Research Paper 2018

  1. Singh AK, S Chaurasia, S Kumar, R Singh, J Kumari, MC Yadav, N Singh, S Gaba and SR Jacob (2018). Identification, analysis and development of salt responsive candidate gene based SSR markers in wheat. BMC Plant Biol., 18: 249-263
  2. Gayacharan, IS Bisht, A Pandey, MC Yadav, AK Singh, SR Pandravada and JC Rana (2018). Population structure of some indigenous aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces of India. Indian J. Biotechnol., 17: 110-117
  3. M Singh, Bhoge RK & Randhawa GJ (2018). Loop-Mediated isothermal amplification for detection of endogenous Sad1 gene in cotton: An internal control for rapid onsite GMO testing. Journal of AOAC International, 101(5): 1657-1660
  4. Ahirwar RN, Vinod Kumar Mishra, Ramesh Chand, Neeraj Budhlakoti, Dwijesh Chandra Mishra, Sundeep Kumar, Shweta Singh and A K Joshi. (2018). Genome-wide association mapping of spot blotch resistance in wheat association mapping initiative (WAMI) panel of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).. PLoS ONE, 13(12): 1-24
  5. Das R, V Arora, S Jaiswal, MA Iquebal, UB Angadi, S Fatma, R Singh, S Shil, A Rai and D Kumar. (2018). A universal web-tool for rapid polymorphic microsatellite marker discovery for whole genome and transcriptome data.. Pl. Sci., 9:: 1-10
  6. Henry R, A Furtado and Parimalan. R (2018). Wheat seed transcriptome reveals genes controlling key traits for human preference and crop adaptation.. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol., 45: 231-236
  7. Kaur V, S Kumar, R Yadav, DP Wankhede, J Aravind, J Radhamani, JC Rana and A Kumar (2018). Analysis of genetic diversity in Indian and exotic linseed germplasm and identification of trait specific superior accessions.. J. of Enviro. Biol., 39(5): 702-709
  8. Kumar Anil, Pallavi Mishra, Ranjeet Maurya, AK Mishra, Vijai K Gupta, Pramod W Ramteke and Soma S Marla (2018). Improved draft genome sequence of a monoteliosporic culture of the karnal bunt (Tilletia indica) pathogen of wheat.. Genome Announcement, 6:e000: 15-18.
  9. Kumar C, SK Singh, KK Pramanick, MK Verma, M Srivastav, R Singh, C Bharadwaj and KC Naga (2018). Morphological and biochemical diversity among the Malus species including indigenous Himalayan wild apples.. Scientia Horticulturae., 233: 204–219
  10. Kumari J, Sundeep Kumar, N Singh, SS Vaish, S Das, A Gupta and JC Rana (2018). Identification of new donors for spot blotch resistance in cultivated wheat germplasm.. Cereal Research Commun. DOI, 10.1556/0806.46.2018.028: 
  11. Kumari S, N Arumugam, R Singh, M Srivastav, S Banoth, AC Mithra, MB Arun, AK Goswami and YJ Khan (2018). Diversity analysis of guava (Psidium guajava) germplasm collection.. Indian J. of Agri. Sci., 88 (3): 489-497.
  12. Majumder J, SK Singh, M Kumari and M Verma (2018). Variability and correlation studies on induced mutants of marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) for different traits and assessing them using molecular markers.. Pl. Tissue Culture and Biotech., 28(2): 223-236
  13. Mohan H, L Arya, M Verma, IS Bisht, Dipnarayan Saha and BS Dhillon (2018). Morpho-molecular variation in Indian Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) varieties and landraces.. Indian J. Pl. Genet. Resour., 31(3): 276–285.
  14. Motha K, SK Singh, AK Singh, R Singh, M Srivastav, MK Verma and C Bhardwaj (2018). Molecular Characterization and Genetic Relationships of Some Stress Tolerant Grape Rootstock Genotypes as Revealed by ISSR and SSR Markers.. Pl. Tissue Culture and Biotech., 28(1): 77-90.
  15. Pandey Vishakha, M Singh, D Pandey, Soma S Marla and A Kumar (2018). Secretome analysis identifies potential pathogenicity/ virulence factors of Tilletia indica, a quarantined fungal pathogen inciting karnal bunt disease in wheat.. Proteomics., 18(8):e: 1700473
  16. Singh AK, A Furtado, M Brozynska, NS Mishra and R Henry (2018). Phylogeny and evolution of miR820 and miR396 microRNA gene families in Oryza AA genomes.. Tropical Pl. Biol. DOI, 10.10072Fs12042-017-9197-4: 
  17. Singh AK, S Chaurasia, S Kumar, R Singh, J Kumari, MC Yadav, N Singh, S Gaba and SR Jacob (2018). Identification, analysis and development of salt responsive candidate gene based SSR markers in wheat.. BMC Pl. Biol., 18(249): 1-15.
  18. Singh P, Prakash J, Goswami AK, Singh K, Hussain Z and Singh AK (2018). Genetic variability and correlation studies for vegetative, reproductive and yield attributing traits in papaya. . Indian J. of Hort., 75: 1-7.
  19. Singh M, RK Bhoge and GJ Randhawa (2018). Loop-mediated isothermal amplification for detection of endogenous Sad1 gene in cotton: An internal control for rapid on-site GMO testing.. Jl of AOAC International,, 101(5): 1657-1660.
  20. L Arya, Trivedi AK, L Arya, SK Verma, RK Tyagi, A Hemantaranjan, M Verma, VP Singh and D Saha (2018). Molecular profiling of foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv) from Central Himalayan region for genetic variability and nutritional quality.. J. Agri. Sci., 156(3): 333-341
  21. Wankhede DP, J Aravind and SP Mishra (2018). Identification of Genic SNPs from ESTs and effect of Non-synonymous SNP on proteins in Pigeon pea.. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India Section B: Biol. Sci., 40011-018-0973-1: 
  22. Semwal DP, SP Ahlawat and K Pradheep (2018). Pigeonpea (Cajanuscajan (L.) Millsp.] and its wild spp. Germplasm Collection Status, Diversity Distribution and Trait-Specific Germplasm Mapping using GIS Tools in India.. Legume Res., 41(5):: 656-662.
  23. Pradheep Kumar, Mohar Singh, Sheikh Mohmmad, Kuldeep Singh, Parimalan, and Sudhir P. Ahlawat (2018). Diversity in wild relatives of wheat – An expedition collection from cold-arid Indian Himalayas. Genetic Resour and Crop Evolution, 
  24. Mohar Singh, Savita Rani, Nikhil Malhotra, Gopal Katna and Ashutosh Sarker (2018). Transgressive segregations for agronomic improvement using interspecific crosses between C. arietinum L. x C. reticulatum Ladiz. and C. arietinum L. x C. echinospermum Davis species. PLOS ONE, doi10.1371/journal.pone.0203082: 
  25. Mohar Singh, Shyam K Sharma, Badal Singh, Nikhil Malhotra, Rahul Chandora, Ashutosh Sarker, Kuldeep Singh and Dorin Gupta (2018). Widening the genetic base of cultivated gene pool following introgression from wild Lens taxa. Plant Breeding, doi: 10.1111/pbr.12615: 
  26. Neha Gautam, Pankaj Sharma, Jai Chand Rana, Mohar Singh (2018). Plant growth promoting traits of a novel psychrotrophic bacterium Virdibacillus arenosi PH15 isolated from rhizosphere of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle.. Academia Journal of Medicinal Plants, 6(10): 300-306: 
  27. Sandeep Kumar, Anil Kumar Choudhary, Kuldeep Singh Rana, Ashutosh Sarker, Mohar Singh* (2018).  Bio-fortification potential of global wild annual lentil core collection. PLoS ONE, 13(1): e0191122.: 
  28. Mohar Singh (2018). Lentis: Potential resources for enhancing genetic gains. Academic Press of Elsevier Inc.,, ISBN: 978-01-281-3522-8, p-233.: 
  29. Vinod K. Sharma, Chandresh Chandel, Raj Kumar, S. S. Dey, Chander Parkash, Reeta Bhatia and M. Mawliya (2018). Qunatification of antioxidant contenets in sweet pepper as inlfuenced by platning time and fruit picking stage.. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci., Vol 88(2): 451-457
  30. Amit K. Mathur, Arpita Srivastava, Manisha Mangal, Saritha R. K., B. S. Tomar and Vinod K Sharma (2018). Genetics and gene action for resisatnce to leaf curl disease in Capsicum annuum L.. Indian J Agriculture Sciences, Vo l72: 499-503
  31. Gupta Kavita, Shashi Bhalla, SP Singh and DS Meena (2018). Seed beetles intercepted in imported legume germplasm from 2001- 2015. Legume Res., 41(4): 629-635
  32. Manju, Vikender Kaur, Kamal Sharma and Sherry R Jacob (2018). Assessment of genetic diversity in cultivated and wild species germplasm of barley based on morpho-agronomical and root architecture traits. . Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, DOI: 10.5958/0976-1926.2019.00039.1: 
  33. Vikender Kaur, Jyoti Kumari, Manju , Sherry R Jacob and B S Panwar (2018). Genetic diversity analysis of indigenous and exotic germplasm of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and identification of trait specific superior accessions. : 190-197. . Wheat and Barley Research, 10(3): 
  34. Misra RC, DR Pani, LK Bharathi and SP Ahlawat (2018). Abelmoschus angulosus var mahendragiriensis (Malvaceae): a new taxonomic variety of wild okra from Eastern Ghats of India.. Genet Resour Crop Evol, 65, issue 3, pp: 993-1002
  35. Raina AP and RC Misra (2018). Chemical evaluation of Mucuna species for L-dopa content- an anti-Parkinson’s drug yielding medicinal plant from India.. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 17 (1):: 148:154.
  36. Misra RC, DR Pani, P Kumar and P Das (2018). Vegetation mapping and management strategy of mangroves of Bhitarkanika wildlife sanctuary, Odisha: A remote sensing approach. e- planet, 16 (2):: 89-101
  37. Om Vir Singh, R. Gowthami, Kartar Singh and Neelam Shekhawat. (2018). Assessment of inter- characters associations in the germplasm of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum(L.) R. Br.] over five years in hot arid climate of Rajasthan, India.. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences., 7 (1):: 3133-3149.
  38. Om Vir Singh, R. Gowthami, Kartar Singh and Neelam Shekhawat (2018). Assessment of Inter Characters Associations in the Germplasm of Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] Over Five Years in Hot Arid Climate of Rajasthan, India.. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 7(01):: 3133-3149.
  39. Om Vir Singh, Neelam Shekhawat, Kartar Singh and Gowthami, R. (2018). Genetic Divergence Studies in Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] Germplasm using Mahalanobis D2 Analysis.. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 7(03):: 2616-2624.
  40. Singh OV, N Shekhawat, K Singh and R Gowthami (2018). Assessment of Genetic Variability and Inter-Character Association in the Germplasm of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) in Hot Arid Climate. Legume Res.. Legume Research., 3983:: 1-5
  41. Om Vir Singh, Neelam Shekhawat, Kartar Singh (2018). Stability Analysis for Yield and Yield Component Traits in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) Germplasm in Hot Arid Climate. Legume Res.. Online published, (DOI: 10.18805/LR-4044). Pp.: 1-4.
  42. Om Vir Singh, R. Gowthami, Neelam Shekhawat and Kartar Singh (2018). Genetic Divergence Studies in Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] Germplasm Using Mahalanobis D2 Analysis Over Five Years in Hot Arid Climate of Rajasthan.. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 7(06):: 515-521.
  43. Om Vir Singh, R. Gowthami, Kartar Singh and Neelam Shekhawat (2018). Genetic Divergence Studies in Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] Based on Principal Component Analysis.. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 7(06):: 522-527
  44. Om Vir Singh, Kartar Singh and Neelam Shekhawat. (2018). Quantitative GXE Interaction Estimation in the Germplasm of Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] in the Hot Arid Climate of Rajasthan.. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 7(10):: 3152-3158.
  45. Bansal S, Thakur S, Mangal M, Mangal AK, Gupta RK (2018). DNA barcoding for speci?c and sensitive detection of Cuminumcyminum adulteration in Buniumpersicum.. Phytomedicine., 50:: 178-183.
  46. Choudhary R, SK Malik and R Chaudhury (2018). Development of an efficient cryoconservation protocol for Himalayan mulberry (Morus laevigata Wall. ex Brandis) using dormant axillary buds as explants.. Indian J. Exp.Biol., 56:: 342-350.
  47. Dhananivetha M, T Ragavan, R Gowthami, KV Raghavendra and S Gangadharan (2018) (2018). Farmers traditional practices for pre and post-harvest pest control in crop production.. Int. J Agric. Sci., 10:(5): 5350-5352.
  48. Indhu SM, C Vanniyarajan, K Monisha, P Magudeeswari, KR Ramya and R Gowthami (2018). Genetic divergence among pigeonpea genotypes using mahalonobis D2 statistics.. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 7:: 510-514.
  49. Jain A, Z Hussain, RP Yadav and R Bhardwaj (2018). Effect of carbendazim on in vitro conservation and genetic stability assessment in Curcuma longa and Zingiber officinale.. Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants., 24(2):: 160-172.
  50. Mangal AK, D Tewari, TR Shantha, S Bansal and M Mangal (2018). Pharmacognostical standardization and HPTLC fingerprinting analysis of Crocus sativus L.. Indian J. Traditional Knowledge., 17:: 592-597.
  51. Nemappa L, SK Malik, S Kaur, R Choudhary, MR Rohini, KV Bhat and R Chaudhury (2018). Physico-chemical diversity analysis in Lime [C. aurantiifolia(Christm.) Swingle], Lemon (C. limonBurm. f.) and Hill Lemon (C. pseudolimon Tan.) species collected from the foothills of Himalaya, India.. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 7(1):: 3220-3227.
  52. Pandey A, P Malav, K Pradheep, KS Negi, R Pandey (2018). An underutilized species Allium fasciculatumRendle “ShanuDungdunge” (subgenus Amerallium, section Bromatorrhiza) from North eastern India: study on variability, eco-geography and domestication trends.. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution., 65(3):: 1049-1058.
  53. Singh OV, R Gowthami, K Singh and N Shekhawat (2018). Assessment of inter-characters associations in the germplasm of pearl millet [Pennisetumglaucum (L.) R. Br.] over five years in hot arid climate of Rajasthan, India.. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 7:: 3133-3149.
  54. Singh OV, R Gowthami, K Singh and N Shekhawat (2018). Genetic divergence studies in pearl millet germplasm based on principal component analysis.. Int J CurrMicrobiol App Sci., 7:: 522-527.
  55. Singh AK, S Chaurasia, S Kumar, R Singh, J Kumari, MC Yadav, N Singh, S Gaba and SR Jacob (2018). Identification, analysis and development of salt responsive candidate gene based SSR markers in wheat. BMC Plant Biology, 18(249): 1-15
  56. Gupta V, Padmavati G Gore, KC Bhatt, Lakshmiesha KM, Kak A (2018). Para taxonomic characters and seed germination behaviour in three varieties of Coix lacryma jobi L. Medicinal Plants, 10: 106-110
  57. Archak S., A Agrawal, RK Tyagi, K Singh and RS Paroda (2018). Proceedings and Action Points of the Brainstorming Meeting on ‘Strategies for Implementation of Delhi Declaration for Agrobiodiversity Management in India’.. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources and Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources,, 44: 
  58. Archak S, A Agrawal, RK Tyagi, K Singh and RS Paroda (2018). Proceedings and Action Points of the Brainstorming Meeting on ‘Strategies for Implementation of Delhi Declaration for Agrobiodiversity Management in India’.. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources and Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources (ISPGR), New Delhi,, 44: 
  59. Rajkumar S, S Kumar, SK Kaushik and A Agrawal (2018). Compendium for ‘National Training Course on Contemporary Approaches to Plant Genetic Resources Management’.. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, Nov. 27-Dec. 17, 2018, 170: 
  60. Tyagi RK, A Agrawal, A Kodaru, KS Varaprasad, and RK Khetarpal (2018). Regional Expert Consultation on Agricultural Biotechnology – Scoping Partnerships to Improve Livelihoods of Farmers in Asia and the Pacific – Proceedings and Recommendations.. Institutions (APAARI), Bangkok, Thailand; May 29-31, 2018, xviii+, 62: 
  61. Tyagi RK, K Anitha, A Agrawal, KS Varaprasad, RK Khetarpal (2018). Regional Expert Consultation on Agricultural Biotechnology – Scoping Partnership to Improve Livelihoods of Farmers in Asia Pacific – Strategic Papers and Country Status Reports.. APAARI, Bangkok, Thailand, May 29-31, 2018, xviii+, 258: 
  62. Tyagi RK, A Agrawal, A Pandey, KS Varaprasad, RS Paroda and R Khetarpal (2018). Proceedings and Recommendations of ‘Regional Expert Consultation on Underutilized Crops for Food and Nutritional Security in Asia and the Pacific.. APAARI, Bangkok, Thailand; Nov. 13-15 2017. ix +, 56: 
  63. Tyagi RK, A Pandey, A Agrawal, KS Varaprasad, RS Paroda and R Khetarpal (2018). Regional Expert Consultation on Underutilized Crops for Food and Nutritional Security in Asia and the Pacific – Thematic, Strategic Papers and Country Status Reports.. APAARI, Bangkok, Thailand; Nov. 13-15, 2017, x +, 349: 
  64. Pedapati A , Satish Kumar Yadav, Vandana Tyagi, S.P. Singh, S.S. Ranga, P.C. Binda and Pratibha Brahmi (2018). Ornamental Germplasm: Potential New Resources for Floriculture Industry.. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018)., 7(12):: 1731-1742
  65. JK Ranjan, AK Chakrabarti, SK Singh and Pragya (2018). Callus mediated regeneration through cotyledonary and hypocotyl explants in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.). Vegetable Science., 45 (1):: 73-78
  66. Pragya, B Singh, PM Singh, JK Ranjan, Vidya Sagar, Rakesh Bhardwaj and Chitra Devi Pandey (2018). Flower and fruit colour variability in Indian spinach (Basella alba).. Vegetable Science., 45 (1) :: 116-117.
  67. Tyagi V, SK Yadav, Pragya, SP Singh, S Singh, PC Binda and Pratibha Brahmi (2018). Procedures for exchange of germplasm. In National training Course on Contemprorary Approaches in Plant Genetic Resources Management.. ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi, 23-38: 
  68. Tyagi V (2018). Introduction and Exchange of Plant Genetic Resources. In Training Program on Management of Genetic Resources, March 6-19, 2018,. ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi pp, 42-50.: 
  69. Brahmi P and Vandana Tyagi (2018). Policy Issues in PGR Management In Training Program on Management of Genetic Resources, March 6-19, 2018.. ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi pp, 11-19.: 
  70. Brahmi P, Anjula Pandey and DC Bhandari (2018). Crop Diversity and Conservation In Plant Diversity in India (Eds AK Bhatnagar and Rupam Kapoor), I K International Publishing House Private Ltd.. I K International Publishing House Private Ltd., New Delhi pp, 525-542.: 
  71. Kaur, V; Kumar, S; Yadav, R; Wankhede, DP; Aravind, J; Radhamani, J; Rana, JC; Kumar, A; (2018). Analysis of genetic diversity in Indian and exotic linseed germplasm and identification of trait specific superior accessions. Journal of Environmental Biology, 39 (5): 702-709
  72. Babu, P Kiran; Radhamani, J; Aravind, J; Varghese, E; Tyagi, RK; (2018). Field performance of 30-year-old soybean germplasm conserved in Indian National genebank. ndian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 31(2): 
  73. Yadav, Rashmi; Prasad, Laxman; Nanjundan, J; Tewari, AK; Singh, Paramjeet; Sandhu, PS; Pant, Usha; Avtar, Ram; Radhamani, J; Rao, Sandeep Kumar Mahesh; (2018). Identification and evaluation of Indian mustard genotypes for white rust resistance and agronomic performance. Indian Journal of Genetics, 78: 81-89
  74. Gupta K, S Archak, K Pradheep, S kumar, Sheery R Jacob, V Tyagi, M K Rana, Sandhya Gupta, Jyoti Kumar, G J Randhawa and Kuldeep Singh (2018). ICAR-NBPGR: Bridging Science with Service (2012-2018),. ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi,, 74: 
  75. Tyagi V and Pratibha Brahmi (2018). Procedures for exchange of plant germplasm for research purposes,. ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi,, 8: 
  76. Gupta K, S Archak, K Pradheep, S kumar, Sheery R Jacob, V Tyagi, M K Rana, Sandhya Gupta, Jyoti Kumar, (2018). ICAR-NBPGR: Bridging Science with Service (2012-2018). ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi,, 74: 
  77. Tyagi V and Pratibha Brahmi. 2018 (2018). Procedures for exchange of plant germplasm for research purposes. ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi, 8 p: 
  78. Raghavendra KV, C Chinniah and R Gowthami (2018). Evaluation of mycoacaricides against two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch on jasmine (Jasminum sambac Ait.).. J. Ent. Res., 42 (2):: 217-221.
  79. Holajjer P.,Dey, R., Pal, K.K., Chakraborty, K., Harish, G., Nataraja, M.V. and Deepak, E (2018). Assessment of nematicidal properties of fluorescent pseudomonads using peanut root-knot nematode, Meloidogynearenaria.. Journal of Biological Control,, 32 (3):: 193-202.
  80. Holajjer P.,Saha, T.N and Girish, K.S. (2018). Bio-efficacy of Bacillus subtilisin the management of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita infesting tuberose.. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences,, 26(2):: 393-395.
  81. Holajjer P.,Saha T.N., Girish, K.S., Singh K.P. and Deepak, E (2018). Population dynamics of some plant parasitic nematodes in the rhizosphere of tuberose and marigold.. HortFlora Res. Spectrum,, 7(2):: 149-151.
  82. Kamala, V., Sivaraj, N., Pandravada, S.R., Thirupathi Reddy, M and Sarath Babu, B. (2018). Classification, distribution and biology. In Aruna, C., Visarada, K.B.R.S., Venkatesh Bhat, B and Vilas A. Tonapi (Eds.). Breeding Sorghum for diverse end uses.. Elsevier-Woodhead Publishing, UK. Pp, 33-60.: 
  83. Manju K P, Vijaya Lakshmi K, Sarath Babu B and Anitha K (2018). Evaluation of okra germplasm for their reaction to whitefly, Bemisia tabaci and Okra yellow vein mosaic virus (OYVMV).. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies., 6:: 2491-2496.
  84. Tyagi R.K., Anuradha Agrawal, Anitha Kodaru, K.S. Varaprasad, and R.K. Khetarpal (2018). Regional Expert Consultation on Agricultural Biotechnology – Scoping Partnerships to Improve Livelihoods of Farmers in Asia and the Pacific – Proceedings and Recommendations.. Asia-Pacific Association for Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI), Bangkok, Thailand;, 62: 
  85. Sivaraj, Kamala Venkateswaran, S.R. Pandravada, K. Anitha, S.K. Chakrabarty, Prasanna Holajjer, P. Pranusha, Babu Abraham, A. Ravindra, M.L. Sanyasi Rao, T. Narasinga Rao, P. Devullu, N.V. Naidu, Jogi Naidu, K. S. Varaprasad, B. Sarath Babu, S.C. Dubey and Kuldeep Singh, (2018). Pigeon pea landraces of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India.. India ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Hyderabad, India, 1-40: 
  86. Sivaraj, S.R. Pandravada, Kamala Venkateswaran, K. Anitha, S.K. Chakrabarty, Prasanna Holajjer, P. Pranusha, Babu Abraham, A. Ravindra, M.L. Sanyasi Rao, T. Narasinga Rao, P. Devullu, N.V. Naidu, Jogi Naidu, K. S. Varaprasad, B. Sarath Babu, S.C. Dubey and Kuldeep Singh, (2018). Finger millet landraces of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Hyderabad, India . ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Hyderabad, India, 1-24: 
  87. Sivaraj, S.R. Pandravada, Kamala Venkateswaran, S.K. Chakrabarty, K. Anitha, Prasanna Holajjer, P. Pranusha, Babu Abraham, A. Ravindra, M.L. Sanyasi Rao, T. Narasinga Rao, P. Devullu, N.V. Naidu, Jogi Naidu, K. S. Varaprasad, B. Sarath Babu, S.C. Dubey and Kuldeep Singh, (2018). Seed atlas of ethnic crop landraces: North Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India. ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Hyderabad, India., 1-46: 
  88. B, R. Sarada Jayalakshmi Devi, S. Vijay Kumar, C.P.D. Rajan, B. Ravindra Reddy And M. Srinivas Prasad. (2018). Evaluation of culture media, light regimes and natural host segments on growth and Sporulation of Pyricularia oryzae Cavara causing blast disease in rice.. International Journal of Microbiology Research., Volume 10(10):: 1374-1377.
  89. B, R. Sarada Jayalakshmi Devi, S. Vijay Kumar, C.P.D. Rajan, B. Ravindra Reddy And M. Srinivas Prasad. (2018). Assessment of blast disease incidence in major rice growing areas of Andhra Pradesh State, India.. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences., Volume 10(19):: 7336-7338
  90. Pang J, Bansal R, Zhao H, Bohuon E, Lambers H, Ryan M, Ranathunge K and Siddique KHM (2018). The carboxylate-releasing phosphorus-mobilising strategy can be proxied by foliar manganese concentration in a large set of chickpea germplasm under low phosphorus supply.. New Phytol, DOI: 10.1111/nph.15200.: 
  91. Pang J, Zhao H, Bansal R, Bohuon E, Lambers H, Ryan M and Siddique KHM (2018). Leaf transpiration plays a role in phosphorus acquisition among a large set of chickpea genotypes.. Plant Cell Environ,, DOI:10.1111/pce.13139.: 
  92. Kumar S, Kumari J, Bansal R, Kuri BR, Upadhyaya D, Srivastava A, Rana B, Yadav MK, SengerRS, Singh AK and Singh R (2018). Multi-environmental evaluation of wheat genotypes for drought tolerance.. Indian J Genet Pl Br., 78(1):: 26-35.
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