Research Paper 2009

  1. Archak S, Gaikwad AB, Swamy KRM and Karihaloo JL (2009). Genetic analysis and historical perspective of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) introduction into India. Genome, 52: 222-230
  2. Randhawa G.J., Rashmi Chhabra and Monika Singh (2009). Multiplex PCR-based simultaneous amplification of selectable marker and reporter genes for screening of genetically modified crops.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57: 5167-5172
  3. Randhawa G.J., Monika Singh and Sharma R (2009). Duplex, triplex and quadraplex PCR for molecular characterization of GM Potato with improved protein quality.. Current Science, 97 (1): 21-23
  4. GJ Randhawa, R Chhabra & M Singh (2009). Multiplex PCR-based simultaneous amplification of selectable marker and reporter genes for screening of genetically modified crops. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57: 5167-5172
  5. Dubey S.C., Bhavani R., Singh Birendra (2009). Development of Pusa 5SD for seed dressing and Pusa Biopellet 10g for soil application formulation of Trichoderma harzianum and their evaluation for integrated management of dry root rot of mungbean (Vigna radiata). . Biol. Control, 50: 231-242
  6. Raiger HL, RP Dua, SK Sharma, BS Phogat and RS Rathi (2009). Stability for yield and quality traits in kalingada (Citrullus lanatus) . Indian Jounral of Agricultural Science, 79 (9): 745-747
  7. Singh, S K, U Barua, D K Hore and A K Misra (2009). Exploration and collection of crop germplasm from eastern parts of Arunachal Pradesh.. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 22(3): 199-205
  8. Arya L, M Verma, VK Gupta and JL Karihaloo (2009). Development of EST-SSRs in finger millet (Eleusine coracana ssp coracana) and their transferability to pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum). . J. Plant Bioch. Biotech., 18: 97-100.
  9. Behera TK, SS Dey, AD Munshi, AB Gaikwad, A Pal and I Singh (2009). Sex inheritance and development of gynoecious hybrids in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.).. Scientia Horticulturae., 120(1): 130-133.
  10. Singh A K, R Singh and NK Singh (2009). Comparative evaluation of genetic relationships among ber (Ziziphus sp.) genotypes using RAPD and ISSR markers.. Indian J. Gen. and Pl. Breeding., 69: 52-57.
  11. Singh S, AB Gaikwad and JL Karihaloo (2009). Morphological and molecular analysis of intra cultivar variation on Indian mango (Mangifera indica L) cultivars.. Acta Horticulturae., 829: 
  12. Tiwari SK,JL Karihaloo, N Hameed and AB Gaikwad (2009). Molecular characterization of brinjal (Solanum melongena L) Cultivars Using RAPD and ISSR Markers.. J. Pl. Bioch. and Biotech., 18(2): 189-195.
  13. Tiwari SK, AB Gaikwad, JL Karihaloo, KV Bhat and BB Mandal (2009). Transferability of microsatellite markers from potato, tomato and chilli to brinjal.. Pusa AgriScience., 31: 31-43.
  14. Tyagi RK, R Goswami, R Sanaiymadevi, R Singh, R Tandon and A Agrawal (2009). Micropropogation and in vitro conservation of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton.).. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology., 45: 721-729.
  15. Dinesh Singh, Mohar Singh and K. Kumar (2009). Manifestation of genetic diversity and association studies in seedling trees of walnut. Adv. Hort. Sci,, 23(1):29-32: 
  16. Ramesh Kumar and Mohar Singh (2009). Manifestation genetic diversity in European Carrots under dry temperate zone of North Western Himalayas. Adv. Hort. Sci., 23 (2): 71-74: 
  17. Misra RC and D Sahu (2009). A contribution to the flora of Niyamgiri hills, Orissa, India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.33., (2):: 259-276
  18. Dwivedi, N.K. (2009). Evaluation of vegetable guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) germplasm.. J. Arid. Lagumes., 6(1) :: 17-19.
  19. Dwivedi, N.K. (2009). Indigenous herbal therapy for controlling diabetes in parts of arid and semi-arid regions of Rajasthan, India.. Research Link –, 60, Vol. VIII(1):: 18-19.
  20. Dwivedi, N.K. (2009). Retile Shushk Pradesh Ki Lupt hoti Jadi-buti : Hemkand (Maerua oblongifolia).. Research Link –, 69, Vol. VIII(10):: 62-63.
  21. Dwivedi, N.K. and Gopala Krishnan (2009). IC418452- a unique extra bold seeded germplasm accession of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek).. J. Arid. Legumes., 6(2):: 78-80.
  22. Dwivedi, N.K., Gopala Krishnan, S., Neelam Bhatnagar and Bhag Chand (2009). Characterizing white seeded cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) germplasm in arid region.. J. Arid Legumes., 6(2):: 84-86.
  23. Dwivedi, N.K., Dhariwal, O.P., Gopala Krishnan, S. and D.C. Bhandari (2009). Distribution and extent of diversity in Cucumis species in the Aravalli Ranges of India. Genetic Resource and Crop Evolution.. J. Arid Legumes., 6(2):: 84-86.
  24. Dwivedi, N.K., D.C. Bhandari, Gopala Krishnan S. and Raju Ram Meghwal (2009). Plants used for curing piles in arid and semi-arid regions of western Rajasthan, India. . J. Econ. – Taxon. Bot., 33(4):: 787- 802.
  25. Patel Bhanwari and N.K. Dwivedi (2009). Characterization and conservation of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) germplasm collected from Rajasthan.. J. Arid Legumes., 6(1):: 17-19.
  26. Gopala Krishnan S. and N.K. Dwivedi (2009). Primitive weedy form ‘Adak Guar’ – The possible missing link in domestication of Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. Taub.).. NBPGR News letter., 25 (3):: 2.
  27. Kamala V, HC Sharma, D Manohar Rao, KS Varaprasad and PJ Bramel. (2009). Wild relatives of sorghum as sources of resistance to sorghum shoot fly Atherigona soccata.. Plant Breeding., 28(2):: 137-142.
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