Research Paper 2015

  1. Girijesh Singh Mahra, Pardeep Kumar, Chandan Solanki, D.S.Tomar, S.K.Kaushik, Rekha Tewari and V. K. J. Rao (2015). Identifying Grass Root Problems and Generating Sustainable Solutions through Participatory Rural Appraisal. Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu., 15(4): 198-2018
  2. Akhtar J Singh B Kandan A Chand D and Agarwal PC (2015). Detection of Gibberella zeae (Schw.) Petech. on rice seed from Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India. Indian J Pl Protection, 43(1): 126-127
  3. Singh, Baleshwar, Jameel Akhtar, Usha Dev, A Kandan, Dinesh Chand, Jagat kumar and PC Agarwal (2015). Interception of pathogens associated with imported plant genetic resources in India. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 43: 68-74
  4. Akhtar J, Baleshwar Singh, A Kandan, Dinesh Chand, Shushil Pandey and PC Agarwal (2015). Detection of Gibberella zeae on rice seed from Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 43: 126-127
  5. Suneel Kumar, Marion S. Röder, Shashi Bhushan Tripathi, Sundeep Kumar, Ramesh Chand, Arun Kumar Joshi, Uttam Kumar (2015). Mendelization and fine mapping of a bread wheat spot blotch disease resistance QTL. Molecular Breeding, 35: 218
  6. Saxena S, Singh A, Archak S, Behera TK, John JK, Meshram SU and Gaikwad AB (2015). Development of Novel Simple Sequence Repeat Markers in Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) Through Enriched Genomic Libraries and Their Utilization in Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Cross-Species Transferability. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 175: 93-118
  7. Manoranjan Dutta, BS Phogat, Sandeep Kumar, Naresh Kumar, Jyoti Kumari, Avinash C Pandey, TP Singh, RK Tyagi, Sherry R Jacob, Kalyani Srinivasan, IS Bisth, M Karale, Mamata Yadav, Pankaj Sharma, KV Bhat, DC Bhandari, YPS Solanki, Dhiraj Singh and Kailash C Bansal (2015). Development of Core set of Wheat (Triticum spp.) Germplasm Conserved in the National Genebank in India. Proceedings of the 12th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, -: 33-45
  8. Jyoti Kumari, BS Phogat, TP Singh, Sundeep Kumar, Vikender Kaur, Sandeep Kumar, Ruchi Bansal and YS Rathi (2015). Correlated Response of Component Traits towards Grain Yield in Cultivated Wheat Germplasm under Late Sown Condition. Journal of Agroecology and Nutural Resources Management, 2 (2): 110 – 112
  9. Chavan, S B, Keerthika, A, Gunaga, R P, Uthappa, A R, Handa, A K, Jha, Ankur, Newaj, Ram, Dhyani, S K, Devi, S Vimala, Sridhar, KB, and Shinde, P P (2015). Status of Polyembryony in Tree Borne Oilseeds – A Review. . International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 6(4): 544-551
  10. ?Dhyani S K, Devi, S Vimala, Handa, A K, Gupta, V K, Kumar, R V, Ahlawat, S P, Kumar, Sudhir, Datta, A and Singh, Vishal (2015). A Decade of Research on Tree Borne Oilseeds to Strengthen National Biofuel Programme: A Review. Indian Journal of Agroforestry, 17(1): 1-12
  11. Rajarajan, K, Devi, S Vimala, Handa, A K, Gurunathan, N, Dhyani, S K and Uthappa, A R (2015). A Simple and Effective Method for High Quality PCR 69 usable DNA Extraction from Azadirachta indica A. Juss.. Indian Journal of Agroforestry, 17(1): 24-28
  12. ?Devi, S Vimala, Singh, Vishal, Dhyani, S K and Handa, A K (2015).  Promising Jatropha curcas Accessions from CAFRI Germplasm Collections. Agroforestry Newsletters, 7(1): 4-5
  13. Devi, S Vimala, Dhyani, S K, Handa A K and Singh, Vishal (2015). Genetic diversity of Pongamia Germplasm Collections at ICAR-CAFRI, Jhansi.. Agroforestry Newsletters, 27(3): 3-4
  14. Kak A, S Agarwal, C Pandey and Veena Gupta (2015). Responses to seed dormancy breaking treatments in Wild Hibiscus Species.. Vegetos, 28 (2): 143-147
  15. Kumar S, Krishnani KK,Bhushan B, and Brahmane MP (2015). Metagenomics: Retrospect and Prospects in High Throughput Age. . Biotechnology Research International, doi:10.1155/2015/121735: 
  16. Singh A, Bhushan B, Gaikwad K, Yadav OP, Kumar S and Rai RD (2015). Induced defence responses of contrasting bread wheat genotypes under differential salt stress imposition. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 52: 75-85
  17. Roy, S, A Banerjee, B Mawkhlieng, A K Misra, A Pattanayak, G D Harish, S K Singh, S V Ngachan and K C Bansal (2015). Genetic diversity and population structure in aromatic and quality rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces from North-Eastern India.. PLoS ONE, 10(6), e0129607.: 
  18. Bhawna MZ Abdin, L Arya and M.Verma (2015). Transferability of cucumber microsatellite markers used for phylogenetic analysis and population structure study in bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl.). . App. Bioch. Biot., 175 (4): 2206-2223.
  19. Bhawna, MZ Abdin, L Arya, C Ram, AK Sureja and M.Verma (2015). Development of novel gene-based microsatellite markers for robust genotyping purposes in Lagenaria siceraria. . Scient. Horti., 191: 15–24.
  20. Bhoge RK, R Chhabra, GJ Randhawa, M Sathiyabama and M Singh (2015). Event-specific analytical methods for six GM maize events using visual and real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification. . Food Cont., 55: 18-30
  21. Chaduvula PK, VS Bonthala, M.Verma, EA Siddiq and AK Polumetla (2015). CmMDb: a versatile database for Cucumis melo microsatellite markers and other horticulture crop research. . PloS one, 10(4): e0118630.
  22. Gore PG, MK Rana, M Singh, IS Bisht and S Bhalla (2015). Genetic diversity in wild Lens spp. using ISSR molecular marker.. Leg. Res., 38(5): 575-578.
  23. Grohmann L, R Reiting, D Mäde, S Uhlig, Simon, K Frost, GJ Randhawa and K Zur (2015). Collaborative trial validation of cry1Ab/Ac and Pubi-cry TaqMan-based real-time PCR assays for detection of GM Bt plant products.. Accred. Qual. Assur., 20(2): 85-96.
  24. Kumar S, LC Prasad, R Tripathi, AK Singh, R Singh, R Chand and Joshi AK (2015). Genetic diversity in the isolates of spot blotch of wheat caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana using RAPD markers. . Biotech Today, 5(2): 63-68.
  25. Malav P, R Singh, A Pandey and KC Bhatt (2015). Molecular diversity study within Holy Basil species (Ocimum tenuiflorum L.) using ISSR and RAPD markers. . Indian J. of Hort., 72(4): 528-534.
  26. Ram C, M.Verma, L Arya and BS Panwar (2015). Molecular cloning and in silico analyses of DREB gene in watermelon. . Indian J. Hort., 72(3): 338-342.
  27. Randhawa GJ, R Chhabra, RK Bhoge and M Singh (2015). Visual and real-time event-specific loop-mediated isothermal amplification based detection assays for Bt cotton events MON531 and MON15985. . J. AOAC Int., 98(5): 1207-1214.
  28. Rangan P, R Bhoge, GJ Randhawa, and CD Pandey (2015). Assessment of transgene flow in eggplant germplasm conserved at National Genebank.  . Indian J. Biot., 14: 357-363.
  29. Singh, M, K Kumar, IS Bisht, M Dutta, MK Rana, JC Rana, KC Bansal and A Sarker (2015). Exploitation of wild annual Cicer species for widening the gene pool of chickpea cultivars. . Plant Breed., 134(2): 186-192.
  30. Trivedi AK, L Arya, M Verma, SK Verma, RK Tyagi and A Hemantaranjan (2015). Genetic variability in proso millet [Panicum miliaceum] germplasm of Central Himalayan Region based on morpho-physiological traits and molecular markers. . Acta Physiol. Plant., 37:: 23.
  31. Tyagi R, V Sharma, AK Sureja, L Arya and M.Verma (2015). Construction of enriched genomic library for development of microsatellite markers in Luffa cylindrica. . Gene Conser., 14(55): 30-41.
  32. Tyagi R, V Sharma, AK Sureja, AD Munshi, L Arya and M.Verma (2015). Deciphering population structure and diversity in Luffa cylindrica (L.) M. Roem. using morphological and SRAP markers. . Plant Genet. Resour., 14(3): 234-237.
  33. Verma N, SS Ranga, JK Yasin, S Kumar and AK Singh (2015). Chickpea genetic resources to enhance production in changing climatic scenario. . Legume Research, 38(5): 710-713.
  34. Vijay MK, S Pandey, CD Pandey, JK Yasin (2015). Impact of drying methods on the seed quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). . African J. Agri. Res., 10(16): 1898-1903.
  35. Yasin JK, R Choudhary, H Tyagi and AK Singh (2015). Apomixis: The Molecular Perspectives and its Utilization in Crop Breeding. . J. of AgriSearch, 2(3): 153-161.
  36. Yasin JK (2015). Intra cellular pH flux and cyclosis in plant cells under abiotic stress. . J of AgriSearch, 2(2): 150-151.
  37. Mohar Singh, Krishna Kumar, Ishwari Singh Bisht, Manoranjan Dutta, Mukesh Kumar Rana, Jai Chand Rana, Kailash Chander Bansal and Ashutosh Sarker (2015). Exploitation of wild annual Cicer species for widening the gene pool of chickpea cultivars. Plant Breeding, 134: 186-192: 
  38. C. Rana, T.R Sharma, R.K. Tyagi, R.K. Chahota, N.K. Gautam, Mohar Singh, P.N. Sharma and S.N. Ojha (2015). Characterization of 4274 accessions of common bean germplasm conserved in the Indian gene bank for phonological, morphological and agricultural traits. Euphytica, 10.1007/s10681-015-1406-3: 
  39. Shouvik Das, Mohar Singh*, Rishi Srivastava, Deepak Bajaj, Maneesha S. Saxena, Jai Chand Rana, Kailash Chander Bansal, Akhilesh K. Tyagi and Swarup K. Parida (2015). mQTL-seq delineates functionally relevant candidate gene harbouring a major QTL regulating pod number in chickpea. DNA Research, 10.1093dnares/dsv036: 
  40. Deepak Bajaj, Shouvik Das, Saurabh Badoni, Vinod Kumar, Mohar Singh, Kailash Chander Bansal, Akhilesh K. Tyagi and Swarup K. Parida (2015). Genome wide high throughput SNP discovery and genotyping for understanding natural (functional) allelic diversity and domestication patterns in wild chickpea. Scientific Reports, 10.1038/srep12468: 
  41. Padmavati G. Gore, Kuldeep Tripathi, Mohar Singh, I.S. Bisht, and S. Bhalla (2015). Searching for resistance in wild Lens species against pulse beetle (Callosobruchis chinensis (L.). Legume Res., doi:10.5958/0976-0571.2015.00103.4: 
  42. Padmavati G. Gore, M.K. Rana, Mohar Singh, I.S. Bisht, and S. Bhalla (2015). Genetic diversity in wild Lens species using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Legume Res.,, doi: 10.18805/lr.v38i5.5932: 
  43. Mohar Singh and H.D. Upadhyaya (2015). Genetic and genomic resources for grain cereals improvement.. Academic Press of Elsevier,, 978-0-12-802000-5. P-356.: 
  44. S. Dey, R. Bhatia Dey, Saharsh Sharma, Kanika Sharma, Raj Kumar, V. K. Sharma and Chander Parkash (2015). Genetic divergence and interaction among CUPRAC, FRAP and total phenolic content in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.). Indian J. Genetics and Plant Breeding, Vol 75(1): 79-85
  45. Brij Bihari Sharma, Vinod K Sharma and Shri Dhar (2015). Combining ability studies for yield and other horticultural traits in garden pea (Pisum sativum L). Indian J Horticultural Sciences, Vol 172 (4): 500-505
  46. Jacob SR, Tyagi V, Agrawal A, Chakrabarty, SK, (2015). Indian Plant Germplasm on the Global Platter-An Analysis.. PLoS ONE, 10(5): e0126634. doi: /journal. 10.1371pone.0126634
  47. Misra RC and G Das (2015). Ocimum kilimandscharicum Guerke (Lamiaceae): A new distributional record for peninsular India with focus on its economic potential. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,. India, Section B: Biological Sciences., 86 (4):: 795-803 (2016) DOI: 10.1007/s40011-015-0526-9
  48. Misra RC and HK Sahoo (2015). Occurrence of Hedychium flavescens Carey ex Roscoe (Zingiberaceae): A new species record for Eastern and Central India.. e- planet, 13 (1):: 11-18
  49. Misra RC and DR Pani (2015). A new plant record of multipurpose legume explored from Odisha. Emerging Science, 7 (2):: 28-31.
  50. Misra RC and HK Sahoo (2015). A food plant discovered from Odisha. . Emerging Science, 7 (2):: 32-34.
  51. Misra RC and G Das (2015). A bio-pesticide and medicinal plant discovered from Odisha. Emerging Science., 7 (2):: 35-38
  52. Pandey CD,Kak A,Pandey S and Gupta V (2015). Trait-specific Amaranth Germplasm – Potentialities to Combat Climate Change. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 28 (3): 321-328
  53. Sahoo HK and RC Misra (2015). Wild food plants used by tribes of Baisipalli wildlife sanctuary, Odisha, India. Emerging Science, 7 (4):: 25-29.
  54. Om Vir, Sharmila Roy, R.K. Tyagi, A.K. Singh and P.R. Meghwal (2015). “Tikdi” – A Fruit Fly Resistant Land Race of Ber (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamarck).. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 28(2):: 252-255
  55. Om Vir and Singh, A. K. (2015). Variability and correlation analysis in the germplasm of cluster bean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.] in hyper hot arid climate of Western India.. Legume Research,, 38 (1):: 37- 42.
  56. Om Vir and A.K. Singh (2015). Estimation of g x e interactions in Exotic Germplasm of Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.).. Adv. Res. J. Crop Improv., 6 (2):: 119-123.
  57. Om Vir and Singh, A. K. (2015). Moth bean [Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Marechal] germplasm: Evaluation for genetic variability and inter characters relationship in hot arid climate of western Rajasthan, India.. Legume Research., 38 (6):: 748-752.
  58. Pandey CD and Pandey S (2015). Hot water treatment for improving germination in Melochia corchorifolia.. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 72(4): 586-589
  59. Om Vir and Singh, A. K. (2015). Analysis of genetic variability and co-relation among traits in exotic germplasm of pearl millet (Pennisetum glacum (L).R.Br.) germplasm in hot-arid climate.. Indian J. Agic.Res., 50(1):: 76-79.
  60. Om Vir and Singh, A. K. (2015). Analysis of Morphological Characters and Inter-relationship in the Germplasm of Mungbean (Vigna radiate L. Wilezek) in the hot arid climate.. Legume Research,, 39 (1):: 14-19.
  61. Om Vir and Singh, A. K. (2015). Assessment of G X E interaction in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L).R.Br.) germplasm in hot-arid climate.. Indian J. Agic.Res., 50(1):: 92-95.
  62. Om Vir Singh and Singh, A.K. (2015). Inter-characters association in pearl millet [Pannisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] germplasm in hot arid climate.. Asian J. Bio. Sci., 10 (2):: 143-147
  63. Choudhary R, SK Malik, R Chaudhury, (2015). Scanning electron microscopic study on freezing behavior of tissue cells in dormant bud of mulberry.. Bangladesh J. Bot., 44:: 383-387.
  64. Choudhary R, R Chaudhury and SK Malik (2015). Development of an efficient regeneration and rapid clonal multiplication protocol for three different Morus species using dormant buds as explants.. J. Horic. Sci. Biotech., 90:: 245-253.
  65. Choudhary R, R Chaudhury, SK Malik and KC Sharma (2015). An efficient regeneration and rapid micropropagation protocol for almond using dormant axillary buds as explants.. Indian J. Exp. Biol., 53:: 462-467.
  66. Jacob SR, V Tyagi, A Agrawal, SK Chakrabarty and RK Tyagi (2015). Indian plant germplasm on the global platter: An analysis.. PLoS ONEDOI:10.1371/journal.pone., 0126634,: 1-15.
  67. Kole PR, Bhat KV, Chaudhury R and Malik SK (2015). Genetic variation among Jatropha curcas L. using dominant molecular marker collected from different agro-climatic regions of India.. Indian Journal of Genetic Plant Breeding., 75:: 267-270.
  68. Kole PR, KV Bhat, R Chaudhury and SK Malik (2015). Genetic variation among Jatropha curcasL. using dominant molecular marker collected from different agro-climatic regions of India.. Indian J. Genet. Plant Breed., 75:: 267-270.
  69. Kole PR, KV Bhat, R Chaudhury, SK Malik and GR Rao (2015). Genetic diversity analysis in wild species of Pongamiapinnata (L.) using RAPD and SRAP markers.. J. Adv. Biotechnol., 4:: 442-452.
  70. Malik SK, Kumar S, Singh IP, Dhariwal OP and Chaudhury R. (2015). Socio-economic importance, domestication trends and in situ conservation of wild Citrus spp. of Northeast India.. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 60: doi 1655-1671. 10.1007/s 10722-012-9948-x., 60:: 1655-1671
  71. Pandey CD, A Kak, S Pandey and V Gupta (2015). Trait–specific Amaranth germplasm –Potentialities to combat climate change. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour, 28: 322-329
  72. Malik SK, Kumar S., Choudhary R., Kole, P.R., Chaudhury R. and Bhat K.V. (2015). Assessment of genetic diversity in khirni [(Manilkarahexandra (Roxb.) Dubard] : An important underutilized fruit species of India using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers.. Indian J. Hort ., 70(1):: 18-25.
  73. Malik SK, Uchoi A, Kumar S, Choudhary R, Pal , Kole PR, Chaudhury R and Bhat KV. (2015). Molecular characterization of Citrus macropteraMontr. (Satkara): An endangered wild species from northeast India.. Plant Biosystems Doi:, 10.1080/ 11263504.2012.751063.: 
  74. Malik SK, R Chaudhury and IP Singh (2015). Management of citrus genetic resources in India: approaches, applications and achievements.. Acta Hort., 1101:: 39-46.
  75. Mhatre PH, Pankaj, SK Malik, S Kaur, AK Singh, S Mohan and A Sirohi (2015). Histopathological changes and evaluation of resistance in Asian rice (Oryza sativa) against root knot nematode, Meloidogyne graminicolaGolden & Birch.. Indian J. Genet. Plant Breed., 75:: 41-48.
  76. Patil P, SK Malik, S Sutar, S Yadav, J John and KV Bhat (2015). Taxonomic importance of seed macro-and micro-morphology in Abelmoschus (Malvaceae). . Nordic J. Bot., 33:: 696–707.
  77. K. and Agrawal A. (2015). Revised genebank standards for management of plant genetic resources.. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 85(2):: 157–165.
  78. Chaudhury R and SK Malik (2015). Cryopreservation of germplasm with special reference to non-orthodox seeds, comprising intermediate and recalcitrant species. In: Jacob SR, N Singh, K Srinivasan, V Gupta, J Radhamani, A Kak, C Pandey, S Pandey, J Aravind, IS Bisht and RK Tyagi (eds) Management of Plant Genetic Resources.. ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi, India,, 205-210.: 
  79. Malik SK, R Chaudhury, AP Singh and P Varshney (2015). Cryobanking procedures and inventory system in cryogenebank. In: SR Jacob, N Singh, K Srinivasan, V Gupta, J Radhamani, A Kak, C Pandey, S Pandey, J Aravind, IS Bisht and RK Tyagi (eds) Management of Plant Genetic Resources.. ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi, India, pp, 219-226.: 
  80. Radhamani, Jalli; Khan, Zeba; Sahai, Suman; Tyagi, Rishi K; (2015). Nutritional quality analyses of traditional varieties of rice (Oryza sativa) collected from tribal areas in eastern India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85: 266-269
  81. RC Agrawal, Pratibha Brahmi, R K Mishra (2015). Country Status Report in the Final Report of the project enhancing understanding and implementation of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for food and agriculture in Asia.. FAO Publication, pp, 66-74: 
  82. Harish, G., Nataraja, M.V., Jasrotia, P., Holajjer, P.,Savaliya, S.D. and Gajera, M. (2015). Impact of weather on occurrence pattern of insect pests on groundnut.. Legume Research,, 38(4):: 524-535.
  83. Pandravada, S.R., Sivaraj, N., Jairam, R., Sunil, N., Chakrabarty, S.K., Eshwar Charan, R., Ramesh, P and Bisht, I.S. (2015). Agri-biodiversity maintained on-farm by ethnic groups in peninsular India: Legacy of landrace sustainability in cereals and millets.. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 28 (3):: 335-344.
  84. Sunil, N and Pandravada, S. R. (2015). Alien crop resources and underutilized species for food and nutritional Security of India. In: Bahadur, B., Venkata Rajam, M., Leela, S and Krishnamurthy, K.V. (Eds.). Plant Biology and Biotechnology. Volume I: Plant diversity, organization, function and improvement.. Springer. Pp, 757-776: 
  85. Ruchi Bansal and Jai Prakash Srivastava (2015). Effect of waterlogging on photosynthetic and biochemical parameters in pigeonpea.. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology,, 62 (3):: 322-327.
  86. Ruchi Bansal and J.P. Srivasatva (2015). Antioxidant defenses to short term waterlogging in pigeonpea.. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology,, 20(2):: 182-185.
  87. Akhtar J, B Singh, A Kandan, D Chand and PC Agarwal (2015). Detection of Gibberella zeae (Schw.) Petech. on rice seed from Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India.. Indian J. Pl. Prot., 43:: 126-127.
  88. Arora S, NK Mogha, T Bhardwaj, V Sahu and SC Dubey (2015). A biorational approach for management of key plant pathogens.. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 85:: 759–763.
  89. Bhardwaj J. MK Seth, J Akhtar and D Chand (2015). Antifungal efficacy of essential oils against common bean anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum.. Int. J. Scientific Res. Rev., 3:: 22-29.
  90. Dubey SC, V Singh, K Priyanka, BK Upadhyay, B Singh (2015). Combined application of fungal and bacterial bio-agents, together with fungicide and Mesorhizobium for integrated management of Fusarium wilt of chickpea.. BioCont., 60:: 413–424.
  91. Ganeshamoorthi P and SC Dubey (2015). Morphological and pathogenic variability of Rhizoctonia solani isolates associated with wet root rot of chickpea in India.. Legume Res., 38:: 389-395.
  92. Gore PG, K Tripathi, SK Chauhan, M Singh, IS Bisht and S Bhalla (2015). Searching for resistance in wild Lens species against pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.). Legume Res., Print ISSN:0250-5371 / Online ISSN:0976-0571:1-7.: 
  93. Gore PG, MK Rana, K Tripathi, M Singh, IS Bisht and S Bhalla (2015). Genetic diversity in wild Lens spp. using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) marker.. Legume Res., 38:: 575-578.
  94. Gore PG, SK Chauhan, K Tripathi and S Bhalla (2015). Physical basis of resistance in wild Lens spp. accessions to pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis.. Indian J. Plant Prot., 43:: 267-272.
  95. Kandan A, J Akhtar, B Singh, D Dixit, D Chand, A Roy, S Rajkumar and PC Agarwal (2015). Molecular diversity of Bipolaris oryzae infecting Oryza sativa in India.. Phytoparasitica, 43:: 5-14. (DOI 10.1007/s12600-14-0430-5)
  96. Mahra GS, P Kumar, C Solanki, DS Tomar, SK Kaushik, R Tewari and VKJ Rao (2015). Identifying grass root problems and generating sustainable solutions through participatory rural appraisal.. Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu. (Special Issue), 15:: 198-208.
  97. Mandal AK, SC Dubey and A Tripathi (2015). Bio-agent based integrated management strategy against stem rot for chickpea.. Indian Phytopath., 68:: 402-409.
  98. Pandey A, KS Negi, K Pradheep and MC Singh (2015). Note on occurrence of fragrant false garlic (Nothoscordum gracile) in India.. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resou., 28:: 351-355.
  99. Priyanka K, SC Dubey and AK Singh (2015). Conventional and real-time PCR assays for speci?c detection and quanti?cation of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris in plants using intergenic spacer region-based marker.. Biologia,, 70:: 314-319.
  100. Singh B, JAkhtar, D Usha, A Kandan, D Chand, J Kumar, and PC Agarwal (2015). Interception of pathogens associated with imported plant genetic resources in India.. Indian J. Pl. Prot., 43:: 68-74.
  101. Pandey, Anjula, KS Negi, K Pradheep and Singh, MC (2015). Note on occurrence of fragrant false garlic (Nothoscordum gracile) in India.. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources., 28:: 351-355.
  102. Singh MC and CV Sairam (2015). Evaluation of Integrated Weed Management Practices in Rainfed Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) at Farmers Fields.. Int. J. Trop. Agric., 33:: 51-53.
  103. Singh S, S Bhalla, K Srinivasan, TV Prasad, R Pramod and J Dwivedi (2015). Susceptibility of Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) infesting chickpea to low energy electrons.. Indian J. Agril. Sci., 85:: 387-91.
  104. Tanner R, C Ellison, MC Singh (2015). Puccinia komaroviivar. glanduliferae:apotential agent for the biological control of Himalayanbalsam (Impatiens glandulifera).. Eur. J.Plant Pathol., 141:: 247-266.
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