Research Paper 2014

  1. Randhawa G.J, Dany Morisset, Monika Singh, Jana Žel (2014). GMO Matrix: A Cost-Effective Approach for Screening for Unauthorized Genetically Modified Events in India. Food Control, 38: 124-129
  2. Mondal TK and Ganie SA (2014). Identification and characterization of salt responsive miRNA-SSR markers in rice (Oryza sativa). Gene, 535(2): 204-209
  3. Mondal TK, Ganie SA, Rana MK, Sharma TR (2014). Genome-wide Analysis of Zinc Transporter Genes of Maize (Zea mays ). Plant Mol Biol Report, DOI 10.1007/s11105-013-0664-2: 
  4. Singh R*, D Narzary, J Bhardwaj, AK Singh, S Kumar and A Kumar (2014). Molecular diversity and SSR transferability studies in Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides L. Nash). Industrial Crops and Products, 53: 187-198
  5. Singh Rakesh, Diganta Narzary, Jyoti Bhardwaj, Amit Kumar Singh, Sundeep Kumar and Ashok Kumar (2014). Molecular diversity and SSR transferability studies in Vetiver grass . Industrial Crops and Products, 53: 187-198
  6. GJ Randhawa,Singh M, Sood P & Bhoge RK (2014). Multitarget real-time PCR-based system: Monitoring for unauthorized genetically modified events in India. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62 (29): 7118 -7130
  7. Choudhury DR, N Singh, AK Singh, S Kumar, K Srinivasan, RK Tyagi, A Ahmad, NK Singh and R Singh* (2014). Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Rice Germplasm from North-Eastern Region of India and Development of a Core Germplasm Set. PLOS ONE, 9(11): e113094
  8. Randhawa G.J., Singh M, Sood P & Bhoge RK (2014). Multitarget real-time PCR-based system: Monitoring for unauthorized genetically modified events in India.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62 (29): 7118-7130
  9. Singh, S.P. ; Singh, Y.P.; Kumar, S. and Singh, R.  (2014). Reliable screening technique for evaluation of wild crucifers against mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.)
  10. . Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 52(12): 1201-1205
  11. Singh Baleshwar, D Chand, AK Maurya, R Sharma and PC Agarwal (2014). Pathogenic fungi intercepted in introduced transgenics during 2006-2013. Plant Pathology & Quarantine. Plant Pathology & Quarantine, 4(2): 99–107
  12. Singh Baleshwar, J Akhtar, D Chand, R Sharma, ML Kapoor and PC Agarwa (2014). Interception of Phoma sorghina on Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana from USA- A New Host Record. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 42: 89-90
  13. K. Vikas, M. Sivasamy, J. Kumar, P. Jayaprakash, S Kumar, R. parimalan, A Kumar, K Srinivasan, J. Radhamani, S R Jacob, M Yadav, J Rani, I S Bist, D C Bhandari, S Archak, M Datta R K Tyagi and K C Bansal (2014). Stem and leaf rust resistance in wild relatives of wheat with D genome. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 61: 861-874
  14. Choudhury DR, Singh N, Singh AK, Kumar S, Srinivasan K, Tyagi RK, Ahmad A, Singh NK and Singh R (2014). Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure of rice germplasm from North-Eastern region of India and development of a core germplasm set. PLOS ONE, 9(11): e113094
  15. Vikas VK, Sivasamy M, Kumar J, Jayaprakash P, Kumar S, Parimalan R, Kumar A, Srinivasan K, Radhamani J, Jacob S, Yadav M, Rani J, Bisht IS, Bhandari DC, Archak S, Dutta M, Tyagi RK and Bansal KC (2014). Stem and leaf rust resistance in wild relatives of wheat with D genome (Aegilops spp.). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 61: 861-874
  16. Latha M, Sheen Scariah, MV Krishnaraj, KT Presannakumari, KV Bhat, IS Bisht and K Joseph John (2014). Vigna kokanensis (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae)- a new species from the West Coast of India . Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography, 69 (1): 49-52
  17. Suma A., M Latha, K Joseph John, A Indira Devi, R Asokan Nair and NK Dwivedi (2014). Evaluation of Chinese potato [Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poir.) Spreng] for yield contributing traits . Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour, 27 (2): 142-148
  18. Devi, S Vimala, Handa, A K, Dhyani, S K and Rajrajan, K (2014). Recent Advances in Tree Improvement for Agroforestry Species. Indian Journal of Agroforestry, 16(1): 94-103
  19. Singh Baleshwar, D Chand, AK Maurya, R Sharma and PC Agarwal (2014). Pathogenic fungi intercepted in introduced transgenics during 2006-2013. Plant Pathology & Quarantine, 4 (2): 99-107
  20. Singh, S K and A K Misra (2014). Characterization of germplasm collected from Nagaland and adjoining area of Northeastern India. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 27(1): 1-18
  21. Agrawal A, R Sanayaima, R Singh, R Tandon, S Verma and RK Tyagi (2014). Phenotypic and molecular studies for genetic stability assessment of cryopreserved banana meristems derived from field and in vitro explant sources. . In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Plant., 50(3): 345–356.
  22. Archak S and J Nagaraju (2014). Computational analyses of protein coded by rice (Oryza sativa japonica) cDNA (GI: 32984786) indicate lectin like Ca2+ binding properties for Eicosapenta Peptide Repeats (EPRs). . Bioinformation., 10: 63-67.
  23. Archak S, R Chandra, AB Gaikwad, M Jamla, P Rangan, D Gautam and VT Jadhav (2014). Molecular and morphometric analyses reveal discrete grouping of pomegranate (Punica granatum) genebank accessions away from cultivars.  . Indian J. Agrl. Sci., 84(8): 971-976.
  24. Arya L, KN Ramya, M Verma, AK Singh and V Gupta (2014). Genetic diversity and population structure analyses of Morinda tomentosa Heyne, with neutral and gene based markers. . Genet. Resour. Crop Evol., 61: 1469-1479.
  25. Arya L, M Verma and S Lakhanpaul (2014). Diagnostic set of microsatellite markers for hybrid purity testing and molecular identification of hybrids and parental lines in sorghum. . J. Plant Sci. Res., 1(1): 103.
  26. Bhawna MZ Abdin, L Arya, D Saha, AK Sureja, CD Pandey and M.Verma (2014).  Population structure and genetic diversity in bottle gourd germplasm in India assessed by ISSR markers. . Pl. Syst. and Evol., 4: 767-773.
  27. Chhabra R, GJ Randhawa, RK Bhoge and M Singh (2014). Qualitative and quantitative PCR-based detection methods for authorized genetically modified cotton events in India. . J. AOAC Int., 97(5): 1299-1309.
  28. Gaikwad AB, S Saxena, TK Behera and SU Meshram (2014). Molecular marker to identify gynoecious lines in bitter gourd.. Indian J. Hort., 71(1): 142-144.
  29. Kumar G, PS Kanwar, KV Prasad, MK Rana, Namita and S Panwar (2014). Genetic diversity analysis of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum grandiflorum) cultivars using RAPD markers. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 84: 1323-1328.
  30. Mondal TK, SA Ganie, RRK Niraj and MK Rana (2014). Cloning and in silico analysis of a gene encoding a putative ß-carbonic anhydrase from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp). J. Plant Interac., 9: 504-513.
  31. Pachauri V, V Mishra, P Mishra, AK Singh, S Singh, R Singh and NK Singh (2014). Identification of candidate genes for rice grain aroma by combining qtl mapping and transcriptome profiling approaches. Cereal Research Communication, 42(3): 376–388.
  32. Pandey S, C Devi, A Kak, JK Yasin and V Gupta (2014). Breaking seed dormancy in sweet gourd (Momordica cochinchinensis). Seed Science and Tech., 41(1):: 133-136.
  33. Prakash K, K Pati, L Arya, A Pandey and M.Verma (2014). Population structure and diversity in cultivated and wild Luffa species. Bioch. Syst. Ecol., 56: 165-170.
  34. Singh AK, MK Rana, S Singh, S Kumar, R Kumar, and R Singh (2014). CAAT box-derived polymorphism (CBDP): a novel promoter-targeted molecular marker for plants. J. Plant Bioch. and Biotech., 23(2): 175-183.
  35. Singh SK, BG Suresh, GR Lavanya, L Arya, KV Bhat, Z Hussain and M Verma (2014). Assessment of genetic variability in mutant lines of greengram (Vigna radiata) using ISSR markers. Indian J. Agri. Sci., 84 (4): 534–539.
  36. Verma N, SK Yadav, A Pedapati, SP Singh, AK Singh and JK Yasin (2014). Issues for Exchange of Plant Genetic Resources: Material Transfer Agreement (MTA). J. of AgriSearch., 1(4): 242-245.
  37. Yasin JK, MA Nizar, S Rajkumar, M Verma, N Verma, S Pandey, SK Tiwari and J Radhamani (2014). Existence of alternate defense mechanisms for combating moisture stress in horse gram [Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.]. . Legume Research, 37(2): 145-154.
  38. Boopathi, T, S Mohankumar, P Karuppuchamy, M Kalyanasundaram, M Ravi, B Preetha, R Aravintharaj (2014). Genetic evidence for diversity of spiralling whitefly, Aleurodicus dispersus (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) populations in India. Florida Entomologist, 97(3): 1115-1122
  39. Pandey A, DP Semwal, DC Bhandari and Shashi Kant Sharma (2014). Digitization of collecting mission data to enhance utilization of maize genetic resources in India,. Indian J. Agri. Sci., 84(4):: 82-87.
  40. Semwal DP, Anjula Pandey, DC Bhandari, OP Dhariwal and Shashi Kant Sharma (2014). Variability study in seed morphology and use of indigenous rice landraces (Oryzasativa L.) collected from West Bengal.. Australian J Crop Science., 8(3):: 460-467.
  41. Semwal DP, KC Bhatt, DC Bhandari and NS Panwar (2014). A note on distribution, ethnobotany and economic potential of Hodgsonia heteroclita (Roxb.) Hook.f. & Thoms. (Cucurbitaceae) in North-eastern India. Indian J. Nat. Product. Resour., 5 (1):: 88-91.
  42. Mohar Singh, Ishwari Singh Bisht, Sandeep Kumar, Manoranjan Dutta, Kailash Chander Bansal, Ashutosh Sarker, Ahmad Amri, Shiv Kumar and Swapan Kumar Datta (2014). Global wild annual Lens collection: a potential resource for lentil genetic base broadening and yield enhancement. PLoS ONE, 9(9):e107781.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0107781: 
  43. Mohar Singh (2014). A new method of phenotyping and utilization of wild annual Lens taxa for diversification of cultivated gene pool. Advances in Crop Science and Technology, 
  44. Mohar Singh, Ishwari Singh Bisht, Krishna Kumar, Manoranjan Dutta, Lavinder Kaur, Ashwani Kumar, Ashutosh Sarker and Kailash Chander Bansal (2014). Characterization and evaluation of wild annual Cicer species for agro-morphological traits and major biotic stresses under North-Western Indian conditions. Crop Science, 54: 229-239: 
  45. Mohar Singh, Mukesh Kumar Rana, I.S. Bisht, M. Dutta and Kailash C. Bansal (2014). Pigeon pea genetic resources and its utilization in India, current status and future prospects. Journal of Plant Science and Research, 1(8):112-123: 
  46. Maneesha S. Saxena, Deepak Bajaj, Alice Kujur, Saurabh Badoni, Vinod Kumar, Mohar Singh, Kailash C. Bansal, Akhilesh K. Tyagi and Swarup K. Parida (2014). An integrated genomic approach for rapid delineation of candidate genes regulating agro-morphological traits in chickpea. DNA Research, doi.10.1093/dnares/dsu031: 
  47. Mohar Singh, Ishwari Singh Bisht, Manoranjan Dutta, Krishna Kumar, Sandeep Kumar and Kailash Chander Bansal (2014). Genetic studies on morpho- phenological traits in lentil wide crosses. Journal of Genetics, 93: 561-566: 
  48. Maneesha S. Saxena, Deepak Bajaj, Alice Kujur, Saurabh Badoni, Vinod Kumar, Mohar Singh, Kailash C. Bansal, Akhilesh K. Tyagi and Swarup K. Parida (2014). Natural Allelic diversity, genetic structure and linkage disequilibrium pattern in wild chickpea. PLoS ONE, 9(9): e107484. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0107484: 
  49. Naresh Kumar, B.C. Sood, R.K. Chahota, T.R. Sharma and Mohar Singh (2014). Combining ability and heterosis studies for some biometrical traits in lentil under sub-mountain Himalayan region. Legume Res, 38 (1) 24-29: 
  50. K. Gautam, N. Singh, M.A. Iquebal, Mohar Singh, J. Akhtar and Babu Ram (2014). Genetic diversity analysis for quantitative traits in lentil germplasm. Legume Res.,, 37(2): 139-144: 
  51. Mohar Singh, Ishwari Singh Bisht and Manoranjan Datta (2014). Broadening the genetic base of grain legumes. Springer,, 978-81-322—2022-0, p. 245.: 
  52. Misra RC and DR Pani (2014). Note on Calopogonium mucunoides Desv. (Fabaceae): A New Species Record for Eastern and Central India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B: Biological Sciences., 86 (1):: 211-216 (2016) DOI 10.1007/s40011-014-0442-4
  53. Misra RC and HK Sahoo (2014). Thladiantha Bunge (Cucurbitaceae): A new genus from Odisha and Central India.. Vegetos, 27(3):: 274-278.
  54. Bhawna M, Abdin Z, Arya L, Saha D, Sureja A.K, Pandey CD and Verma M (2014). Population structure and genetic diversity in bottle gourd ( Lagenaria siceraria ). Plant Syst Evol, 300: 767-773
  55. Om Vir and A.K. Singh (2014). Genetic variability and inter-characters associations studies in the germplasm of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata(L.) Walp) in the fragile climate of western Rajasthan.. Legume Res., 37 (2) 2014:: 30-35.
  56. Om Vir, Ranbir Singh, RK Tyagi, AK Singh, NK Dwivedi and Sandeep Kumar (2014). Promising high yielding genotypes of Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis.. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 27(3):: 295-297.
  57. Agrawal A, R Sanayaima, R Singh, R Tandon, S Verma and RK Tyagi (2014). Phenotypic and molecular studies for genetic stability assessment of cryopreserved banana meristems derived from field and in vitro explant sources.. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plant, 50:: 345–356.
  58. Agrawal A, S Verma, N Sharma, P Vijay, DPS Meena and RK Tyagi (2014). Cryoconservation of some wild species of Musa L.. Indian J. Genet. Crop Breeding., 74:: 665-669.
  59. Agrawal A and RK Tyagi (2014). In vitro conservation and cryopreservation of genetic resources of Musa spp. – A review of the recent developments with special reference to India.. Int. J. Innovative Hort., 3:: 115-133.
  60. Chaudhury R and SK Malik (2014). Implementing cryotechniques for plant germplasm storing seeds, embryonic axes, pollen and dormant buds.. Acta Hort., 1039:: 273-280
  61. Choudhary R, SK Malik, R Chaudhury and KC Sharma (2014). Long-term conservation of dormant buds of Prunus dulcis (Miller) D.A. Webb. using three different new cryotechniques.. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 19:: 9583-9592.
  62. Choudhary R, SK Malik, R Chaudhury, KC Sharma and PL Saran (2014). Microscopic study on freezing behaviours in dormant buds of almond (Prunus dulcis Miller).. Progressive Hort., 46.: 
  63. Gupta S (2014). Cryopreservation of germplasm through encapsulation-dehydration technique. Acta. Hort., 1039:: 147-153.
  64. Hynniewta M, SK Malik and SR Rao (2014). Genetic diversity and phylogenetic analysis of Citrus (L) from north-east India as revealed by meiosis, and molecular analysis of internal transcribed spacer region of rDNA.. Meta Gene., 2:: 237-251.
  65. Hynniewta M, SK Malik and SR Rao. (2014). IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 17-Citrus assamensisand Citrus ichangensis.. Taxon http://dx., 63:: 1148–1155,
  66. Hynniewta, M, SK Malik and SR Rao. (2014). Cyto-morphology of two species of Citrus (C. assamensis and C. ichangensis) from North-East India.. Phytomorphology,, 64(3 &4):: 121-126.
  67. Kumar A, Goyal SC, Kajla S and Sharma N. (2014). Rapid protocol for callus induction and differentiation of roots and shoots in Dioscoreaalata – a medicinal plant.. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84:: 106-110.
  68. Kumar S, SK Malik, R Chaudhury and SR Bhat (2014). A new wild type of Citron (Citrus medica L., Rutaceae) identified through morphology and psbM-trnD spacer region of chloroplast DNA.. Tree Genetics & Genomes,, 28:: 1115.
  69. Kumar V, SK Malik, D Pal, R Srinivasan, and SR Bhat (2014). Comparative transcriptome analysis of ovules reveals stress related genes associated with nucellar polyembryony in Citrus.. Tree Genetics & Genomes., 10:: 449.
  70. Kundu M, A Dubey, M Srivastav, SK Malik and B Singh (2014). Effect of gamma irradiation and cryopreservation on pollen stability, in vitro germination, and fruit set in Citrus.. Turk. J. Biol., 38:: 1-9.
  71. Menon R, S Nair, A Suma, PR Manju, AK Cherian, P Patil and A Agrawal (2014). Introduction, evaluation and adoption of an exotic banana (Musa AAB cv ‘Popoulu’) to Kerala, India.. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resourc., 27:: 298-302.
  72. Pandey A, K Pradheep and (2014). Potential introduced medicinal plant African bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalinaDelile) in India: botany, propagation and uses.. Medicinal Plants, 6:: 272-276.
  73. Raina H, G Soni, N Jauhari, N Sharma and N Bharadvaja (2014). Phytochemical importance of medicinal plants as potential sources of anticancer agents.. Turk. J. Bot., 38:: 1027-1035.
  74. Malik SK, S Kumar and KC Bansal (2014). Genetic diversity of tropical fruits. In: P Nath, M Louzayen, AK Matoo, J Claud Pech (eds) Fruit Ripening: Physiology, Signalling and Genomics.. CABI International, pp, 217-227.: 
  75. Pandey Sushil, RK Tyagi, Chitra Devi, Neeta Singh and SK Yadav (2014). Conservation and Exchange of Genetic Resources in Major Vegetable Crops, Ind.. J. of Hort.71, (2):: 281-283
  76. Pedapati Anitha, V Tyagi, AK Singh, N Verma, SK Yadav, SP Singh, Surender Singh, Pratibha Brahmi (2014). Spices and Condiments. Status of Genetic Resources and setting priorities for introduction in India.. Environment and Ecology, 32:: 1051-1056
  77. Pedapati Anita, Reddy RVSK, Dilip Babu J, Sudheer Kumar S and Sunil N (2014). Genetic diversity analysis in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicumL.).. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding,, 5(3):: 517-525
  78. Yadav SK, N Verma, V Tyagi, Anitha P, SP Singh, SS Ranga, PC Binda and Pratibha Brahmi (2014). Exchange of plant genetic resources. Prospects in India.Prospects in India.. Indian J Agril. Sciences, 84 (5):: 616-623
  79. Bhalla Shashi, V Celia Chalam, Vandana Tyagi, Arjun Lal, PC Agrarwal and I S Bisht (2014). Teaching manual on germplasm exchange and plant quarantine,. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi. +viii, 340: 
  80. Yasin, JK; Nizar, MA; Rajkumar, S; Verma, M; Verma, N; Pandey, S; Tiwari, SK; Radhamani, J; (2014). Existence of alternate defense mechanisms for combating moisture stress in horse gram [Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.]. Legume Research-An International Journal, 37: 145-154
  81. Prakash, Krishna; Radhamani, Jalli; Pandey, Anjula; Yadav, Sangita (2014). A preliminary investigation of cultivated and wild species of Luffa for oil and protein contents. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 12: 103-111
  82. Vikas, VK; Sivasamy, M; Kumar, J; Jayaprakash, P; Kumar, Sundeep; Parimalan, R; Kumar, Arun; Srinivasan, Kalyani; Radhamani, J; Jacob, Sherry Rachel; (2014). Stem and leaf rust resistance in wild relatives of wheat with D genome (Aegilops spp.). Genetic resources and crop evolution, 61: 861-874
  83. Bhalla Shashi, V Celia Chalam, Vandana Tyagi, Arjun Lal, PC Agrarwal and I S Bisht (2014). Teaching manual on germplasm exchange and plant quarantine,. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi., P 340+viii: 
  84. Holajjer, P., Patil, J.B., Harish, G. Nataraja, M.V. Jasrotia, P. and Savaliya, S.D (2014). Evaluation of entomopathogenic nematodes,Steinernemacarpocapsae and Heterorhabditisindica for their virulence against Spodopteralitura.. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences,, 22 (1):: 163-165.
  85. Harish, G., Natarajan, M.V., Holajjer, P., Thirumalaisamy, P.P., Jadon, K.S., Savaliya, S.D., Padavi, R.D., Koradia, V.G. and Gedia, M.V. (2014). Efficacy and insecticidal properties of some essential oils against Caryedonserratus (Oliver)—a storage pest of groundnut.. Journal of Food Science and Technology,, 51(11):: 3505–3509. DOI 10.1007/s13197-012-0877-7.
  86. Bisht, I.S., Pandravada, S.R., Rana, J.C., Malik, S.K., Singh, A., Singh, P.B., Firoz, A and Bansal, K.C. (2014). Subsistence farming, agrobiodiversity and sustainable agriculture: A case study.. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems., 38 (8):: 890-912.
  87. Soumya K., M. Yogita, Y. Prasanthi, K. Anitha, P. B. Kavi Kishor, R. K. Jain and Bikash Mandal. (2014). Molecular characterization of Indian isolate of peanut mottle virus and immunodiagnosis using bacterial expressed core capsid protein.. Virus Disease (Online publication)., DOI 10.1007/s13337-014-0210-3.: 
  88. Anitha, K., Narendra Varma, K., Pandravada, S.R., Suresh Kumar, G and Chakrabarty, S.K., (2014). SBT-12549 (IC0570408; INGR 14041), a Chilli (Capsicum annuum) germplasm immune to anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum capsici.. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources., 27 (3):: 315-316.
  89. Kamala V, TS Aghora, N Sivaraj, Tejeshwar Rao, SR Pandravada, N Sunil, N Mohan, KS Varaprasadand SK Chakrabarty (2014). Germplasm collection and Diversity Analysis in Yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis) from Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Odisha.. Indian J Plant Genet. Resour., 27 (2):: 171-177
  90. Akhtar J, A Kandan, B Singh, D Chand, J Kumar and PC Agarwal (2014). Modified technique of obtaining pure cultures of seed-borne fungi.. Indian J. Plant Prot., 42:: 156-159.
  91. Akhtar J, KR Tiu, HC Lal, AM Ansari, Z Khan and NK Gautam (2014). Modification in soil solarization technique for enhanced seedling growth of some solanaceous vegetables in Plateau region of Jharkhand India.. J. Res. (BAU)., 23:: 175-184.
  92. Ali N, G Singh, SP Singh, SS Dhaka, M Ram and KB Tawar (2014). Efficacy of different management practices against Chilopartellus (Swinhoe) in Kharif maize in Western Uttar Pradesh.. Int. J. Adv. Res., 2:: 952-956.
  93. Bhardwaj J, MK Seth, J Akhtar and D Chand (2014). Antifungal efficacy of essential oils against common bean anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum.. Int. J. Scientific Res. Rev., 3:: 22-29.
  94. Chalam VC, DB Parakh, AK Maurya, S Singh and RK Khetarpal (2014). Biosecuring India from seed-transmitted viruses: The case of quarantine monitoring of legume germplasm imported during 2001-2010.. Indian J. Plant Prot ., 42:: 270-279.
  95. Dubey SC, Singh V, P Kumari, BK Upadhyay and B Singh (2014). Combined application of fungal and bacterial bio-agents, together with fungicide and Mesorhizobium for integrated management of Fusarium wilt of chickpea.. BioCont.,, DOI 10.1007/s10526-015-9653-8.: 
  96. Gautam NK, M Akram, J Akhtar, Z Khan, N Dwivedi, M Latha and B Ram (2014). Responses of wild Vigna species/sub-species to yellow mosaic disease viruses, detected by PCR-based method.. Phytopathol. Mediterr., 53:: 428-437.
  97. Gautam NK, N Singh, lquebal MA, M Singh, J Akhtar, Z Khan and B Ram (2014). Genetic diversity analysis for quantitative traits in lentil (Lensculinaris Medik.) germplasm.. Legume Res., 37:: 139-144.
  98. Gawade BH, Koulagi, R, Ganguly AK, Kansal R, Pankaj, Choudhary D. and Sirohi,A (2014). Cloning and expression of proteinase inhibitor gene from Vignamungo(L.) Hepper and in-vitro effect of purified protein on second stage juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita.. Indian J. Nematol., 44:: 221-226.
  99. Kandan A, J Akhtar, B Singh, D Dixit, C Dinesh, A Roy, S Rajkumar and PC Agrawal (2014). Molecular diversity of Bipolaris oryzae infecting Oryza sativain India.. Phytoparasitica, 43:: 5-14.
  100. Kandan A, J Akhtar, B Singh, U Dev, R Goley, D Chand, A Roy, S Rajkumar, and Agarwal PC (2014). Genetic diversity analysis of Alternaria alternata isolates infecting different crops using URP and ISSR markers.. Indian J. Plant Prot., 42:: 229-236.
  101. Kandan A, PH Wang, SY Yin and NS Yang (2014). Tumor associated antigen/IL-21-transduced dendritic cell vaccines enhance immunity and inhibit immunosuppressive cells in metastatic melanoma.. Gene Therapy, doi:10.1038/gt.2014.12.: 
  102. Khan Z, A Kumar, B Gawade and NK Gautam (2014). The root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on Psoralea corylifoliain India.. Nematropica, 44:: 81-84.
  103. Khan Z, BH Gawade, NK Gautam, and J Akhtar (2014). Acalypha indica is a potential source of root-knot nematode infestation in cultivated fields.. J Phytopathol. Pest Manage., 1:: 1-4.
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