Research Paper 2003

  1. Archak S, Gaikwad AB, Gautam D, Rao E, Swamy KRM and Karihaloo JL (2003). DNA fingerprinting of Indian cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) varieties using RAPD and ISSR techniques. Euphytica, 130: 397-404
  2. Archak S, Gaikwad AB, Gautam D, Rao EV, Swamy KR and Karihaloo JL (2003). Comparative assessment of DNA fingerprinting techniques (RAPD, ISSR and AFLP) for genetic analysis of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) accessions of India. Genome, 46: 362-369
  3. Dua R.P. (2003). WTO and its impact on agricultural trade in India.. Indian Horticulture , 48: 59-60 & 64
  4. Pradeepkumar T, JL Karihaloo and S Archak (2003). Molecular characterization of Piper nigrum L. cultivars using RAPD markers.. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol., 50: 469-475.
  5. Karihaloo JL, YK Dwivedi, S Archak and AB Gaikwad (2003). Analysis of genetic diversity of Indian mango cultivars using RAPD markers.. J. of Horti. Sci. Biotech., 78: 285-289.
  6. Dwivedi, N.K., D.C. Bhandari, Neelam Bhatnagar and D.K. Samadia (2003). Diversity in Kachari and Matira in Arid Region of Rajasthan. In Human impact on desert environment eds. Pratap Narain, S. Kathju, Amalkar, M.P. Singh and Praveen kumar.. Arid zone Research Association of India and Scientific publishers (India), Jodhpur., (3):: 478-482
  7. Mohar Singh, S.K. Sharma and R.K. Chahota (2003). Heterosis in blackgram. Crop Res., 26: 131-134
  8. K.Chahota, K.C.Dhiman,S.S. Rana and Mohar Singh (2003). Efficacy of different propagating methods for higher daughter corm production in saffron. Indian Perfumer, 47: 155-158
  9. Mohar Singh (2003). Molecular markers in plant genetic resource management. Agriculture Today, 01: 46-47
  10. Mohar Singh and S.D.Sharma (2003). Genetically modified plants for sustainable crop production. Agriculture Today, 05: 52-53
  11. Mohar Singh and S.D. Sharma (2003). Multiple cropping systems enhancing small farm income. Agriculture Today, 07: 40-42
  12. Mohar Singh (2003). Pulses- present status and prospectus. Agro bios Newsletter, 07: 25-26
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