. Babu, A., Bhadru, B., Sunil, N., Sivaraj, N., Kamala,V., Ahlawat, S.P and Sarath Babu, B. (2019). Salvaging maize (Zea mays L.) landraces from central and high altitude tribal regions of Telangana for conservation and utilization. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci., 7 (1):: 166-171.
  65. Sivaraj, S.R. Pandravada, Kamala Venkateswaran, S.K. Chakrabarty, K. Anitha, Prasanna Holajjer, P. Pranusha, Babu Abraham, A. Ravindra, M.L. Sanyasi Rao, T. Narasinga Rao, P. Devullu, N.V. Naidu, Jogi Naidu, K. S. Varaprasadand B. Sarath Babu (2019). Italian millet and Little millet landraces of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India.. India ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Hyderabad, India, 1-38: 
  66. Gore Padmavati G, Kuldeep Tripathi, Aditya Pratap, Kangila V Bhat, Suraj D Umdale, Veena Gupta and Anjula Pandey (2019). Delineating taxonomic identity of two closely related Vigna species of section Aconitifoliae: V. trilobata (L.) Verdc. and V. stipulacea (Lam.) Kuntz in India. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 66(5): 1155-1165
  67. Guha P.K., A. Mazumder, A. Das, D.R. Pani and T. K. Mondal (2019). In silico identification of long non-coding RNA based simple sequence repeat markers and their application in diversity analysis in rice, Gene Reports,. Agronomy Journal., 111:: 1-10.
  68. Kumar Anjani, Nayak A.K., Pani D.R. and Das B.S. (2019). Application of Phosphorus, Iron and Silicon reduces yield loss in rice exposed to water deficit stress,. American Society of Agronomy Journal,, 111:: 1-10.
  69. Sankari Meena K, MChakraborti, S Pokhare, DR Pani,, MK Kar, M Jena and PC Rath (2019). Response of African rice (Oryza glaberrima) genotypes to rice root knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) In,. NRRI News Letter, Oct.-Dec,2019 ,pp., 17-18.: 
  70. Bansal R, Sharma S, Tripathi K, Gayacharan and Kumar A (2019). Waterlogging in black gram (Vigna mungo) is associated with chlorophyll content and membrane integrity.. Indian J BiochemBiophys,, (56):: 81-85
  71. Kumar C, SK Singh, R Singh, KK Pramanick, MK Verma, M Srivastav, G Tiwari, DR Choudhury (2019). Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of wild Malus genotypes including the crab apples (M. baccata (L.) Borkh. & M. sikkimensis (Wenzig) Koehne ex C. Schneider) collected from the Indian Himalayan region using microsatellite markers.. Genetic Reso. and Crop Evol., 66(6):: 1311-1326.
  72. M Singh,Pal D, Sood P & Randhawa G (2019). Loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays: Rapid and efficient diagnostics for genetically modified crops.. Food Control, 106: Article No. 106759
  73. Pandravada, S.R., Babu, A., Bhadru, B., Sunil, N., Sivaraj, N., Kamala,V., Ahlawat, S.P and Sarath Babu, B. (2019). Salvaging maize (Zea mays L.) landraces from central and high altitude tribal regions of Telangana for conservation and utilization.. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci., 7 (1):: 166-171.
  74. Baite MS, BK Upadhyay and SC Dubey (2019). Development of a sequence-characterized amplified region marker for detection of Ascochytarabiei causing Ascochyta blight in chickpea.. Folia Microbiol., 20: 
  75. Dubey SC, A Tripathi and S Indira (2019). Development of bio-agent based module for integrated management of sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani) of rice.. Indian J. Agril. Sci., 89:: 663-669.
  76. Gawade BH, A Pandey, Z Khan, S Niveditha, and SC Dubey (2019). First report on nematicidal properties of Flemingia procumbens against root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita.. Indian Phytopathol., 72:: 551-553.
  77. Hiremani NS and SC Dubey (2019). Genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Lentis populations causing wilt of lentil in India.. Indian Phytopathol., 50: 
  78. Kiran R, A Kandan, P Kumar, D Singh, J Akhtar, B Singh and SC Dubey (2019). Development of a specific primers from rpf gene sequence for molecular detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv.. campestris. J. Environ. Biol., 41:: 105-110.
  79. Kumar N, SC Dubey, P Kumar and SMP Khurana (2019). Fusarium solani causing stem rot and wilt of lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) in India- first record.. Indian Phytopath., 72:: 367-371.
  80. Singh, MC, BS Phogat and I Singh (2019). Effect of different wheat genotypes on weed species.. Int. J. Sci. Environ. Tech., 8 :: 247-252.
  81. Singh, MC, BS Phogat,,I Singh, YS Rathi, and SC Dubey (2019). Study of weeds problem in wheat germplasm grown at NBPGR.. Int. J. Sci. Environ. Tech, 8:: 411 – 415.
  82. Gawade BH, A Pandey, Z Khan, S Niveditha, and SC Dubey (2019). First report on nematicidal properties of Flemingia procumbens against root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita.. Indian Phytopathol., 72:: 551-553.
  83. Hiremani NS and SC Dubey (2019). Genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Lentis populations causing wilt of lentil in India.. Indian Phytopathol., 10.1007/s42360-019-00126-9.: 
  84. Kiran R, A Kandan, P Kumar, D Singh, J Akhtar, B Singh and SC Dubey (2019). Development of a specific primers from rpf gene sequence for molecular detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv.campestris.. J. Environ. Biol., 41:: 105-110.
  85. Kumar N, SC Dubey, P Kumar and SMP Khurana (2019). Fusarium solani causing stem rot and wilt of lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) in India- first record.. Indian Phytopath., 72:: 367-371.
  86. Singh, SP, S Bhalla, K Gupta, DS Meena and SC Dubey (2019). Efficacy of thermal treatments against rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae.. Indian J. Agrl. Sci., 89:: 1359-61.
  87. Misra, AK, S Roy, SK Singh, RS Rathi and Harish GD (2019). Morphological diversity of buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.) landraces from Northeast India. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 32(1): 11-17
  88. Chinapolaiah A, Dinesh Chand, V Thondaiman, MK Mittal, RD Parthvee, P Manivel and Satyanshu Kumar (2019). Exploration, collection and conservation of Gymnema sylvestre germplasm from different parts of India.. J Pharmacogn Phytochem., 8 (4): 38-45.
  89. Dikshit N, N Sivaraj, Sunanda Dikshit, V Kamala, Dinesh Chand and Sunil Gomashe (2019). In-Situ assessment of Morpho-physiological traits and ecological niche modeling studies on Sesamum mulayanum Nair.. Intl..J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci., 8(4):: 1179 – 1189.
  90. Choudhary SB, Saha DN, Sharma HK, Chwdhury I, Kumar A. A, Jambhulkar SK, Mitra J (2019). Transcriptional analysis of a delayed-flowering mutant under short-day conditions reveal genes related to photoperiodic response in tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius L.).. Industrial Crops and Products., 132:: 476-486
  91. Bishnoi SK, Rathi RS, Choudhary SB, Malav PK, Ahlawat SP (2019). Phenotypic Characterization of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) Germplasm Collected from Jharkhand, India.. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 32(2):: 344-349
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